Power engineering and bioenergy by the date of birth of a person


Human energy is a stock of vitality and energy that has a specific personality. We can increase our energy with various ways (they are described in detail in another article). But there are certain limitations - every person from nature has its own energy potential that cannot change significantly. In this article we will tell, how the energy is determined by the date of birth.

Who are you - donor or vampire?

What does human energy affect

When a person is sufficiently filled with vital energy, he feels confidence in his abilities. This is a leader person who does not worry about the opinion of those around himself. It generates various ideas and actively introduces them to life. Such personalities are distinguished by natural behavior, a direct expression of their feelings and emotions.

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From nature, the big energy potential is extraordinary, creative people who speak the sources of fresh ideas that can share with their surrounding energy. These are wonderful storytellers, they always have plenty of fans, they easily establish connections with new people at the expense of their politeness, charm and goodwill.

The strong energy field is also manifested by defined external features:

  • Characterized subtle lips;
  • massive chin;
  • dense eyebrows;
  • Wide jaw;
  • In most cases, such people are dark-haired;
  • People with dark eyes have a very strong aura.

How the date of birth affects the energy

Day, month, year and even time of birth has a huge impact on the entire subsequent life of a person. The concept of which we now speak is also known as "Bioenergy". To date, even such a profession has appeared - bioenergy. Experts of this sphere are able to trace the relationship between a particular person, figures, the universe, and so on.

Bioenergy (based on numerology) found that the date of birth can shed light on the human energy potential. Speaking towards simple mathematical calculations, it is realistic to make a forecast of future events for a specific period of life. Also, these data are used to build a curve of life and control changes in the chart. The more energy in humans, according to, accordingly, the curve will be higher.

Bioenergy by date of birth: calculation

We offer you to calculate the level of our vital energy using the following method.

As happens

strong>Calculation of energy
  1. Remember the date of your appearance. For example, May 25, 1994.
  2. Write down the first number - in his capacity is the year of birth - 1994.
  3. The second number is formed by a sequence number of birthday and day - 0525.

Note! If the birthday is formed by an unequivocal number (for example, nine), then write the second number in this way - 809.

  1. Now multiply the first number to the second = 1994 * 0525 = 1,046,850.
  2. After that, calculate the amount of all numbers of the resulting number:

1 + 0 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 5 + 0 = 24.

The number that has happened is the bioenergy potential of man (e) and demonstrates how much vitality (energy) it has.

And now the most interesting thing is to find out who you are:

  • energy vampire - e less than twenty;
  • Normal man - Values ​​E will range from twenty to thirty;
  • The energy donor - has the potential of energy from thirty and more.

Regardless of the natural energy balance, everyone in life has periods in life when we are in a weakened state and need an additional energy feeding. In this case, a person unconsciously begins to "vampire" around.

At the same time, normal people and donors begin to feel uncomfortable. But the donors, which exceed the "Thirty Three" marks, are able to recharge the space energy or feed on energy from nature. They generously give the vitality around others, people seek to be near them to focus with energy.

Where energy is lost

Perhaps you are familiar to you when the forces begin to leave, as if someone "blows up" you like a balloon. You fully feed, sleep enough hours, engaged in physical activity, but internally still feel tired. The symptoms described above describe the state of the outflow of vital energy: you seem to do everything for its replenishment, but it becomes less and less.

Why it happens? You need to analyze your behavior and lifestyle, because there is a reason for something, but what are we now try to install.

So, cause severe energy loss can:

  1. Saving a sense of guilt. Thus, your conscience speaks with you, representing the most strict our judge throughout life. Conscience delivers serious psychological discomfort, because of which energy is squandered.

If you try to drown out the voice of the conscience, face the exact opposite result and even more deterioration of the situation. Externally, this will also appear in the form of a deterioration of the material situation. The most reasonable solution in this case is to find an internal compromise yourself.

  1. Offense Also lead to the energy deficiency. The most popular option is resentment on parents who are likely to be drawn from children's age. If a person and in adulthood can not let go of the past and forgive his parents, it will greatly affect the various sides of his life.

Research take energy

What relationships were in your parent family will have their own impact on the model of your own family. And the perennial resentments are negatively affecting people, they contribute to exhaustion, both emotional and energy.

  1. Psychological discomfort, Which provokes energy losses, can be caused by other negative emotions: fear, fear of uncertainty, anxiety, disappointment and spiritual pain.
  2. Envy - Causes a lot of controversy from experts regarding their influence on the human body. One part of the specialists allocates envy as a motivating emotion, which is able to accelerate the achievement of success, put concrete goals in life before a person.

And the second category is confident that the envy destroys us from the inside, forcing the rapidly lose energy.

  1. Strongly developed sense of duty - This is another source-energy hole. Many people in their lives do no longer what they themselves want, but what you need. But from this they become deeply unhappy, losing energy in a tremendous scale.
  2. Loss of a large number of life forces (energy) goes on endless doubts Regarding the correctness of their own actions. A person torments himself with different life dilemmas and becomes energy more vulnerable. Learn to look for inner harmony and do not depend on life circumstances.
  3. Unfinished cases Also deny our energy. They protrude the brake for further action.
  4. As a result unfinished small cases There is a notorious teaching. It accumulates over time and turns into a real natural disaster. Subsequently, we are thin in a huge number of unfinished cases, actively sucking our vitality.
    Unfinished cases
  5. Availability constant alarms and excitement It is also not the most positive effect on the state of our energy balance. Often, at the same time, we are worried about the living little things - obliquely look at someone from passersby, thoughts about you surrounding and so on.

We listed the main internal causes of energy losses. And there is also an external one, to the number of which relates communication with energy "bloodsuckers", which are bore, whining, idlers, losers, victims and sick, maniacs, as well as ideological wrestlers. Contacting them, you become energetically weaker.

Therefore, it is worth surrounding yourself with positively thoughtful people, try to always be in a good mood, started started in time, not worry about your future (or rather, worrying, but in reasonable limits), to be cleaned from their internal negative emotions (insults, anger, aggression, and so on ), And then your energy field will enhance each day.

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