How to return back the damage to the one who did it: Review of methods


In this article we will talk about how to return the damn one who did it. People who decided to send damage to a person should not be forgotten that in magic there is a reverse impact concept. This is an inevitable retribution for evil witchcraft rituals. Let's find out how to reflect the deposited damage and send it to a person who is a culprit of such an impact.

Return of damage

How is the return damage

People who decided to harm their depths with the help of magic should be remembered that any negative act will definitely return back. This is due to the law of maintaining energy or karma. As a rule, a person who wants to imagine damage appeals for help to the MAG. And he, not wanting to risk himself, transfers the retaliatory strike to the customer. Now it is the sender, and not a magician, will bear all responsibility for his act.

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If the affected damage will fit something wrong and try to return it with the help of special rites, the customer expects a negative in a triple size. Depending on what exactly the impact was sent and what his strength was, the masses of the wrong damage threaten the disease, loneliness, problems in work or even death.

In any case, the Customer will suffer from his act more than the sacrifice, if, of course, this is a magical impact to remove on time.

Although induced negative, he himself always returns to the sender, there are also many rituals for the return of damage.

If you suspect that you have been made a magic blow, you must act immediately. In order to get rid of the negative impact and return it to the customer, you can spend special rites.

The main thing is what it is necessary to remember when trying to return the damage to the customer, - in no case do not strive to cause it an evil with the help of response magical influences. Otherwise, you will bear the same responsibility for your actions as he.

How to reflect damage when sublined

Any items can play the role of a subclass: soil, salt, coals, wax drops, needles, incomprehensible convolutions or liquid. Just so they usually do not appear. If you notice such suspicious things at your threshold, do not touch them. You need to carefully assemble them broom and burn or throw away in the garbage away from home.

Now it is necessary to remove the damage and return the sender, even if anything bothers you and life continues to go as usual. If you do not react to the lining immediately, then it may be too late.

Having found suspicious items at the entrance door or wicket, you need to twelve again and speak:

Split words

After reading the plot, you can remove the lining without touching it and not entering the dwelling. All items that you suffered to it should also be thrown out or burn.

Rite of getting rid of a subflade with a broom

Usually applied in cases where you saw a suspicious subject, leaving home. You will need a broom, salt water or infusion of thistle.


When carrying out a ritual, act in this order:

  • Holding a broom with left hand, read the words of the conspiracy:

Hello to you, trouble-mother. I open you the gate, but you can not come from something into the house. So, I'm not sweet (a) I am for you.

  • Go outside and close the front door or gate. Collect the lining with a broom and burn or jump on the wasteland.
  • Returning home, proceed to cleansing the home. Pretty inspect the room for other suspicious things, because the lining may not be alone.
  • Heat the water and add salt into it. The solution must be very salty. It can also be used for this rite herbal infusions, such as thistle, thyme or nettle.
  • Will go around the whole house clockwise, the Krophiv salted solution of the wall, every corner and door, reading this conspiracy:

Appeal to the devil

During this ritual, the windows and doors should be widely open so that negative energy can freely leave the house.

How to return damage, induced salt and pepper

Very often, ill-wishers resort to spooler made on salt and pepper. In this case, the victim can find these attributes of the magic ritual from his door or in personal belongings. It is necessary to remove such damage as quickly as possible until she started to act. To return the negative back, spend such a rite.

For the ritual, it is necessary to gain water from three sources, for example, rivers, lakes and wells. But only do not use water from dirty standing reservoirs. Also take any pebbles and act in this order:

  • Place the collected water in one vessel and throw the pebbles there.
  • Then you need to light the candle and read this plot:

Return of damage

  • Copy water needs to be washed the place where the lining was found. You need to leave the stone for three days from your door. During this time it cannot be removed from the spot.
  • After three days, the pebbles need to be attributed to the place where you found it. The porch now does not have the strength on you and return to your sender.

Return of damage

How to return damage if you know her sender

If you are definitely sure that some particular person focused on you damage, you can return it with this rite.

  • Prepare fresh home egg.
  • Roll out the whole body with this egg clockwise, while reading this conspiracy: "Plow collecting, I put in the egg! Good luck Return, Bed Forget! "
  • After that, the egg must be put under the door of the inhabited damage. You can also come up with another way, how to make sure the customer of damage step over the egg. The main thing is to prevent this step to make an innocent one of his relatives or acquaintances.
  • After that, the egg must be broken and throwing into the toilet. Negative impact to go to its sender.

When performing rituals for the return of damage, it is necessary to accurately be sure who is guilty of this impact. If you return the damage to an innocent person, then you will become a customer of damage and you will be responsible for the caused evil.

Before performing the rite, it is advisable to forgive your offender, put anger and hatred in the shower, thirst for revenge and not think evil.

If you are definitely not sure who exactly brought the damage to you, it is better to remove negative energy from your biofield and leave at the discretion of the higher forces. They know you better to whom it is intended.

Learn more about returning damage to make it helps video:

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