Conspiracy on sugar - examples, how to read it


Sugar since ancient times is used in magical purposes on a par with salt. As a rule, sugar applicable in those rites who are designed to improve any spheres of life - business, personal, health and so on. Find out what an effective sugar plot can be read to improve your life, from this article.


Magic sugar

We all regularly use sugar, it is an integral part of our diet. But did you ever think about what valuable and even magical properties have this product? Not everyone knows, but with the help of sugar you can make real miracles.

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In legends of all the nations living ever on our planet, there are mentions about the magical properties of sugar, there are also many people will accept, legends and even myths that concern this product.

For example, the inhabitants of Africa believed that sugar contributes to a more active healing of wounds. They poured into open cuts of sugar, and the wounds began to delay faster, and they went to no shortness at all.

According to recent studies, Burmingham scientists have been proven that sugar dressings really help to heal wounds, even very large. It happens because sugar destroys the pathogenic organisms that interfere with healing.

Sugar - Magic Product

Also, everyone knows the sign on the scattered salt, which foreshadows the emergence of various failures in life, and at the same time scattered sugar will predict you a lot of happiness, passionate love relationships.

If you accidentally confused while food sugar with salt, it means that very soon your financial position will noticeably improve.

And if you wake up salt, but you want to protect ourselves from a possible quarrel, just throw on it from top 3 pinching sugar - by this you neutralize the negative action of salt.

You can endlessly list the signs, beliefs and superstitions associated with sugar, but we suggest you familiarize yourself with the effective conspiracies for different purposes performed on this sweet product.

Conspiracy on sugar to attract buyers

To spend this rite, you will need to take a small amount of sugar - just one pinch. Performance time - the evening when the sun hid behind the horizon, the ritual is made in the room in which you traded.

Take a pinch of sugar in the right hand and tell such text on it:

Conspiracy on sugar

Repeat the conspiracy three times, and then carefully cast sugar in the corners and on the walls. The result of the rite will be noticeable for the next day.

For good luck

To perform this ritual, you will need to stock sugar sand. Fill in them to the jar and put a spoon in it. Then begin to stir sugar clockwise, while tapping such words:

Conspiracy on sugar for good luck

Sugar spoken in this way is used by all family members - it is put in tea, coffee, other drinks and dishes.

How does this plot work? Scientists have long established that sugar crystals are able to absorb both positive and negative energy, carrying a certain information charge. Therefore, if you say positive text over sugar, you can attract good luck and strength to yourself.

Conspiracy on sugar to attract money

To spend the next magic ritual, you will need to write your wishes of material success (in the maximum details) on paper sheet, then lower them into a white envelope. Also in the envelope there are a paper banknote of any nominal, and a little sugar sand is poured from above. The envelope is closed and converted by the following words:

words of conspiracy

The magic envelope follows all the time to keep with you (you can put in my home), most importantly, do not open until everyone is desired. When all that migrated, it will come true, it will be necessary to burn a leaf, and the ashes dispel in the wind.

Conspiracy with Sugar on Trade

There is a great vintage way that swees the trade. It is necessary to wait for the onset of late night, melt the furnace or boiler with the help of aspen firewood. In confused, put a couple of rafinada cubes. When the fire begins to buzz, the consultation is pronounced:


Then sugar get out of thought (it is done with his right hand) when the fire has already burned down. They do not consider ashes from him. Claimed sugar must be placed on its workplace.

After this rite, your trade will not simply work, but also the general state of affairs is normalized, the client flow will increase.

Love plot

Love conspiracy on sugar (has a similar spell) light and safe. His time is a growing moon. To fulfill the rite, you will need to stock five church candles, a tablecloth or a piece of red fabric, as well as slicing sugar.

Conspiracy on love

Pay your attention to the fact that sugar you will put in food or drink your beloved, so take it a bit.

The rite itself is performed as follows:

  • The table is covered with a cloth;
  • Candles arrange so that in shape they formed a heart;
  • Sugar pour into a golden saucer, a saucer is placed in the central part of the heart;
  • Candles ignite.

You will need to peer in the flame languages, try to relax as much as possible and think about the person who interests you. At the same time, say such magical words:

Love plot

Text is pronounced three times. When you finish reading, keep looking into the flames of candles until they are completely ruined. Think of your loved one, imagine that you are already a member of him in a happy relationship.

As soon as the candles are completely ruined, immediately go to bed, and during the next days, you will imperceptibly sugar sugar in drinks your beloved. Very soon you can enjoy a positive result - your chosen one's chosen for you, this ritual will help you make a variety of in the time to cool the relationship.

Try to perform these interesting rituals on sugar, they will help you achieve the desired and without negative consequences.

We also suggest you view a cognitive video, which reveals a lot of interesting about this sweet product:

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