Aura man - what it is and what characteristics it has


The world that surrounds us is represented not only by material things that can be felt physically taken by hand, see or try their taste. It also has something that is not available for consideration by the human eye - subtle energy matters. Speaking about them, you need to mention the electromagnetic fields, thin bodies and aura of a person.

Energy of man

What is aura

Aura is a special kind of energy field around the physical body, which has a certain color and carrying information about a particular person (his health, lifestyle, thoughts and feelings).

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Aura is an inseparable part of the body, its continuation. In its thickness, it can vary from ten to fifteen centimeters, but it is possible to reduce it in some places (called energy breakdowns) or, on the contrary, an increase that is observed in the case of human spiritual growth.

Scientists have found that the aura is not solid, but is divided into layers. Each of the layers has its functions and has specific differences from the previous ones.

Also, each layer corresponds to a certain energy center (called the chakra or a charity of the Slavs).

Layers aura.

In total, there are seven layers of aura:

  1. The first layer (is known as the ethereal body). The region of its propagation is approximately 10 cm from the physical shell. It is associated with the first chakra and is responsible for physical functions and sensations, as well as for the autonomous functions of the body.

Also, the essential body demonstrates the essence of a person others (whether he is kind or evil, rude or gentle). On it, you can establish the presence of diseases and mental deviations (then the dirt is well visible on the photo of the first layer, it is thinned).

  1. The second layer (called vital or emotional body). It has a smaller density than the previous one is responsible for the area of ​​feelings. In its outlines, almost corresponds to the physical shell.

The energy of the second layer is known as Prana, it controls the respiratory process, as well as the activity of blood and digestive systems of the body.

  1. The third layer (it is called the lower mental body). He takes control of the physical needs of a person and its motives (for example, hunger, fears, the desire of the carnal pleasure and so on).
  2. The fourth layer (is the astral body). The astral body will tell about how strong the ability of a person to love, friendly attachment and sympathy.
  3. The fifth layer (also called the astral twin or higher astral body). Exactly copies all the forms of the physical shell. In the fifth layer, you can get information regarding the strength of the will of the person, its talents, the ability to self-organization and resistance.
  4. The sixth layer (called heavenly or clerk). Gives the ability of clairvoyance, as well as good intuitive skills and the ability to predict the future.
  5. Seventh layer (it is called another karmic body). It has the smaller density and is responsible for spiritual energy and communication with space.

It is necessary to note separately that 2, 4 and 6 layers are in constant motion and have an amorphous structure, and the rest are stable.

All the bodies of the energy shell are closely related to each other, but, as a rule, only a few of them exhibits the greatest activity.

Aura man

The ability to see a man's biofield is from healers, psychics, as well as all people working with subtle energies and cultivating spiritually.

Color description Aura

The aura of each of us is different in your color properties. Knowing the main color of the energy shell, you can tell a lot about a specific personality, to determine the diagnosis, determine the emotional state, and also conclude that it plays the greatest role in life.

Biopol may correspond to such color variations:

  • Red - when prevailing this bright color, it is safe to argue that we have the leader from nature, a person with high ambition. When the color of the aura changes towards the dark-red, it is characterized by hot temper, the desire to control the surrounding people.
  • Pink - a lot of energy of this color in biopol, those who differ by dedication, high communicative skills and love for all mankind.
  • Orange - indicates humanity, respect and respect in relation to its roots, relatives. But, besides this, the aura of orange color can tell about the diseases of the liver.

If there is a golden color with orange with orange, a pronounced scandalist with a smoke character is distinguished.

  • Yellow is the color of creativity. People with yellow aura are popular with representatives of the opposite sex due to their friendliness, openness and some natural magnetism. They are distinguished by a good temper and an optimistic look at life. Not inclined to worry because of the smallest things or fear new.

When the yellow aura is complemented by red shades, a person probably suffers from low self-esteem, he does not have solid beliefs.

  • Green - this color is responsible for care and kind. People with a meurus of green color are always ready to help others.
  • Blue - the owners of the blue biofield are very wise, they often appear inspirational ideas. They are characterized by harmonious life with the surrounding reality and themselves.

If the color becomes dark blue, such a person is very high, the whole gives itself to good acts.

  • Black - Such a color of Aura will tell about strong hatred, rigidity. People with black aura can be dangerous for others because of their high aggressiveness.

If the aura is black and gray, a person overwhelms melancholy and disappointment.

  • White - to meet an aura of this color can be only enlightened people as close as possible to perfection or have already reached it.

In the energy membrane, one color or several color variations can be prevailing. In the latter case, we can talk about the high human spirituality and the harmonious development of his personality.

Photos of Aura Kiliana

Scientists began to be interested in the issues of the human energy field only in the twentieth century. One of the "pioneers" in the theme of Aura became a physiotherapist from Russia - Semen Davidovich Kilian. It was he who invented a special technique of photographing, which allowed to document the presence of electromagnetic emissions near all living beings.

Kiryan acted as follows: he made photos of the feet and brushes of man. At the same time, the brush was placed in a photoflastic, and then for a few seconds were subjected to high-frequency radiation.

Kirlyan Effect

And the data obtained was printed on photographic paper or photoplates. When the photo was manifested, it was possible to observe a well-distinguishable electromagnetic field around the body part. The doctor was most affected by the fact that each of the fingers had a unique pattern on its electromagnetic field.

After experiences with people, Kiryan began to explore the plants for the presence of the same radiation. Semyon Davidovich managed to establish that the accurate, drying plants are uneven, intermittent aura, and healthy - normal, fully streamlining their outlines.

Methods Photo Auura in Kiralaana laid the beginning to improve reflexology and acupuncture.

And in the process of studying photos of the feet and the brushes of those people who had certain diseases, scientists came to a very interesting conclusion. It turned out that in the event of a violation or the weakening of the aura on a certain section of the foot or brush, specific pathologies of internal organs were observed.

It is possible to explain this phenomenon with the help of incorrect operation of energy meridians, according to which the energy of the Universe enters the human body. At the same time, on the background of improved health, the restoration of aura was observed.

When the works of Kirlyan were published in the press, his research attracted the attention of many scientists and doctors, which began to more actively study the electromagnetic field. Also the issue of Aura is interested in conventional people. Today, this topic is widely covered on the Internet and special editions, and anyone can find out what Aura is, and also familiarize himself with its main features.

If you are interested in the theme aura, we recommend that you look at the following video:

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