How to protect yourself from energy vampires at work


There are people who intentionally or unconsciously constantly suck the energy from others. One thing when you can reduce contact with such a person to a minimum, but how to act if you have to work together? Learn how to protect yourself from energy vampires at work, from this article.

What if the boss is a vampire?

Who are energetic vampires

Now, speaking of vampirism, we are definitely we mean not to suck someone else's blood at the light of the moon. Vampirism in its modern interpretation implies any form of a loan of energy, the selection of life for other people, that is, actually - life at the expense of others. Vampires seek exclusively to consume, while they do not want to give anything.

How to deal with energy vampires at work - 18 tips

Protection against energy vampires at work is the moment that is worth paying increased attention if you suddenly installed "bloodsuckers" in their working team. We offer you eighteen recommendations, how not to let them eat your energy.

  1. Do not praise the vampires, do not approve of their actions - the unlucky "bloodsuckers" only it is necessary! They are very pant to praise, and if you stop giving it to them, automatically stop being a source of energy feeding.
  2. Give a vampire to understand that you do not intend to be responsible in his trouble. His problems are exclusively his problems, and you do not intend to solve them. To all your view, demonstrate that you do not intend to suffer together with him.
  3. Two contact with the "parasite" to a minimum. It is worth telling him the maximum of the words of greeting and farewell, try to keep such a person as far as possible.
  4. Do physical activity - thanks to this, your energy balance increases. It is important that the body experienced at least minor physical exertion - then you will feel the inner strength and it will be easier for you to confront other people.
  5. Do not show sympathy and empathy towards energy vampires at work, because precisely by these emotions they feed on your energy. Put yourself so that the vampire immediately realize that you do not intend to be his vest!
  6. Do not allow the vampire for a long time and monotonously spoke, dictating his manner of communication. Thus (using long-term and tedious monologues) vampires adjust you to their frequencies, trying to immerse the interlocutor into your reality, and then begin to take vitality.
  7. It is impossible to believe what the energy bloodsicles say - they have an increased tendency to lie. Vampires are very false and hypocritical people who are always and throughout their own benefit.
  8. Learn to refuse vampires. Many people on kindness are difficult to say the word "no". You need to learn this ability, then you will not need to worry about how to protect yourself from energy vampirism.
  9. If in childhood you have experienced psychological trauma, then in adulthood you can face such a concept as an increased sensitivity to other people (may be distributed even at a distance). It usually develops if the child threw her parents as a child.

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Empaths are easier

Personality with increased sensitivity concentrates more on other people than on himself. In psychology, this condition is called "childish injury abandoned."

It is important to get rid of this sensitivity, because it does not make you more happy. Such people are very easy to connect to the state of others, they are able to feel other people at the distance.

Because of its increased sensitivity, people who have experienced children's injury independently create a need for protection, and subsequently begin to look for ways to chop out "bloodsuckers".

How to remove this sensitivity? The most important thing is to realize that you do not need to feel all around. You do not need to be aware of their thoughts and states. As a rule, after awareness of the problem, it is quickly solved by itself.

  1. Refuse the too emotional reactions, do not show any emotions in relation to the "bloodstand". So you will demonstrate a vampire that it is absolutely not interesting for you, and he will not be able to absorb your vitality.
  2. When you are near the power grossom, take a closed position - cross your hands with your feet, direct your breasts aside. Ideally, if you can cross your hands at the same time, and legs. Thanks to this position, you will clicter the contour of its energy body and prevent the embezzlement of its energy.
  3. Do not show too much openness and goodness relative to the vampires. The latter adore visiting various religious organizations seek to be in a circle of people who practice self-knowledge and self-improvement. It is quite simple - people practicing self-development show the greatest openness in relation to others (and therefore give energy).
  4. Engage in self-analysis (performed in writing). You will need to write a list of questions about your problem on the paper sheet and give answers on them.
  5. Get rid of the offense and feelings of guilt that relate to energy vampires. Many "bloodsicles" take energy by manipulating the feeling of guilt. Everything that happens in our lives is no coincidence that you do not need to blame ourselves in all mortal sins, even if you are not worthwhile by a vampire.
    offenses take away the sea of ​​energy
  6. Avoid performing requests that he dictates you. Of course, this item will be ineffective if it comes to your boss. In the event that your boss is an energy vampire, the defense that is suitable for you - the posture with crossed hands and legs. Also try to abstract as much as possible from what is happening.
  7. Do not share with your vampire with your weaknesses, weak places, shortcomings, fear, and so on. The smaller information about you is possessed by the energy sector, the hardest to adapt to you to merge energy.
  8. Use the "Cooling" technique. For example, if a particularly shaded person is trying to establish a contact with you, you can resort to the parody of it in a joking form.
  9. Our thoughts are often our biggest enemy. We ourselves establish how we treat one or another problem and how to respond to various stimuli. Therefore, you need to be prepared for timely protection against energy impacts. And also not to create incorrect thinking, which violate the correct circulation of vital energy in the body.

Now you know how to get rid of the energy vampire at work. Try to test your knowledge in practice, confuse yourself from constant leakage of vitality.

At the end of the article, we recommend viewing the video on this topic:

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