Energy of life: the sphere of its impact, methods of replenishment


The energy of life (or life force) shows to what extent a particular person feels the desire to live, work, create, love, think and make other actions. Vital energy is acutely necessary for each of us, because it is precisely from its quantity, how successful, healthy and happy you will be in life. This article is devoted to the issue of vital energy and an increase in its number.

Vital energy

What is needed by vital energy

When a person is filled with vital energy, he appears:
  • desire;
  • possibilities;
  • aspirations;
  • creative energy;
  • He burns and his cast is charged others.

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And in the absence of vitality, opposite each of these subparagraphs, you can put a minus sign. It turns out that life force acts as the ability to actively influence its life. Without sufficient quantity (vitality), we cannot achieve the state of happiness and joy.

You probably know the famous proverb: "Morning in the evening wisen." And did you ever think that they say so? During night recreation, the human body is restored, filled with energy, which will subsequently help to clearly think, act and make the right decisions.

Vital energy is not an absolute value. She (or rather, its number) varies from a particular individual for the stretch of life, time of the day and depends on many circumstances. The energy potential of a person is noticeable from childhood - someone from the kindergarten takes on the role of the leader, followed by others, and someone else, on the contrary, is tearing quietly sitting aside.

Unfortunately, each of us has a limited amount of vital energy. There is a certain maximum value to exceed which we are unable. Vital energy is like liquid in the bottle - someone has a big bottle, and someone is small. We get a liquid supply, appearing on the light. It is possible to determine the number of vitality in the Constitution of a person, how to do it, we will tell on.

Learn the number of vital energy by type of shape

According to the Typology of Krechera, there are 3 types of physique, namely:

  • Asthenic - characterized by high height, thinness and poorly developed muscles.
  • Athletic - distinguished by a strong muscles, "hitting" by the physique, has a high or average height.
  • Picnic - low or medium height, blossoming torso, a large percentage of adipose tissue.

Types of cream figures

Asthenics have a small amount of vitality. They tend to get tired quickly, but they control themselves well, they have a mind over emotions.

For picnics, strong energy, mobility, emotionality is characterized, but it is difficult for them to engage in long monotonous activities.

Athletic addition people are an intermediate type. They have a sufficient stock of vitality and vital energy.

It should be noted that the Krechmer typology is a classic option. Of course, in reality, pure types are almost absent, and we are a combination of two or three of them.

Each of the described subtypes faces different problems relating to the issue of life. For example, asthenics are most disturbing, how not to spend all the strength until the end of the case is completed. And picnics, on the contrary, are worried about how to keep their rude energy plowing, which constantly leads forward, not allowing long to stop in one place.

Although the energy balance of all people is different, absolutely everything is shown to resort to certain energy exercises to restore or update their biofield. Next, we give examples of effective energy exercises.

Energy practices

Human aura depends on sound impact. You can select four varieties of sound:

  1. Sound voice.
  2. The sound of thoughts.
  3. Sound of desires.
  4. Transcendental sound.

In many energy practices (for example, in meditative, mantra-meditative, autogenic practice), there is an appeal to the energy of the sound, people are engaged in its proper use.

To date, there is a huge number of different schools and directions that study energy practices, and their number is constantly growing. There are many conscious people who are aware of the importance of working on themselves, are engaged in improving well-known techniques and new development.

Among the main energy practices are called today:

  1. Breath Practices: (presented by Taoist, tantric, holotropic breathing and other.
  2. Qigong.
  3. Meditation.
  4. Autogenous training.
  5. Rake.
  6. Kundalini energy.
  7. Taoist energy practices.
  8. Trips to special places of power.
  9. Filling with natural energy: solar, water, fiery, Energy of the Earth, Space.
  10. Energy practices used by the ancient shamans: Tenesogriti and others.
  11. Spiritual direction.

A very important point in all such practices is work with the problem of energy vampirism. The latter is a social phenomenon that is based on connections with other people. Energy vampires can be conscious or unconscious, and you need to learn to protect them from ourselves.

Energy practices

Energy charging

Learn how to charge energy with special exercises.

Charging with a lack of energy

Do you feel a lack of vitality? Then you should resort to the next exercise. By time, it will take about five minutes (duration can be increased by desire). The exercise will strengthen the weakened somatic processes (the violated process of digestion of food, blood circulation, metabolism, the fight against infectious pathologies).

It is followed as follows:

  • You become straight, so that the legs and shoulders are on the same line.
  • Go forward and exhale, pulling hands forward and lowering them.
  • After that, with the help of both hands, you need to make a "enhancement" motion from the bottom up. At the same time, visualize, as if invisible energy is recruited.
  • Then breathe and become straight, get satellite and "pour" the collected energy on top of them.

Then, with a whisper or in thoughts, you need to contact your inner "I", uttering such a phrase:

"Now I will charge energy, and I ask you to accept and save it."

You can pray before the exercise and seek help to the forces of nature, God or your guardian angel.

Octal breath

It should be resorted to this practice when you feel mental exhaustion, suffer from lethargy, lack of energy, despondency or depression.

  • You need to sit down with a straight back, relax all the details of the clothes and calm down as much as possible, cover your eyes.
  • Then make eight breaths, so that the breath was felt at the bottom of the abdomen.
  • Inhaling, you need to inspire yourself every time that you permeate and envelops a new, valuable vital energy.

Perform an exercise until you feel sufficient fullness. Then, about myself either with a whisper, tell me:

Appeal to your own way

Exercise "Fountain of Energy"

Due to this magnificent practice, you will increase your energy potential. The duration of the exercise is from five to ten minutes. The main essence is to recharge yourself with high energy. And now it is not about eliminating the lack of energy, but on obtaining an additional huge energy reserve.

This exercise will help increase your productivity. Performed at stages:

  • Sit at a convenient position as much as possible. Foot will need to be placed on the sides and completely calm down.
  • Visualize that water is suitable for your feet (or water energy).
  • Each new breath raises water at a higher level. And the higher it will rise, the stronger its density becomes. As a result, an energy jet should be formed, which, like a fountain, breaks out through the area of ​​your spring (the pattern or the highest energy center) and will flock down by paying you with a powerful energy flow.

Now you know what energy of life is and how to quickly fill its balance with the help of energy practices. Finally, we recommend viewing an interesting and educational video:

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