Tarot Shadows - Description of the deck and abbreviated characteristics of arcanes


Different ways of predicting the future were popular with people at all times. Special place always occupied Tarot cards. To date, there are a huge number of different options for Tarot's cards, among them a very interesting deck is distinguished - tarot shadows. We will tell about it in this article.

Tarot Tenia

History of creating tarot shadows

This beautiful deck was developed by faith, together with the artist Vasilchenko O. Maps refer to the category of occult, according to their traditions are unique.

The entire deck of tarot shadows is represented by 78 arcanes. With the help of tarot shadows, it becomes possible to determine how dark forces will be affected on a particular individual.

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It should be noted that cards are interpreted in tariffs somewhat differently than in the usual Wait's deck. Therefore, we offer you the author's value of each card, however, in the abbreviated version.

Brief interpretation of all Arkanov Tarot Shadows

  1. Demonstrates us a self-sufficient, successful personality, but insidious, aggressive. Dominates in love. In Health: Poor well-being
  2. Women Speaks about the strong character, independence, but also vulnerability. Falls on weakly-speaking men, they are not lucky in work.
  3. The desire for independence, egoism. For men - lack of character. In love: mimolement.
  4. Mind controls emotions. Arcan describes a strong, purposeful man who has a strong temperament. In the affairs: no need to hurry, think well before solving something.
  5. The card characterizes a gravily, aggressive, dishonest and cynical man who himself suffers because of this. Loves material benefits. Treason or no feelings.
  6. A person suffers from internal contradictions. The suicide is not excluded, an extremely unfavorable period in life.
  7. Clearing manipulating and deceive, which contributes to the destruction of its life and moral obscuration (imposing someone else's will). In love: betrayal. If a woman is a cunning seducer playing on the feelings of others. Travel problems.
  1. Specifies the spell. Promises problems in affairs, describes a frivolous person. Health can suffer.
  2. Negative features (in particular, egocentrism) prevent a person to achieve the desired one. In relations: only passion.
  3. The past prevents the normal real person. Large cash loss.
  4. It is necessary to brush yourself and your family from the negative (low energy). Others can prescribe on a person.
  5. A person suffers because of his relaxation in affairs, he is very inspiring to everything. Passively sails downstream.
  6. Also characterizes the unhappiness, depending on the opinions of others.
  7. Unexpected trouble in the business sphere. But when you fall out of other good arcans, the assumption is false.
  8. For men, he speaks about love treason and manipulation from a woman. For women - for her partner is only a source of material benefits.
  9. Aggressor, scandalist. Rough relations are devoid of feelings.
  10. The card speaks about the decline of forces, the collapse of the plans. There is a lover (lover). Divorces are possible, separation.
  11. Life in the world of false fears. Indecision, lack of result.

COLOR author - Faith Sklyov

In love: Avoid conflicts. Prejudice interferes to show feelings.

  1. Success in any life spheres.
  2. Negative Arkan, warns against condemnation. Guidance damage from revenge.
  3. Loneliness due to cruelty. In love: conflicts. Showing black magic.
  4. Rash deeds, errors. Bear cheating. Time of chaos.
  5. Speaks about lies and secrecy, sometimes with good intentions.
  6. In order to avoid collapse, be careful in the business sphere.
  7. Alcoholism, hooliganism. About the client gossip.
  8. Speaks about betrayal, sacrifice.
  9. The man is broken, depressed, he is a victim. Physical disadvantages. In love: Complete incompatibility.
  10. Strong dependence on something, coercion.
  11. Man is quick-tempered, for the sake of his "goes on the heads." In love: Passion suppressed the mind.
  12. To protect your energy, throw away all old things.
  13. Describes intellectual.
  14. Success in magic.
  15. Disadvantages in cases that will be solved with common assessment of the situation. The client is a frivolous man.
  16. It is worth thinking before acting. Success in affairs.
  1. Asking - the victim of circumstances, he was unjustly accused.
  2. The application of all efforts will lead to success. Arcan describes a strong personality.
  3. The map demonstrates too self-confident man, workaholic, but lonely.
  4. Implement your idea. Good negotiations. For women - use your magic gift.
    Tarot of shadows of the photo
  1. Excessive deepening, detachment. Biopole cleaning is needed.
  2. Surface, lucky, smart personality, achieving desired. In love: Love spell, Razorka.
  3. In matters - a non-successful success. In love: no change. Throw bad habits.
  4. Rough personality, trying to self-realize at the expense of others, psychologically unstable. Failure in affairs, changing classes.
  5. Pure biopol and good health.
  6. Describes a hardworking person. Practice magic.
  7. Very good card - success in everything.
  8. The need to comply with the measure, otherwise everything is fine.
  9. A man suffers from a sense of guilt. Possible breaks of relationships. Women foreshadows loneliness, damage.
  10. Negative vision of everything, doubt. Bad karma provokes all problems. But everything should be completed well.
  11. Indicates good intuition. Spend cleaning.
  12. Goals will be achieved, success in everything.
  13. Be careful in affairs.
  14. Persistent and aggressive personality. It is possible to occupy a black magic.
  15. Vera is a hindrance to achieve the desired. A person may suffer from his gift of clairvoyance.
  16. Communication with the otherworldly world, the complex interpretation of Arkana.
  17. Greedy, mean man. Faced with trouble, chronic pathologies.
  18. Loneliness causes suffering. Failures in affairs.
  19. Love for material benefits.
  20. Increased hot temper. Be calm in affairs not to suffer from failure.
  21. Linen interferes in life. Do not hurry in matters.
  22. Greed.
  23. Envy is the reason for all problems.
  24. It can describe a strong energy vampire, the desire to possess something.
  25. The fast yield of the truth is out. It is necessary to self-improve.
  26. Describes a talented, fair, noble person
  27. Man are knocked down from the way. Confusion in affairs. Sight healing.
  28. Potaking with their passions with whom it should be struggling.
  29. Unrequited in love, longing. Melancholy, depressiveness.
  30. Time of deception, different strokes. This is a traveler card (business trips).
  31. Perfectionism, it is possible to make a profit.
  32. There is no common sense, constant throwing. You need to clean the biofield. Relationship in the type "Mother Son".
  33. Success in affairs. Strong temperament, vanity with naivety.
  34. Mitality, many of their achievements. Career success is possible.
  35. Positive man, but suffers from timidity. Compassionate, non-conflict.
  36. Earth man with bad character, stubborn. Period of study.
  37. Describes a positive person. Take care so that everything is completely coming.
  38. Speaks about independence , Strong spirit. Non-recognition of weaknesses. Successful decision. Good magic.
  39. Life in the illusory world, separating from reality. Creative inclinations. Discard business.
  40. The man's biofield protect the highest strength. Success in any business endeavors.

No matter how tempting and attractive to the tariff shadows look, they should not use novice tool. To proper interpretation, you need to have a certain luggage of knowledge and skills to create truthful forecasts.

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