Protection against Energy Vampires: Best Methods


Protection against energy vampires is needed if you suspect that some people from your surroundings literally "suck out" from you. How to determine what your interlocutor is an energy vampire, and protect yourself from it? Consider in detail.


Signs of energy vampire

Energy vampires are dangerous in that after communication with them you can feel emotionally tired. You make an inconsistency of energy, feel bad, see the world in black paints. You can protect yourself from this kind of impact, but first need to determine whether the energy vampire is really in front of you.

Here are signs:

  • Does not perceive and does not enjoy the success of people, and envy them and wishes the failure.
  • The company often disappoints someone, especially if the subject of ridicule is stronger and more successful.
  • He loves to criticize other people, but the criticism in its address perceives inadequately.
  • In any, even the brightest and joyful situation, will find something bad.
  • Constantly complains of life, and good moments noticing. He loves to pour a bunch of problems on others.
  • Looking for guilty to his own problems around - blame friends, state, bosses or relatives.
  • It is not capable of perceiving anything new, clinging for the past and does not let him go.

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Energy vampires are very toxic people who represent the most real danger. They are able to make doubt in a positive outcome of the case, criticize the man's hands will empty, they spoil the mood and introduce into the mindset "How bad".

The best way to protect yourself from the energy vampire is to refuse to communicate with him. But this is not always possible: often "vampire" parents or other close relatives, bosses and other people who cannot unreal from the environment.

Therefore, it is important to know ways of protection - consider them further.

What people are not a terrible energy vampire?

There is a category of people who are not required to protect against the energy vampire. Look at the signs characteristic of such luckyrs - perhaps you enter their number.

How to resist the energy vampire

Signs of an energetically sustainable person who "vampirism" is not able to harm:

  1. He is always full of strength and energy. This is a person who never sits on the spot, constantly busy something. He has a bunch of hobby, affairs, hobbies, diverse and rich life. This is a generator of ideas, creative or for business, "livestock".
  2. It has positive thinking. Capacked in any, it would seem, the most negative and unpleasant situation to detect something good. Thanks to the fate and the universe for what he has never complains of life. Thinks not to problems, but seeking solutions. Perceives trouble as an experience, useful for further development.
  3. He does not have negative blocking of the type: "Only thieves and fraudsters earn a lot," "get married with a child after thirty impossible", "all people are bad and think only about themselves." On the contrary, he knows exactly - life is beautiful, and everyone is wave to live as you want, you just need to look for the right paths and put the right goals.

If you exactly such a person, you do not need to be afraid of energy vampirism. Is that in rare moments of emotional instability and vulnerability - they happen to everyone, even in the most cheerful optimists.

The best ways to protect against the energy vampire

How to resist the energy vampire? It is easy, and you will definitely succeed. If you feel that we keep a dialogue with an unpleasant person, because of which we lose energy, use the following techniques:

  1. "Closed Pose." A person who feels uncomfortable, begins to unconsciously defend themselves: crosses his hands on the chest or crosses his legs. This is not surprising - in this case, the subconsciousness feels the energy vampire and acts reflex. If you do not want to sit in a closed pose, at least cross your fingers on your hands.
  2. "Water Pole." Communicating with the energy vampire, mentally imagine that there is a thick and powerful wall of water between you. This technique is ideal for those cases when you feel a sudden decay of forces, worsening well-being. Water pole will not give an energy leakage.
  3. "Waterfall". This technique can be used after a hard day, communicating with the energy vampire. When you feel that it is very emotionally depleted and tired of contacts with people. Stand up under the shower and imagine that you stand under the purest mountain waterfall. Water is murmur, flows from the head to the legs, flushes all fatigue and accumulated negative energy. If the imagination is well developed, you can imagine a waterfall and mentally, without getting under the shower.
  4. "Cocoon". This technique is best used on the eve of the meeting with a potential energy vampire or just an unpleasant person. Imagine that your body surrounds a dense cocoon consisting of thin gold threads. You are calm, you get comfortable, do not feel irritation or other negative emotions.

Watch the video about the methods of protection against energy vampires:

Listed technicians require at least a small concentration, but not everyone turns out at the right moment to concentrate. Therefore, if you cannot apply some of them, simply think about the circle around yourself and imagine that no one can step over it, no trouble will penetrate across the border.

Energy Vampire Protection

And remember: Never share with the vampire plans, ideas, thoughts, events that occur in life. Do not regret it and do not help even in trifles. Do not listen to complaints and whining - either leave either get away with the phrase: "I believe you will cope with everything." And do not try to redo the toxic energetically man in a normal - risk from this idea with big losses.

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