How to remove damage with egg - 7 effective ways


How to damage the egg? Consider several vintage rites and smallers of damage to the egg. Do rites better on a decreasing moon. However, with a strong negative, it is possible to remove damage on any day of the month, without waiting for the decreasing phase of the moon. When conducting rites, it is necessary to accurately comply with the sequence of action and do not rearrange words in conspiracy.

how to damage the egg - rites

Crossing Pulling on Egg

You need to cook three eggs, adding a few drops of blood from the finger to the water. Eggs are bought specifically for the rite, they must be dark colors (not white). The rites are carried out after sunset in complete loneliness. After the blood added to the water, tell me:

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How to remove damage with egg - 7 effective ways 729_2

Conspiracy speak three times. Then water with eggs put on fire and boil clouded 10 minutes. Water drain into the jar and pour on the street under the tree. Eggs should be attributed to the hiking crossroads and put on the cut of black fabric. At the same time you need to say:

How to remove damage with egg - 7 effective ways 729_3

Leave the eggs and do not worry about what will happen to them. Go without looking home, silently. Operate hands under the crane and go to bed, talking after the rite is not needed.

Roll out damage - ritual pictures

Take an egg purchased on the market with hands. You can buy eggs and in the store, just keep them in the refrigerator can not be. Put on a clean tablecloth a photo of a person (or its own), where it is depicted in full growth and worth one. Rather on the photograph of an egg, representing how it collects a negative with a person.

Katinate in the direction of the clockwise and senten:

How to remove damage with egg - 7 effective ways 729_4

The rite spend three days in a row at the same time - after sunset. At the end, the egg is broken into a glass glass with water and look like a protein and yolks. After pouring water with an egg to the toilet, the glass washes with salt. From this cup you can not drink. After removing damage, the glass is ejected into the trash tank.

How to damage the egg to the full moon

How to roll out a damage to the egg in full moon? For the rite you will need a round new mirror, which can be put on the table. At night, stay in the room alone, close the material all the reflective surfaces and check the table with a new tablecloth or cloth. Dismiss the hair and remove all the decorations, wash the cosmetics from the face.

The rite is better to spend in the night shirt: synthetic does not conduct energy currents. Egg for shooting should be pre-boiled and cold. Egg color is not fundamental. When everyone prepare, burn candles to consecrate, and turn off the electrical light.

Sit down the table opposite the mirror and clearly say the words of the conspiracy, looking into my eyes:

How to remove damage with egg - 7 effective ways 729_5

Then slowly rolling your body with an egg, starting from my head. When you make a rollout, take the egg to the street and burn. Find a place where people do not go. Together with the egg burns and your damage. Having come home, do not forget to wash your hands - it will remove the remnants of the negative. This rite can be carried out regularly, if evil neighbors live nearby or at work the situation is intense.

Remove damage with an egg - a night rite

Removing damage to the egg for the night can be done so. Pour into a glass cup or a jar of clean water and add a spoon of holy water. Light the church candle and read the prayer arch:
  1. Our Father;
  2. Prayer Jesus;
  3. Prayer Cross Life-giving.

Carefully break the egg into a glass with water so as not to damage the yolk, and place the glass from the head of the bed. Let stand until the morning. In the morning, read over the glasses of prayers and pour the contents in the toilet. Glass Wash with salt. Read the prayer Jesus.

The rite needs to be made until the well-being improves. But no more than nine times. If the improvement has not come, carry out another rite of damage to damage.

Ritching Pulling Egg

This rite needs to be held at dawn, contacting the east. You can do both for yourself and for another person. Prepare a fresh egg and a sheet of paper. Roll out yourself or patient, starting with the crown, and to the pack. Move the movement smoothly so that the egg does not slip out of the hands and did not crush in his hand. For the suspension, you can put spare eggs next to you.

When dropping, you need to read 40 times a conspiracy against damage:

How to remove damage with egg - 7 effective ways 729_6

After the rollout, wrap the egg into the sheet of paper and take to dry pni or wood - scream. It is impossible to throw it away - it should be controversial. At the same time you need to say:

How to remove damage with egg - 7 effective ways 729_7

Return home. Keep in mind that damage will resist the removal and will try to return. How to determine? On the way home may have interference - you will be covered, stop. If you do not stop and not answer, say so:

How to remove damage with egg - 7 effective ways 729_8

It does not matter what the person will think. It is important not to pick up damage back. At home, take a shower. If the damage is strong, spend the rite three times, but not in one moon cycle.

Removing damage with egg overnight

Pulling damage on man

How to damage the egg from another person? Prepare the room - put the images, church candles, make a wet cleaning. Lay out the room incense, read prayers. Then put a person on the stool and become behind his back.

Start pumping damage from my head, directing an egg against a clockwise course:

How to remove damage with egg - 7 effective ways 729_10

Press the egg to the man's chest, roll and say:

How to remove damage with egg - 7 effective ways 729_11

Translate smoothly egg to solar plexus and say:

How to remove damage with egg - 7 effective ways 729_12

Pull the egg to the knees and tell me:

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Next, roll out the whole body of the patient, and then press it to your lips and tell me:

How to remove damage with egg - 7 effective ways 729_14

Take an egg to a crowded place and leave. Leave without looking back, silent to the threshold. Rite is better to spend early in the morning, and immediately attribute an egg to the market or a big store. Leave and do not think about anything.

Radiation of damage with wax egg

Wax egg

How to remove damage with a wax egg? Wax egg can be bought, and you can sole yourself. You can roll a damage by a living person and in his photo. If you roll around the photo, take a snapshot, where a person is depicted in full growth. Rocking with a wax egg is an alternative to wax casting. Roll better along the naked body or thin T-shirt, other clothes will interfere.

Roll over the chest, exciting shoulders and solar plexus - 33 times in the course of the clockwise movement and 33 times against the course of the clockwise. If you ride on the photo, drive an egg cruciform. At the same time read:

How to remove damage with egg - 7 effective ways 729_16

Then take a black felt-tumbler and write on the egg:

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Light the wick on the egg, let the candle burn to the base. At this time, stand up for cool shower, turn counterclockwise and say:

How to remove damage with egg - 7 effective ways 729_18

In order not to forget the words of the conspiracy, you can write them in advance on a sheet and attach in the shower of scotch. Having accepted the shower, turn into a new sheet of white. When the body is dry, get dressed. At night, bed is a sheet on the bed.

Returning out of the shower, see what is happening with a candle-egg. If the flame burns smoothly, there is no negative: you shot it. If the flame is torn, and the wick is cracking, you need to hold a rite again. If the wick begins to go out in the wax, make the arms match in the shape of a cross - help the wax to drain on the candlestick.

Fitila swimming speaks of a strong negative, which you need to shoot two more times the same rite. What to do when the candle-egg will do to the end? You can't take the grinding with the hands - wrap it in foil and jump under the tree. You can throw in the street trash tank, but not near the house.

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