Sketches: Stumble on the right leg


To stumble in a while can each. From a long time, people began to march the influence of some events for the future - the signs were formed. It is characteristic that the signs come true even if the person does not believe in them. What does it mean to: stumble on my right leg? Interpretation will depend on many reasons - places, the day of the week in which the event occurred.

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Meaning Signs

The right side of the body is considered by esoterics as a prosperous and true. World religions argue that it is from the right side that the Guardian Angel is. If something unpleasant happens with the right side of the body, it means that we should not expect well-being.

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This interpretation is suitable for stumbling on the right leg - wait for problems. It is believed that otherworldly negative forces send a person obstacles in affairs if he stumbles on the right foot at a level place. Therefore, our ancestors were always baptized if he had come to stumble on the right foot, - to avoid trouble and misfortune.

Another interpretation of signs is the warning of the guardian angel to prevent errors. If a person started a matter that a failure can bring, the guardian angel tries to stop him halfway, warning from trouble.

However, the law of numerical vibrations is also entering into force, so our ancestors began to associate the meaning of signs with even and odd numbers of the month. Stroke on the right leg into an odd number - to trouble. In the even number of the month, the dance promises good luck.

Some interpreters clarify the value of signs and make birth bindings. It is believed that it is born in an odd number of luck and stones on the left leg, and born in an even number - on the right foot. Believe in it or not, choose you. However, check out.

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The value of the place of stubbiness

In the people there were belief that the place where the person stumbled into, has its own sacred meaning. For example, stumble about the threshold of the house when leaving - To failure. What needs to be done to "kill" to raise, level its negative meaning? You should return to the house and see in the mirror - then the bad will not come true.

If you Stumbled on the road , It is necessary to relate the number of the current day with the number of birthday. If you were born in an even number, wait good luck. If in an odd number - wait for problems. In the event of an unsuccessful forecast, you should simply cross, and also change the route of your movement - the sign will not come true.


These signs refer to any leg on which it happened to be stumbled. In this interpreter, the value has a day of the week:

  • Monday - to trouble.
  • Tuesday - to love passion.
  • Wednesday - to trouble, enemies.
  • Thursday - wait for trouble.
  • Friday - to an unexpected meeting.
  • Saturday - you will betray.
  • Sunday - to news and news.

Opinion scientists

Scientists in their own way explain the cause of the knocker in an even place, denying all mystic and guardian angels. In their opinion, a person stumbles when his brain begins to work slowly and does not cope with the leadership coordination. However, scientists do not explain the reason for the slow work of the brain.

The right side of the body is controlled by the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logical thinking. The weakening of the work of the left brain hemisphere will inevitably lead to small mistakes and shortcomings who will deliver a person in trouble. In the people, these troubles called bad luck.

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When notes do not come true

To understand whether you got a warning over, you need to look at the place where you stuffed. For example, a stick on a stone or a shallow hole on the road to the signs does not apply. Also, it is impossible to attribute uncomfortable shoes in which you often stuff.

What else does not apply to the signs? If you are inattentive stuffed about the step, this also does not apply to acceptance. A man in scatleton may not calculate the height of the steps and stumble. However, on the other hand, the abutation can be viewed as a way to divert a person and allow a stitch stitching - then this action can be considered as adopted. But nevertheless, it is necessary to consider the knocker in a flat place without visible reasons.

There are people who are confident that all the signs are stuck money. Whatever happens - to money and profits. If you consider the fact that thoughts are material, any sign will make a profit. Maybe you should take it into service and change your attitude to negative signs?

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