Conspiracy for the sale of goods - how to read, examples


If you are related to the sphere of commerce, then you probably wish to sell your goods as quickly as possible at a bargain price, having received a good revenue. Magic comes to the rescue in this case - you will need to read a conspiracy for the sale of goods. In this article we will tell you how to properly carry out trade rituals, as well as we give examples of effective rites.

Conspiracies for a successful sale

Terms of work of conspiracies for sale of goods

In order for the magical actions you make the desired effect, you should follow certain rules, namely:
  • Unrecordly believe in the effectiveness of the conspiracy. The presence of even minor doubts easily reduces the result of the ritual.
  • We sincerely enjoy your business, love your buyers. If you actually endure people, you are irritating from the trade process - any magical actions will be ineffective.
  • Of course, you can read the conspiracy and on a piece of paper, but best, if you learn it by heart. You need to read in a calm measured pace, not in a hurry and not confusing. As a last resort, it is allowed to rewrite the text on the leaf, but it is unacceptable to pronounce text from the monitor or a mobile phone screen.
  • When the rite is completed, you will need to sincerely thank the forces to which you have treated (in some rituals for this purpose there is a spill).
  • The ideal day of the week, Wednesday or Saturday is the ideal trading conspiracy. The best time - earlier morning, the moon should be in the growth phase.

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Wanta left behind a lot of useful tips, in particular, there are recommendations that provide good trading and constant customer stream.

  1. If you wish to realize the goods as soon as possible, you need that the first person who goes to you must have bought something. You should not be greedy - make a discount, and the first bill received from the sale will need to "mark" the rest of the goods.
  2. Important moment - in mandatory, give the first buyer to pass, even if it gives you the amount equal to the value of things. He can you present this as a discount or share. Thus, the flow of money energy is activated.
  3. Do not try to cause any harm to our competitors - remember that all evil actions and even thoughts will certainly return to you back.

And now we turn to the examples of proven conspiracy for successful trading.

Examples of conspiracies

On a coin

Is your activity related to the permanent sale of goods? Then it will not be superfluous to prepare for yourself a special mascot, which will speed up the purchase process of both inexpensive and quite expensive goods - apartments, car, and so on.

Coin 5 rubles

For the rite it will be necessary to stock coin, the denomination of which is 5 rubles. The time of the ritual is the growing moon. Take the coin into the right hand and say the following text:

"Pyatku Pyatakovich. Give me (here you say your name) good luck and without surrender. In now forever, it is infinite. Amen".

The number of repetitions should be at least twelve. Now the coin is charged with the necessary energy and can be used as a talisman. You need to always keep it with you (perfect option - put it in a separate wallet pocket).

On a pigtail

First you need to go to church and purchase 3 candles from wax. Then in the morning, before going to work, it is necessary to light them and read the prayer "Our Father" for each candle. Then connect them one on the other, as if you are weeping a pigtail, and place in the candlestick. After that, three times say such a magical text:

words of conspiracy

Then the candles are stealing with a coin, it is done with your left hand. The final part of the rite is a coin and the remnants of the candle to disguise somewhere in your workplace, while the coin should look at the top of a wide.

From the following video, you will learn another effective rite for the success of the trading business:

To attract buyers on bills and threads

You can resort to this rite on any days of the week, the exception is only Saturday and numbers thirteen, twenty-two and twenty-seven. An important condition - in the room during the rite no one should be.

For ritual, stock attributes:

  • paper billing rates of a hundred rubles;
  • Red woolen thread.

It is necessary for the threads of forty nine times to measure the length of the bills, and then cut off it and wind on the wrist on the left hand. The ends of the thread are wrapped down. All the time, while doing thread, such magical words should be pronounced:

I am money, I trade.

All for me.

And you - the goods and delivery. Amen.

Very soon you will not have a penalty from those who want to purchase what you are trading.

For sale "settled" goods

If you have some kind of goods in your store long ago, we recommend that you use such a rite.

Place its holding - Forest. Look for an anthill there, get a handful of ants from it.


Put them in the package and take to your workplace, then pour it on it by saying such a speech:

As a torment in that house

Many, so many buyers

For my goods went to me

Lord. Amen.

Ritual for an expensive thing

If you want to sell some thing with a high cost, you can resort to a powerful rite to implement the desired one.

You will need to stock key that goes into the boiling water. It is necessary to boil it well. While the key is boiling - you utter a conspiracy:

Countain text

Water remaining after magical manipulation must be merged into a jar. Before going to work or before the conclusion of the transaction, Omoot in this Water your hands.

Important moment! When pronounce the text of the statement, be sure to specify the exact name of the item sold. Also pay attention to the fact that only inanimate objects will help implement the conspiracy.

Now you know, with what magical actions you can increase the influx of customers and speed up the sale of goods. Do not forget that a good seller is, first of all, a polite seller who cares about his clients and works on conscience, and not only in order to gain its own benefit. We wish you successful sales and grateful customers!

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