Flower values ​​of man auras


Human aura and her colors are the topic of this article. Aura or biopolis is a thin sheath around the material body, which is invisible for most people. It reflects all information about a person - his health and lifestyle, emotions and thoughts.

Colors of man aura

What is a aura?

Aura is an energetic field of a living being at the same time, and the reflection of the energies of a subtle plan circulating in the body. It shows our physical, emotional and mental state. And can also warn about the disease long before it starts.

Aura continuously changes its painting, depending on which energy is circulated in the body. But nevertheless, one main color of the aura is characteristic of each creature.

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Each state of personality is manifested by changing the color of the biofield. If a person is in a state of mental equilibrium, the aura also takes a harmonious form and the corresponding color. And if it comes out of equilibrium, Aura acquires a non-harmonic look. It also reflects the physical condition of a person: how he feels like it is sick.

If a person fell ill with an incurable disease, his aura will gradually fade and can completely disappear shortly before death.

The aura cannot be separated from the material being, as it is its continuation. A healthy man has aura of about 15 cm around a physically dense body. But with the spiritual development of the person, it gradually increases.

So, for example, we all saw golden nimbles that surround the heads of the saints on icons. It is nothing but their aura, which can be seen even with the naked eye.

How to see aura?

Most people are not able to see the aura without special training. Therefore, we offer you an easy exercise that helps develop the ability to see a person's biopol or subject. It is necessary to act in this way:

  • Select an object for which you will watch. If this is a person, ask him to get up on a monophonic or bright background. You can also arrange some single-color object at a distance of about three meters from you.
  • The light should be not too bright, intensive lighting can interfere to see the aura.
  • It is necessary to defocheate your eye and focus on the object. You need to look as if Casual.
  • Soon the radiance will begin to appear on the border of the object. This suggests that you saw Aura.

Someone can barely distinguish the blurred glow, and some will immediately see a lot of aura colors. If for a long period to fulfill such practice, each person can develop the ability to see biofields of any objects.

What will tell the colors of the aura?

Aura is an energy cocoon around the physical body, and its colors are different components of the spectrum. The color is understood as the "wavelength" or "frequency", which are perceived by us in the color scheme.

The color of Aura can tell us not only about health problems. We can also learn about the thoughts and feelings, experiences and aspirations of the person, its talents and abilities.

  • Aura of red color indicates a strong, energetic person. This is a born leader and a good sexual partner.
  • The Dark Red Aura speaks of an unbalanced psyche, hot tempering. At the same time, such people are energetic and decisive, dominated in a family or team.
  • Burgundy color with muddy streaks indicates an aggressive person, prone to outbreaks of malice and rabies. She is also characterized by greed and desire for profit, deceit.
  • Red-brown aura can talk about tricks and lack of vitality. Possible diseases of urinary tract. Also red-brown around some organ speaks of his illness. Sometimes this color indicates killers.
  • Aura scarlet color characterizes self-confident and ambitious people prone to pride.

Aya Aura.

  • Aura lilac color symbolizes altruism and love to the whole world, dedication and heroic deeds.
  • Pink Aura testifies to disinterested love, sociability and kindness.
  • Aura orange color indicates life energy and desire for active actions, humanity and respect for people. May talk about liver diseases.
  • Yellow Aura talks about strong health, creative potential and friendliness. These people are independent and attractive to the opposite sex. Optimists and good friends.
  • Yellow-brown color talks about passivity, laziness and reluctance to change something in life.
  • Aura bright green color indicates a person who is full of vitality, looks to the future with optimism. This is a faithful friend, responsive and kind, ready to come to the rescue.
  • Emerald color indicates truthfulness, desire for justice, great creative potential.
  • Aura dirty green is talking about tricks, envy, cunning and falsehood.
  • Aura of a gentle blue color is an indicator of good health and well-being, peacefulness and kindness. Speaks about a man with a good taste.
  • Pale-blue aura characterizes indecisive people, inclined to listen to the opinions of others.
  • The Dark Blue Aura indicates people striving for knowledge and ready to learn all their lives.
  • The color of Indigo speaks of spirituality, striving for high ideals, well-developed intuition. These are people trying to find the meaning of life and realize themselves to fully.
  • The pink-purple color of Aura characterizes a touchy and unfriendly person.
  • The dark purple aura shows a shortage of vitality, nervousness and quickness.
  • The purple-gold shade of aura symbolizes the highest stage of the spiritual level of man.
  • A gray-colored aura indicates health problems, non-abstentivity and limitation. Such a person is not able to truly love, selfish and jealous.
  • Aura blue-gray color shows a person prone to energy vampirism.
  • Blue Aura speaks of wisdom and striving for high ideals, spirituality and harmony.

Blue aura

  • Dark blue aura have selfless people who serve their vocation or fulfilling a responsible mission in this world.
  • Aura of black symbolizes the forces of destruction: anger, hatred, enmity and rejection of the surrounding world.
  • The black and gray aura points to Melancholy and the decline of forces.
  • White Aura characterizes spiritual people with wisdom and high levels of consciousness. They have well developed intuition and extrasensory abilities. White color is the most perfect.

We recommend to see an interesting video about the values ​​of the color of the aura:

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