How to shock at a distance of a man who likes


To shim up a man in the distance, you can use a person's photo: everything that happens with the image of a man is reflected on it itself. If there is no photograph, you can make a love spell using the power of the elements. Consider several rites.

How to shock at a distance of a man who likes

Five strong ways of love

On smoke

In magic rigs, they often use smoke, as it can convey information to a person at a high distance. Charged smoke particles work not worse than telegraph or SMS, which are used to transfer information to different city of the planet. Only information through the smoke acts not to the consciousness of a man, but on his feelings and feelings.

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For the love spell you will need a blank sheet of paper without cells and lyines, a handle, a twig of the wormwood (or crushed grass), matches and dishes for the ashes. The spell is made on the growing moon or in full moon. Light a candle of red and write on the sheet of probitive words:

How to shock at a distance of a man who likes 7300_2

Roll the sheet with a tube and put the dry wormwood branch. If there are no branches, roll the leaf with a kule and put a handful of hints in it. Google the cakes from one end from the candle flame and read the text of the conspiracy. During the rite, the Fortochka should be opened so that the smoke came out.

On fire

The magic of fire is used since people tamed the elements of themselves. Rituals using fire elements work quickly and reluctantly, if you can agree with it. Spiritual fire must be left off - flour, sugar, grain crops. Spump put in the flame so that he burned down the dottle.

For the ritual, you will need to register a bonfire from birch lanes. When the flame breaks down, look at it and read the conspiracy of the memory:

How to shock at a distance of a man who likes 7300_3

Reading the conspiracy, you need to represent the image of your beloved, constantly keep it in my head. After reading the text, throw a coin into the flame and go silently home. Before going to bed, read the "Our Father" 9 times before the candle. Exactly through three days, go back to the place of the ashes and try to find the coin. If you manage to detect it, it means that it is not worth the help of fire. If you can't find a coin, then the spell worked.

How to shock at a distance of a man who likes with fire

On bread crumbs

To shit a man at a distance, you need to hold a rite with bread crumbs, earth and sand. Favorite walks on the ground with his legs, feeds on bread and a fast - these ingredients are present in the rite. Cray from the hut is a "magnet", which will attract the right person to the house.

At the growing moon, prepare the following:

  • Handful of milf and a handful of bread crumbs;
  • handful of sand and handful of earth;
  • A little garbage from the floor in the house;
  • A little ash from the furnace (you can not add).

The rite is vintage, so the chimney ash is present in the description. If you want to perform this area of ​​the ritual, you can get a little soot from the gas stove or collect smoking from the candle. Keep the tablespoon over the flame of the candle, after a while there will appear soot - it needs to be collected and add. The listed ingredients must be put on a newspaper or paper in the middle of the room (on the floor), then read the conspiracy three times over it:

How to shock at a distance of a man who likes 7300_5

Wrap the ingredients in the croke and take to the street. The contents of the Kulka need to pour on the ground and leave. Choose open areas of the earth, do not pour items near the yards or on the roadway. Find a place where people go a little, - you can in the square, in the forest belt, grove and other corners of nature.

How to shock at a distance of a man who likes to new moon

For longing

To shit a man, you need to use his photo. For the rite, buy a thick candle of red - it should be enough for three ritual actions. Also buy lavender essential oil. This spell should be started in the first days of the growing moon and spend a few days in a row.

At night, stay in the room alone, break your hair and remove the clothes (or stay in the nightgown). Put the table in the middle of the room, put your own and its photographs, lubricate the candle with lavender oil. Light a candle from match, keep in your hand and go around the table three circles. Move along the clockwise arrow.

Put a candle on the table, pinched the finger of the left hand with a needle from the syringe and squeeze the blood droplet on the head of the man. Tell me these words:

How to shock at a distance of a man who likes 7300_7

Connect both photographs face to each other and place in a regular envelope. Cut the candle with your fingers and go to bed. The next night, repeat the ritual again, only a drip of blood drip to the area of ​​the heart of a man. On the third night, blood needs to drop into the genitals.

When you finish a rite of the third night, drip wax from the candle along the edges of the photo card and connect both pictures in the inside. Put in the envelope and seal it with a candle wax.

If you want to part with this person, just burn the envelope on fire, then you will need to hold the rite of purification from the negative.

For a month

If the beloved lives far from you, you can seek help for the new month, which only appeared in the sky. Conspiracy is read at night on the street or on the balcony. The main thing is that you see a month. So, look at the young month and say three times these words:

How to shock at a distance of a man who likes 7300_8

However, remember that this conspiracy-appeal to the month should not read every new moon in a row. If you need to enhance the imaginary impact after some time, make another rite.

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