What is Cosmoenergy and how to interact with it


In this article we look at an interesting healing practice called Cosmoenergy. We find out what it is and how to apply it in practice. And let's talk about its positive aspects and disadvantages.

Cosmoenergy - what is it?

What is the Cosmoenergy

It's no secret that the cosmos is filled with a lot of energy flows. Each of them has a certain impact on the world around us. One positive effect on the human body, while others carry a force of destruction. Thanks to the ancient knowledge of the energy flow of the universe having special practice, enabling the use of these divine energies for healing and self-development of the person.

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One such area is Cosmoenergy. This secret doctrine originated in India 400 years ago. Ancient knowledge about the power of the universe flows have been available only to a small circle of initiates and passed by right of succession from teacher to student. The modern world has learned about Cosmoenergy thanks to Academician VA Petrov.

Today Cosmoenergy - a sacred knowledge and practical techniques, through which you can connect to a variety of energy flows of the Cosmos. Tuned to their frequency, the person is able to use the energy of the universe for healing, spiritual development and self-realization.

At the heart of kosmoenergetiki lie deep knowledge of the energy-information exchange with the divine human flows and the outside world. It can be used to make contact with the Universal information field.

Must be distinguished from kosmoenergetiki bioenergy and psychic capabilities. In this direction, healing and harmonizing effect have cosmic energy flows, rather than the human biofield. Connected to these flows going harmonization of the "Human-Earth-Space".

Why use Cosmoenergy

The possibility of using the energy of the universe are endless, but most practitioners set themselves the following tasks:

  • Spiritual development of man, searching for himself in this world, self-actualization.
  • Disclosure of creative potential.
  • Healing on the physical and energetic levels.
  • It helps to cope with difficult life tasks.

It is believed that the power flows of space have their consciousness and mind. Therefore, during the work, they themselves find sick places in the human body and heal them. During the session, all organs and systems are cleared, immunity is strengthened.

Cosmoenergetics cleans the body and soul

The main advantages and disadvantages of space energy

Like any technique, cosmoenergy has its pros and cons. Its main advantages:
  • It makes it possible in a very short time to connect to the energy flux.
  • Starting working with cosmic streams, you immediately feel a strong tide of vital energy.
  • Powerful healing potential of cosmoenergetic effects.
  • Easy adaptability of a person practitioner to various techniques of this direction.
  • Strong impressions that produce on person work with energy flows.

Danger of Cosmoenergetic

Despite the obvious advantages of space energy, it is believed that such activities is accompanied by a certain risk. Dangers, as a rule, lie down those who decided to learn this technique independently. These negative consequences include:

  • When activating cosmic flows, a violation of the energy balance in the body is possible. The incessant influx of energy begins, to manage which beginner cosmoenerget is very difficult.
  • If a practitioner has a well-developed energy field, the inability to control various frequencies can cause diseases and mental disorders.
  • There is a danger of harmful to their karma and karma of a whole kind, if not owning certain knowledge in this area.

What channels are used in space energy

In the methodology of space energy, many different energy flows are used, each of which has its own frequency and features. Farun-Buddha is considered universal energy flow. It is used in all areas of activity: from healing to magical.

Beginners of Cosmoenergetam usually configure these channels:

  1. FIRAST - helps to clean the energy channels of a person.
  2. Zeus - cleans energy centers or chakras.
  3. Kroon - restores the blood system.
  4. Sinry or Calc - slows down the aging of the body.
  5. Hectas or midi - removes blocking at the energy level.
  6. Mom - helps with various energy and magical influences.
  7. Agni - eliminates mental disorders and has a tide of strength.
  8. Hum - helps in stressful situations.
  9. Bonn - heals in particularly severe cases.
  10. Before - applies to the endless experience.
  11. Perun - puts powerful protection.
  12. Shiva - helps to develop mental bodies.
  13. Dhanvantari - Healing of all ailments.
  14. Tu, Ukko or Aiske - the development of the gift of clairvoyance and extrasensory abilities.
  15. Anael is the harmonization of the person.

How to work with channels

Initially, it is necessary to go through the rite of initiation and opening channels. To do this, the wizard conveys its settings and activates the channels from a beginner cosmoenergy. In the configuration process, the frequency of the student's energy field changes.

Some streams are not used on themselves, for example, nirvana, as this may be dangerous for a person. For your needs, you can work with a Buddhist channel channel and some magical.

How with the help of cosmoenergetics to fulfill the desire

To bring the execution of cherished desire, you can take advantage of this practice. To do this, you need to activate the channel of Mitra or Humo, which is possible only after the initiation.

  • Think about your desire, imagine it in the smallest details.
  • You need to think about your dream, closing your eyes, until various color images will be fed inside inside. You can also hear different sounds.
  • If the image of a dragon appears in the head or some significant picture, the meditation has passed successfully.

fulfillment of desires

Cosmoenergetic to attract material benefits

Often the possibilities of cosmoenergetics are used to fix their financial position.

For these purposes there is a cabaret canal. When it is connected, a person gets rid of energy locks that interfere with material well-being. Thanks to the activation of this flow, some events that contribute to obtaining profits can occur in the human life. New opportunities and useful dating will appear.

Meditative practice to attract profit is in such a way:

  • Sit comfortable, relax and begin to represent how you become a financially secured person.
  • Continue visualization before the appearance of specific images, which will indicate the operation of the channel.
  • Now formulate your request so that it is as specific as possible, and fill the image of the energy.

Cosmoenergetic - True or fiction

To date, the attitude to the cosmoenergy is rather ambiguous. Modern science does not perceive her seriously. Many believe that it is just a quarrelness or, worse, occult sect, the overwhelming consciousness of people and turning them into zombies.

On the other hand, many cosmosergetics have helped solve health problems and establish the financial situation. Cosmoenergettes argue that all negative myths associated with this direction arose from the improper use of the energy of the universe and lack of knowledge in this area.

Definitely you can only say one thing. Cosmoenergetic is a very interesting and unknown area of ​​knowledge that requires further study and scientific justification.

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