What dreams red dog?


The dog personifies dedication, reliability and protection. This is a true friend in life, ready to sacrifice the sake of a favorite owner. However, in dreams, not only an image of the animal, but also behavior, and breed is important. What dreams red dog? Consider all the values ​​for dreams.

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What dreams red dog

Red color - a symbol of tricks, mystery and cunning. If you saw a dog with red wool, sleep personifies the thoughts and desires of close people who are not yet known to you. Many dreams are convinced that the secret thoughts of loved ones are negative painting, it is likely that a dream want to fool.

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Red dog can personify the partner with whom the dream (-th) intimate communication. It may be a legitimate spouse, a spouse or a loved one. To expand sleep, you need to remember:

  • breed and sizes of the dog;
  • dog behavior;
  • His feelings in a dream.

If the dreams experienced pleasant emotions and surprise in his dream, Red Dog can foreshadow the appearance of a new friend in life . This person will give a lot of joyful moments and get close to the soul - look at your surrounding, you can find this person.

PSA breed

See in a dream Spaniel - Your children or older parents need more attention. Apparently, domestic worries twisted their life with swirl, and you have ceased to take care of their relatives.

Dog. It dreams of problems at work - perhaps you allowed an oversight or did not fulfill the task on time. To avoid trouble, correct your mistakes.

Little dogs (Pekingese) will dream of misunderstandings in personal life. Perhaps you are not attentive to the second half? Listen to your partner, try to understand it.

Pitbul Red color talks about unrealized creative potential. Perhaps you fear to show creative dust, and it is wrong. Be bolder, luck next to you.

Sounds Red-color warn of the disease. If you have seen a whole mug, urgently check health.

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The appearance of the dog

If dreamed dirty dog , It warns about curvators and gossip behind the back. Moreover, gossip spreads good familiar dreams.

Bad interpretation has a dream in which he dreamed Well-groomed dog with glossy wool - The cunning of a hypocritical friend can greatly harm the dream.

PSA sizes also matter. Dogs of small breed symbolize loved ones, and Big dogs - Chiefs and managers. For a woman, the dog's big sizes will burst the annoying Uhager, to get rid of which will not be easy.

Little redhead dog In a dream, a girl can warn about the presence of a cunning rival, which takes careful steps against the dreams. Take care of a close girlfriend that put the mask of the benevolence.

Animal behavior

If a dog Licking hands in a dream So, some of your loved ones need support. Also sleep can foreshadow finding the second half.

If dog barks in space Sleep warns of impending danger - be alert. If you outlined some kind of case, it is better to postpone your plans to a more appropriate moment.

If a dog bited by hand , it foreshadows the conflict with relatives. The appearance of blood after bite talks about the scandal with the second half.

If You run away in a dream from the dog , It says about the desire to escape from real problems in life. However, with the help of flight you will not be able to get rid of trouble.

If The dog went into the house , expect a sudden arrival of relatives. They will bring joy and good news.

Sleep for girls and women

If in a dream young girl A red-haired dog appeared, a interesting young man will soon appear in her life. A new acquaintance has every chance of becoming a second half. However, this is not always the case - if the behavior of the PSA in a dream was unnecessarily devotee, in reality A young man can have bad intentions regarding acquaintance.

Dream For a married woman It has a different interpretation. Soon a young man will appear in the life of the dream, acquaintance with whom does not promise good. This young man is interested in women's finances, and blackmail can be used to achieve its goals.

Sleep for men

Men red dog can warn about the hypocrisy of comrades or colleagues. Sometimes it may be a warning about espionage in favor of competitors - a hypocritical comrade issues valuable information.

The dog of major sizes foreshadows disagreement with the boss . The dreams should be careful in his affairs, perhaps, they were interested in high-level officials.

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Dream Intercoms about Red Ps

Sonniest Medea It believes that small red-haired dogs symbolize girlfriends or female familiar, and large red dogs are high-ranking familiar. Hunting breed dogs warn of unkind intentions from friends.

Female dream book . If a red-haired dog with white appeared in a dream, it foreshadows familiarity with a good person who will become a reliable friend in life.

  • Dream Interpretation Fedorovskaya promises a meeting with a new boyfriend or beloved.
  • Small Velezov Dream Interpretation warns of unkind intentions of close friends.

Dream of the 21st century He advises to look at near the surrounding, if a homeless dog had dreamed. A dream of dirty gossip enviousness dismisses. The dog of a large breed symbolizes her husband or wife - apparently, a close person is trying to hide something from a dream. Show tact and carefully find out what is the problem.

Dream Miller He advises to look at friends - among them there is a man in a mask. He pretends a good friend, and actually plots the insidious plan against the dream.

Moon calendar . If the dream dreamed in the fourth lunar day, you need to consult a doctor. In these lunar days, dreams about the disease of the endocrine system. In the seventh lunar days, sleep warns about cataclysms - transfer the planned trip the next day.

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