Desire to Tarot: how to understand that the desire to wish will be


Will a hidden desire come true or not? This question is asked by many people. And those who prefer not passively wait for their future, but to seek help to mantical instruments, often address its tarot cards. In this article, we will consider examples of layouts at the desire for Tarot maps. You will learn how to understand Taro that the desire will be fulfilled.

Desire to tarot

Fortune telling tarot

To do you, you will need to be stocking a regular playing deck, represented by 36 cards. The process of divination does not take too much time and will allow you to establish whether your cherished dream will come true in life or not. Then we will analyze the peculiarities of divination.

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You must make the most concentrate on your request. After that, drag the cards, remove them with the help of the left hand and follow. Lay out the cards in turn, calling the sequence of the whole deck (for example, the five, six, seven, and so on) until you reach the ace map.

If the dignity of the map you called is equal to the one that has a map at this time on the table, you can postpone it aside. Total will need to perform 3 scenarios.

After the end of the layouts, you need to draw the interpretation of the postponed cards. To this end, they must be postponed by one line. The interpretation will be as follows:


  • Sixer - the execution of your desire is fraught with trouble;
  • Seed - Be careful;
  • Eight - a person will come to your life soon, from which it depends, whether the desired will be fulfilled;
  • Nine - the most important is now love;
  • dozen - repeat the divination procedure;
  • Valet - You remember, you wish to meet again;
  • the lady - you look at you;
  • The king - the intention of you certainly is implemented;
  • Ace - you love.


  • Sixer - foreshadows treason;
  • Seed - positive changes;
  • Eight - getting good news;
  • Nine - the rapid end of difficulties;
  • dozen - get rid of longing, take yourself a job;
  • Valts - You have no reason for jealousy;
  • Lady - you are offended;
  • king - you may be deceived;
  • Ace - will have to say goodbye to your dream.


  • Sixer - speaks of surprise;
  • Seed - your girlfriend will praise you;
  • Eight - the state of health of your relatives will worsen;
  • nine - getting bad news;
  • dozen - do not start new buddies now;
  • Valts - upset because of your loved one;
  • Lady - the presence of obstacles ahead;
  • the king - hurry, it remains very little time;
  • Ace - you committed a mistake, because of which is now deprived of success.

Maps of cross masts


  • Sixer - Do not lose your head, look for salvation in sound thinking;
  • Semyon - foreshadows "black stripe" in life;
  • Eight - Indicates a danger;
  • nine - do not share with any of your secrets;
  • dozen - your life will come joy with well-being;
  • currency - efforts will not result;
  • The lady - the desired very soon will be fulfilled;
  • king - getting good news;
  • Ace - information that you need to perceive "for faith".
What do various combinations indicate
  • the lady, and for her the king - speaks of a secret bride;
  • the king, and behind him the lady - the beloved keeps you loyalty;
  • 10, lady and 10 - promise to obtain love confessions;
  • TUZ PIK, 7 - Diseases of someone from your relatives;
  • 8 near the lady - women's gossip;
  • 10, the king with ace - career growth;
  • 4 Aces - the desire to come true;
  • 4 king - a person will be in a large society;
  • 4 ladies - a lot of woven;
  • 4 currencies - to troubles;
  • 4 dozen - wedding;
  • 4 nines - the beginning of change;
  • 4 seven - sadness;
  • 4 Sisters - Far Journey.

Divination on the execution of the desired 3 cards

This is an even simpler version of divination, which can even use beginners. It does not require any special preparation: you just need to relax, then shifting the deck, think about your desire, and then remove 3 any cards.

And then pay your attention to the value of each card:

  • 1 card - describes you, your physical shell, because the speed of the realization of your dream is largely depends on the state of health and fullness of the inner force;
  • 2 Map is a mental body pointer connecting your physical shell with higher forces, which can also speed up the execution of the desired;
  • 3 Card - will show how strong your spirit and faith in the implementation of the desired one.

In the case when all 3 cards have a negative value, transfer the alignment to the realization of the desire for another day.

It may also be that the cards will not want to answer your question correctly because of the negative physical and spiritual state. This is a sign of more than you need to stop the fortune telling.

fortune telling 3 cards

How to check whether the time is suitable today to find out your future? To do this, you before being taken for fortune telling, you should pull out any card. If it has positive value, guess further. And otherwise, happiness for several days.

Laying whether the desired

If you immediately stipulated the timing of the execution of the conceived, it means that your prediction will be able to come true within 3 months.

You need to take a deck in your hands, focus on your request, saying goodbye to all unauthorized thoughts. For greater visualization, we advise you to pronounce the desired several times out loud or mentally. After that, it is necessary to pull 6 cards and decompose them in front of them.

And then draw your attention to what is hidden under each card:

  • 1 - tells that he moves in the direction of the desired, helps to achieve it;
  • 2 - will tell about the strength of which you can rely on your goal;
  • 3 Card - a pointer of weakness that may inform the realization of conceived;
  • 4 and 5 cards will tell about the actions that you need to perform now;
  • 6 Card - It is a final in desperation, it gives the final answer.

Self for the desire of "Gate"

This is a good option of the design of the planned, but for its execution you need to have sufficient experience with cards.

You will need to choose only eleven cards.

  • 1 card - "Gate Name", it describes your problem situation;
  • 2 map - called "keyboard", general characteristics of the problem;
  • 3 card - "Castle", speaks of obstacles to the end of the dream;
  • 4 Map - "Handle" - a method that allows you to solve the problem;
  • 5 card - guide to gates;
  • 6-card - performs the display of your thoughts, fears and hopes;
  • 7 card - what you yourself think about gates;
  • 8 card - describes the reality of which it is;
  • On 9 card you will learn where your gates are located;
  • 10 Card foreshadows what happens when the gates will be disclosed;
  • 11 Map - is the key to the gates, these are recommendations, as you better achieve the desired one.

The greatest importance is the map that is located on the 8th place, it will tell that it is hidden behind the gates, thereby provoking you on thinking about, is it true you need to step off for the line and to be found on the other side of the gate and what consequences is fraught with the fulfillment of the conceived .

Also in completion we advise you to see an informative themed video:

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