Conspiracy for money and good luck - read on the coin


Sometimes in life we ​​are faced with an acute lack of funds. Of course, happiness is not at all money, but without them to live in our days is not possible. Many people in such cases seek help to magic - perform rituals that contribute to an increase in financial well-being. Reading a conspiracy on a coin for money and good luck one of the bright examples of such rituals, we will talk about it in this material. But first consider certain tricks that will help you detain money in the wallet.

Conspiracy for money

Effective ways to attract good luck and prosperity in the home

There are several existing ways, how to attract cash flow. Consider the most popular of them further.

With the help of folk belts

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Our ancestors were very wise, they had a lot of acceptance and believes to attract wealth. So, if you want to always have a lot of money, take advantage of the following tips:

  1. Never waste money on that day when you give salary. It is necessary that the finance in full total at home for at least one night (and can be more).
  2. You need to take one bill of the major nominal and not to swap it for a whole year. It will "impregnate" your dwelling with money energy and contributes to the active attraction of money.
  3. Never leave your wallet completely empty - let him lie at least one coin. Also, when you remove not seasonal clothes in the closet, put coins or minor bills in pockets. Also control so that all pockets are without holes, it does not like cash egregor.
  4. Remember the famous expression: "Money goes to money" is the main rule of monetary magic.
  5. When drinking tea and bubbles formed on the cup, collect them with a spoon and drink - it will attract finance to you.
  6. It is recommended to buy on Thursday 3 red carnations and constantly keep them in their home - this will contribute to the involvement of material goods.
  7. When you enter into a new dwelling, if you wish to live in it in sufficiency, scatter coins on the floor (best of the silver).
  8. Take a couple of bills and put them under the tablecloth, do not deliver and do not explicate - so you will save yourself from the loss.
  9. To ensure a permanent influx of new money, it is necessary on the night when the moon is full, put an open wallet on the windowsill without money, and in the new moon - closed, but filled with money.
  10. When you see a young moon in the sky, show her the bill of the most nominal nominal that you have in stock. Then the amount of money will increase along with the growth of the month.

With the help of art Feng Shui

Taking advantage of the rules of art Feng Shui, you charge your wallet with money energy. To do this, you will need to just adhere to simple recommendations:

  1. Watch your wallet always in excellent condition, not accepted and tidy.
  2. Take a green portmone - this is the color of finance, it will attract them into your life.
    Perfect color for wallet - green
  3. Provide full order in the wallet. Get rid of old checks, unnecessary business cards and tickets.
  4. Thoroughly sort the money based on their nominal and currency: thousands of bills need to be placed in one compartment, dollars to dollars, rubles to rubles. Store trifle in a special compartment for it.
  5. Money makes the aroma of mint and cinnamon, so it should be put in the purse of a plant leaf or cinnamon stick

Strength of thought

All methods listed above will be ineffective if your thinking will be wrong. You need to forget about all prejudices regarding money, sincerely love them and always perceive only in a positive context.

Magic to attract finances

Deciding to take advantage of conspiracies to attract money, we advise you to familiarize yourself with certain magical rules that will help strengthen the success of the rite.

  • As a rule, natural elements are taken for conspiracies, personifying multiplicity, a large number of something. Stars in the sky, fish in the sea, bird feathers, plant seeds and so on can be like such components.
  • The second way is to apply what is increasing. For example, it may be rising dough, plants and the like associations. Then the level of your income will increase by analogy. By the way, it is possible to simply put a monetary tree at home, it will actively attract money in your home without conspirations.
  • To attract money, you can use directly by them or new things. This is called the technique of an undinal ruble. In this case, with the help of conspiracies, you sell an old spoken coin and speak new ones instead.
    Attracting money
  • When you get the first revenue (or salary), it is better not to spend it, but leave as a talisman that will attract a lot of bills.
  • Resorting to monetary magic, it is important to pay attention to the phase of the moon to which you perform magical actions. So, if you wish to attract finances in your life, wait for the growing moon, and when, on the contrary, you want to eliminate debts, you need a decreasing moon.

Now we bring to your attention examples of effective conspiracies for money.

On a coin

Any coin is taken and such text is screwed at it:

Conspiracy for money

An important rule is read only on the even day of the week when the moon arrives. When you complete reading - hide the coin in the corner and do not touch it for seven days. Make sure that no one is struggled to it and not shifted - otherwise you will have to repeat the action described above.

When a week passes, spend this coin. Then next day when the moon will arrive, take a new coin, before that spoke it. It will be necessary to repeat the ritual even twice, after that the level of your income will increase significantly.

On a large amount of money

This conspiracy helps to get a big amount of money.

To fulfill the next rite, it will be necessary to stock up five church candles of white, to light them, cross it over and pronounce the following conspiracy words:

Text of the conspiracy

Wait for a complete burning of candles, then you will need to roll wax to the formation of a whole lump and put in the wallet.

Using all the points of conspiracies, as well as adhering to the rules for attracting material goods, you can significantly increase the level of your income and never experience needs in finance. The main thing, always believe in virtue of the rites you spend and perform all magic actions only in a good mood.

We also invite you to view the video from which you will learn more interesting conspiracies to attract money:

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