How to Clean Aura from Energy Pollution


The whole negative, which occurs in our life, accumulates in the form of a very heavy energy. The latter is going to biofield and has a strong influence on the events taking place in us. Therefore, it is so important to purify the aura, performing which, you eliminate the surplus of negative energy and normalize your state. In this material we will tell how to cleanse the aura without help.

How to Clean Auru

Why do you need cleaning aura

Very often, people cannot understand, because of which their life suddenly come difficulties, they appear in their heads about evil rock or black stripes. In fact, the mystery impending is very simple - their biofield needs purification, since a person turns out to be captivated by its own contradictions, the internal blocks of the subconscious, overlapping the main energy channels.

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In this case, the situation should be urgently fixed by purifying the energy membrane. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to seek help to psychics, but do not rush to get upset - you will be quite able to clean the aura on your own. On how to do it, you can read further.

How to clear a man of man from negative: 6 ways

The following six recommendations for the purification of Aura contribute to the creation of a favorable emotional, mental and spiritual environment around you.

  1. "Cooling" aura. Thanks to this manipulation, you can clear your biofield from energy pollution. How to do it correctly? You need to wash your hands and wipe them dry. Then we argue your fingers like the calculation and begin to read the air around your body in the direction from top to bottom. At the end, wash your hands under the flow of water to eliminate the energy attached to them.
  2. Shower. The condition of the physical shell plays an important role. We offer you an excellent technique that allows you to eliminate the negative with the soul: you will need to become under the waterfall (ideally, but it will come true and the usual shower). Let the water wash every millimeter of your body: starting from the area of ​​the crown and ending with the feet. Watch how water will drain in the drain and break away from your feet. At the same time, make a free breath and visualize how all the negative energy leaves you, carrying away the water element.
  3. Games with wind. Thanks to the run, you will allow your logical mind and physical body to die and eliminate the negative consequences of stress. This is an excellent method in the fight against the negative. It is just necessary to free yourself from unnecessary experiences, eliminate all problems and negative thinking from your energy field and run, playing in the wind. No need to shove, pull your hands forward and allow your body to feel the real freedom of movements.
  4. Cleansing aura with feathers. Feathers contribute to the destruction of bad energy and release it from the energy field. Take one big feather or a feather sweater and start performing swept movements in space around your body. The movement begins with the legs, then you gradually climb upstairs, like a bird that takes off from the ground and turns out to be on the top of the tree. Contact your homework for help to suit your back area and other places where you are not able to get yourself.
  5. Eroticing aura. Thanks to healthy organic aroma, you can clear the consciousness and eliminate the negative from your living space. To do this, it is necessary to fry the space around ourselves using smoke of various herbaceous plants (lavender, sage, sage and other). If desired, it is allowed to inhale a small amount of smoke (this method is not suitable for people suffering from bronchial asthma).
  6. Salt baths. For toxic energy, the adhesion is characterized by skin. Therefore, by treating the skin, you are thereby eliminate various toxins. It is very effective in this case a hot tub, which is added some bitter or sea salt. You can use both flavored and not flavored salt - everything depends only on your personal preferences.

Eroticing aura

Also pay attention to the properties of various oils - with the help of eucalyptus you clean the sinuses of the nose, lavend will contribute to the reassurance of the soul and body. And salts without flavors are ideal for sensitive skin.

How to Clean Aura Human: Special Exercises

To cleanse the aura you can also seek help from special practices. Further, we give examples of the most efficient options with a description of their detailed execution.

Exercise "Cleaner Vortex"

(taken from the book of Ted Andrews "the art of vision and interpretation of aura")

During this practice, the "flushing" of energy debris, but not fully utilizing them. Therefore, after you, you will need to make the processing of this slag.

Technique works on the principle of visualization. Ideal time for its implementation is the end of the day. It is necessary to turn to the exercise when you feel morally depleted (for example, I had to contact people a lot). "Energy Whirlwind" allows you to eliminate the energy "debris", and also does not allow them to accumulate and create breakdowns in aura.

Practice is performed as follows:

  1. You need to sit in the most comfortable position for yourself, relax. To do this, you can use any prayers and mantras that lead you to the harmonious state of consciousness.
  2. Visualize that at an altitude of approximately twenty feet above you is the formation of a small vortex (pure white fire). In his own way, it should be similar to a small tornado.
  3. After the whirlwind takes a funk-like form, visualize how it begins to increase in size, gradually covering the entire energy shell. Imagine how the narrow end of the funnel enters through your painshushka and descends down to the footsteps.
  4. It is necessary that the whirlwind rotate and twisted in the direction clockwise. When he comes to your biopol, visualize that the whirlwind begins to absorb and burn all the negative accumulated in you.
  5. Try to feel it all in the maximum details, feel the passage of the vortex down, through your entire biofield and physical body.
  6. When the energy vortex fully clear you from the negative energy accumulated in the day, imagine how it is going down through the legs, reaching the heart of the Earth itself. Visualize that together with him all the energy "debris" are carried out into the lower world, where they are used for fertilizer, bring the lowest kingdoms of our planet.

Wich Energy

Exercise "Fireball"

Imagine that your ball hangs over your head, which forms clean, light energy. After that, he enters your body. At the same time, the most clear and detailed visualization is important.

Slowly, slowly, spend the ball over the line from top to bottom - from the crown to the feet for several times. Feel, how to eliminate, all your problems accumulating in biofield are burned.

Other cleansing techniques

There are a lot of different exercises for clearing the energy. Most of them consists in connecting one of the natural elements, which "rinsing" a person. For example, you can turn to the wind so that he blew up with you all the negative energy, to the stream of water, the light post and so on. The most important thing is to follow the call of my intuition, which will tell you how to do it more correctly.

Some techniques also use the injection - for example, in the meditation of the star.

Meditation "Star"

Inhale on the full chest. Then visualize as if you are now in deprived of light by volume space. Imagine that bright stars appear around, from which light begins. In his imagination, fly towards stars, swim in their light. This technique is also known as "Star Baths".

Now you know how to clean the aura on your own. Finally, browse the video dedicated to this topic:

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