If the husband is a power vampire: what to do


It is very unpleasant if the husband is the energy vampire, and what to do in such a situation, many do not know. After all, if you can simply stop communicating with a stranger, then it is not easy from a loved one. Are there ways to heal "vampirism" of her husband? Let's try to figure out.

Signs of energy vampire

Before you solve the problem, determine whether your husband is really - the energy vampire. Read the signs and check whether they correspond to your situation.


Exterior signs

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Signs of the energy vampire are as follows:

  1. Mimic wrinkles that reflect the traces of constantly experienced negative emotions are, as a rule, a transverse wrinkle between eyebrows, deep nasolabial folds. The wrinkles may appear with a relatively young man.
  2. Very thick, in some cases even hit eyebrows. The thick vegetation over the eyes, the greater the likely the likelihood that your husband is an energy vampire.
  3. Heavy and unpleasant look. This is a person who is impossible to watch long. Under such a glance, I want to fall through the earth.
  4. The seed and sad, running glance. This is another extreme - the potential energy vampire is as if afraid of everyone and everything, constantly waiting for a blow from others.
  5. The iris eye is dim, but after he is "idle" and get energy, eyes become unusually bright.
  6. Pale, atopic, tired skin. This is not always a sign of the energy vampire, perhaps a person just works a lot and sleeps little.
  7. Energy vampires most often an asthenic, thin figure, they rarely come full.

These were external signs to help determine what your husband is an energy vampire. But signs are also behavioral. Consider them.

husband energetic vampire signs

Typical energy vampire behavior

Signs that can manifest themselves in the behavior of the energy vampire, the following:
  1. Love to visit without warning. Literally fell on the head of the owner and believe that they should always be happy.
  2. Annoying and annoying. Love provoke irritation, entering the dialogue, which was not invited to them. Climb with advice, opinion, criticism, condemnation, although they are not asked about it.
  3. Adore sympathy, so they are constantly complaining. In the life of the energy vampire, from his point of view, there are absolutely no light moments - everything is very good and very bad. He pesters complaints and whining everyone around to spare him.
  4. These are personal-provocateurs. They love to cause negative emotions by others. Feed on your anger, irritation, anger, offended. They are indifferent to other people's wishes and opinions - these are the very neighbors who will turn on the music to the whole coil, without caring that someone hinders a loud sound. These are drivers who, driving around the pool, add speed to someone specially pour. And the like.
  5. They get great pleasure, humiliating and insulting people publicly. Very often, this character trait becomes the cause of the fight in some public place.
  6. Sometimes specially "tupit" so that you have long explained to him elementary things, irritating at the same time.
  7. These are debtors who constantly "forget" about their debts. The more they resemble them, demand to return money, the more energy they get.
  8. Energy vampires are often breeding dogs, because this animal is a powerful source of energy, so they need them. But the cats of such personalities do not tolerate the Spirit.
  9. In the house where the energy vampire lives, household appliances are often breaking, plants fade.
  10. Jealousy is another feature of the energy vampire. If the jealousy does not have any reason if it is constant suspicion from a scratch, perhaps the reason in the vampirism.

If you have determined that your husband is still an energy vampire, you should learn to cope with a similar person. Next, let's talk like.

Watch the video on how to behave with energy vampires:

What if the husband is an energy vampire?

There are several ways to cope with the negative impact of the energy vampire. Here they are:

  • Let's make her husband more positive emotions. Perhaps he does not receive female energy from you, which is expressed in gratitude, praise, love and care. Therefore, trying to compensate for the lack of this energy with negative emotions, which receives in the process of vampirism.
  • Give him a subscription to the gym or something that can seriously captivate it. This is especially true for men who work on the unloved work. They must have some kind of case that inspires them, brings pleasure and emotional unloading.
  • You can begin to wear special protective talismans that create an invisible barrier, thanks to which energy will not take place.
  • During communication with the energy vampire, imagine that there is a thick barrier from durable glass around you, through which nothing negative penetrates.
  • Similarly, you can mentally turn around the fire circle around yourself. Or imagine that you are surrounded by a powerful flow of water. The stronger the imagination, the more you believe in this way, the more effective it will work.
  • You can also embroider the red rings on the whole home textile. This bed linen, napkins and tablecloths, towels.

There are people against which energy vampires are powerless. These are personality conscious, with positive thinking and surroundings. If you want to become just such an inviolable person, work on yourself. Exclude from the environment of all critics and negatives, raise yourself self-esteem, communicating with people who love you and appreciate.

if the husband is an energy vampire what to do

If the degree of vampirism of the husband rolls and you are not able to cope with these manifestations, the best output is a divorce. Only leaving such a person, you can become happy, filled with female energy, make life harmonious and interesting and meet your real love.

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