Protection against damage and witchcraft: rites, conspiracies


If in your life everything suddenly began to go somehow not so, problems appeared at work and in personal relationships, perhaps you need to protect against damage. In this article we will tell about how to protect yourself from various magic influences and witchcraft.

Protection against damage

What is damage

The damage belongs to targeted negative influences on a person, which turns out to be with the help of witchcraft rituals and rites. To guide, damage often use food or drinks, personal belongings, hair and nails, over which special conspiracies read.

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If such a subject falls into your home, you will very soon feel his action. Health problems will begin, disorder in the family, permanent quarrels and scandals, depression and lack of vitality.

To protect yourself from such troubles, it is enough to adhere to ordinary tips:

  • In no case do not take the hands of incomprehensible things found on the threshold. It can be needles, pins, hair beam, trifle or other items. Gently eliminate them on the scoop and throw away from the dwelling through the left shoulder. Three days can not be given anything from home and not take any gifts.
  • If you have found money or decoration on the road, do not raise them better. One of the strongest types of damage is guided by such valuable things - on the wind. The one who takes such an object will take it on himself.
  • If you are at the same table with ill-wishers, food and drinks before use mentally cut three times.
  • Carefully inspect the places in which you usually visit. Cosourcing you must be burnt matches, melted wax, drops of incomprehensible fluid or convolution of rags. All this may be attributes of witch rituals. In this case, it is recommended to consult with a professional magician.

Protection against damage with the help of amulets, chairs and talismans

To make strong protection against damage and witchcraft helps you will be helped by conspiracy items: amulets, talismans and charging.

Amulet is usually a subject manufactured by a specialist in the field of magic. For their creation, various natural objects, parts of animals, such as the wave of mammoth, tooth shark or bird feathers are used. Today, stones possessing powerful protective properties: Jasper, Agat, Diamond, Tiger Eye, Malachite are most common as amulets. The strongest amulet is considered a stone that is transmitted by the genus and does not bear the imprint of evil thoughts and actions of the previous owners.

Negregate protect against negative impacts

Talismans can also be used to protect against negative impacts. They can be any item that brings you good luck: fashion accessory, coin or pebble with hole. Noticing for the thing such a property, we carry it all the time with you. It reliably protects you from any negative.

If you believe that a certain item can have a strong defense against the evil eye, you should independently make a protective amulet.

How to make a protective wubble from damage

To create a strong wubble from magical influences with your own hands, follow these actions:
  • Go to the temple and choose a tree growing nearby. Such a plant absorbed all creative energy energized from this place. It will get a powerful protective amulet from the dark forces.
  • Remove the leaf or branch and wrap the white web. Do not deploy fabric before the rite so that the amulet does not fail.
  • Now proceed to the ritual itself. Light the wax candle and expand the object with the tree. Start pouring molten wax on it. Continue to do it until it is completely covered with wax. Give the amulet to frozen.
  • Put the manufactured faucet into the casket made of wood and cover the lid. Take into the right hand and read this conspiracy: "The energy is kind, light will help protect me from all evil, from the evil eye and love spells. May it be so".

With these words, your charm is filled with a powerful charge of positive energy, which will save from any damage or witchcraft char. Let him always be in your handbag. But do not forget that it is impossible to give your charm to anyone, otherwise it will lose protective force.

Magic rites and rituals will also help you protect against witchcraft and damage. Some of them can be carried out on their own.

Rite protecting against damage on a growing moon

If you want to put powerful protection against magical influences, you should hold such a rite. It is necessary to prepare a consecrated salt, holy water, minor coins and nine wax candles. Coin take as much as in your house corners. Next, act in this order:

  • In each corner, put on the coin and burn the candle at the entrance door.
  • Light another candle from the fire first and go around with her all the rooms in the house. In each room, read this plot:

Conspiracy from damage

  • Return to the front door and put a candle there. Read nine times very quietly:

"The Savior, God, who is known for the village of Zakheev and the salvation of all the dwellings of this is. Itself always and now the leaders who, unworn, unworthy of the plenty of pleasure, and the prayer, bringing out of all the harm, is intimidated, blessed those who live here. Amen".

  • Please note where the candle is cracking. Light another candle and go through them again. Crosspolt all the corners in these rooms and places where the strange candle behavior was observed.
  • Leave the candle to trample in one of these places and do not go into the room until she was extinct.
  • The ritual must be spent three days in a row, and on the fourth go to the temple. Looking at the icon of the Virgin, ask her protection for all family members from any evil. Money that was used in the ritual, donate the temple.
  • Returning home, sprout salt at the entrance and each window. It will protect you from the various entities of the Astral world penetrating the home. Spree also every room with holy water.

Now you are reliably protected from various types of damage and witchcraft.

How to install mirror protection against damage

For the ritual, you will need seven small mirrors and 7 white wax candles.

Rite mirror

  • At sunset Sit at the center of the room, placing around the mirror. All of them must be reflected in each other.
  • Light on one candle near each of the mirrors and draw a circle around them. This circle will be closed by the energy of mirrors from magical influences.
  • Enter the state of meditation, tuned to positive thoughts. Remember the most joyful moments of your life, the place where they felt happy. Spend a quarter of an hour in this state.
  • Gradually turn away every mirror from myself through the left shoulder, extinguishing the candle. These mirrors can no longer be used to carry out other rituals.

Strong magic protection from damage is installed. If you ever want to remove it, you will need to break the mirrors.

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