Energy vampire: Who is he and how to protect it from him?


Energy vampire is a person who consciously either unconsciously takes someone else's energy. Like a thieves that constantly steal valuable things, energy vampires regularly select the greatest value of others - their vitality, due to which they are noticeably hard and begin to feel better.

You need to know how to recognize the energy vampire, as well as to protect yourself from it, otherwise you risk constantly "give" your energy to a vamp, remaining devastated and broken.

energetic vampire

Types of energy vampires

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A total of 5 main types of energy parasites are distinguished:

  1. For the first type Characteristic is the sharp shortage of communication. Such a person seeks to constantly be surrounded by people, pressing others in public transport, to tell or listen to the surrounding hours.

If there are no people nearby, the vampire suffers from information hunger and starts watching TV or read everything that he will fall at hand.

The first type of vampire is typical for people aged.

  1. Second Type - It is an unhappy person or the same depicting this. For representatives of this type, constant complaints about their grave and unfair life they share with everyone around. They need to achieve compassion, seek their victim and together with pity to roll out its energy.
  2. Third type It is highly dangerous, because it is difficult to immediately recognize. The vampire covers his actions with sublime feelings (love, support, and so on).

Such a person seeks to fall in love with themselves by all the might of themselves in order to subsequently use the energy potential of each "the person-distinguished" man. And the greater the number of voluntary "fans", the better the energy consumes will feel.

Sexual vampires are also included in this category, the main "food" of which is the energy of the partner obtained during the intercourse.

  1. Fourth Type - characterizes the power vampire. A person has power and does not miss the opportunity to lead the fate of others. This is a typical chief devouring the energy of his subordinates.
  2. Fifth type - Family vampire . As a rule, these are children who were very bald in childhood. From infancy, they are used to getting a lot, but not to give anything in return.

When such a child grows, he retains the negative habits of the past, which is transferred to their own family. And the vampire is already actively powered by the vital energy of his spouse / spouses, children, parents.

The fifth type is the greatest danger, because energy vampirism in this case occurs under conditions of a closed space, in which a single energy is formed, actively used by a vampire.

Energy vampirism

Signs of energy vampire

Recognize energy "blood blood" can be in the following ten signs:
  1. For a vampire is characterized by the fudge and consistency in their mortgage. He is constantly referring to those surrounding with his problems, but does not listen to the councils received from them. He needs not them, but your priceless energy!
  2. Vampire calls are always not in time - when you are going to sleep, you are in your soul or eat. At the same time, it's quite difficult to "get rid" from such a person.
  3. The vampire's dwelling is poorly growing, the objects of technology are quickly broken, it does not like cats. But from dogs, on the contrary, excellent donors are obtained.
  4. Often, energy parasites love to occupy money (which they then do not give up for a very long time, having exhausting you with the expectation), and also promise you something important, but then do not fulfill. They absorb your energy through waiting.
  5. Energy vampires adore loudly include music and chatting on the phone, especially in those moments when you are trying to concentrate on something. Also, the "parasite" can start a monotonous tapping, tick the nose - in general, to do everything that it will cause you irritation (so that you thus spent your energy on it).
  6. It is believed that vampires love cold drinks and sharp dishes, and to hot and sweetly indifferent.
  7. Energy parasites gives pleasure to tell those surrounding the news relative to the last disasters, the plots of horror films or just bad dreams in the maximum details. They carefully observe the reaction of the interlocutors and are fueled by the caused by negative emotions.
  8. According to his behavior, vampires are straight and frank people who, with ease criticize others, not paying attention to any decency and subordination. The corona trick of the energy vampire is the public humiliation of its potential victim.
  9. Adore them to talk about their problems. Weak - talk about their pathologies, and those that are more accurate, tell you the complexity of your business.
  10. Vampire is important physician contact. In the process of communication, he constantly tries to touch you. In transport, such subjects are usually poured on the surrounding to all the torso or regularly come to their feet.

How do we feel after communicating with a vampire

It is characteristic of the feeling of depletion, exhaustion, as well as irritably and internal devastation. A person becomes confused, he does not have positive emotions, he becomes apathetic for life.

Those lessons who have caused delight before, are now perceived indifferent. Man feels that they manipulate and manage. The case can be reached even to a depressive state.

Energy vampires on the zodiac sign

The representative of each of the 12 zodiac constellations may take on the role and a vampire, and a donor.
  • Donors - These are people from which they easily suck energy.
  • For vampires It is characterized by quick adaptation to difficult conditions, a low reaction to stress, as well as purposefulness. Real vampires usually try to relieve their lives with all their might.

Of course, there are exceptions to the general range of rules - people who can focus with the energy of others, but do not do this or do in very rare cases.

As for the signs of the zodiac, the very selected vampire is cancer. It can be either targeted, which does not require the energy of others, or a true whitewash, seeking all his actions to demonstrate the surrounding how hard he lives in this world. You will have to work pretty to "get rid" from such cancer.

Another strategy is characteristic of scorpions. They are the most cruel vampires, because they provoke a sense of guilt in their victims, which takes the vitality. The correct strategy is to show full openness for such people and show that you are interested in their lives.

The category of vampire-provocateurs can also be attributed to the Aquarius and sometimes - Sagittarov. The first to like to publicly humiliate your victims (which are usually becoming people who have fallen "under the hot hand"). But they belong to the group of honest vampires that do not hide their true inclinations. To protect yourself from them, just ignore any attacks and keep calm.

How to protect yourself from energy vampirism

There are universal, proven for many years, methods that will protect you against negative impact:

  1. When you feel that the forces pull out of you, - twist in the pocket of the fig.
  2. Fasten from the inside of your clothes in the area of ​​the heart. An ordinary English pin so that her head looks down.
  3. If you are "vampire", do not look into your eyes your own interlocutor. Mentally distract yourself from unpleasant neighborhood.
  4. Woother after contact with the "parasite" face and hands in the current water.
  5. Visualize your interlocutor, which is behind the partition (it can be a wall, shop windows, telephone booth and everything that comes to your mind). It is important that the partition does not interfere with your communication, but completely overlapped any energy exchanges between opponents.
  6. The easiest way to protect against energy vampirism is when communicating to cross hands or legs. Thus, the contour of the energy field is closed, and it is impossible to penetrate it from the outside.

Crossed Hands - Vampire Protection

Do so every time you are in contact with a negative, unpleasant personality.

  1. It is also shown to resort to energy protection called "Ring". You will need to connect the large and index fingers of both hands so that the ring formed, and the remaining fingers are imposed on each other.

This is a traditional Chinese and Japanese protective method, which is characterized by increased efficiency.

At the same time, when you resort to the appearance described, your protege will begin to experience a light chill or a sense of internal emptiness that will quickly disappear as soon as you mentally "turn off" your defense.

Now you know how to determine the energy vampire and how to protect yourself from the negative actions of the person who parasitizing others.

We also advise finally see interesting stock footage, which reveals many secrets of energy vampirism and successful combating it:

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