Signs: Is it possible to give icons as a gift?


Orthodox priests are not recognized, as they consider them unclean. Icon is an personification of holiness and purity. Where did the sign appear that the presented icon can stick trouble? In the old days they tried to abandon the presented icons, considering them spoiled. Signs: Is it possible to give icons? Consider the question in detail.

Signs: Is it possible to give icons as a gift? 7342_1

Signals about icons

The people were told that the presented icon brings trouble to the house. After the adoption of a similar gift in the house, quarrels and scandals began, the households were severely illness, and even went to the world at all. It was connected with the spool that evil people were injected through the icon.

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However, in the modern world such surprises can not be afraid, especially if the icon is given relatives or close people with good wishes and from the bottom of our heart. Representatives of the Orthodox Church believe that Sanctified icon brings in God's house grace, cleans from negative and blesses living in the house.

Icons need to be given according to the rules set by the Church:

  • On the birthday present nominal icons;
  • The sick person is given an icon that helps in healing;
  • colleagues and bosses should be given icons to help in work and business;
  • Family people give icons blessing family hearth;
  • Young girls give the image of holy waters, and the young men - the holy wings of God.

It is customary to give icons for the wedding, just to do it should parents of newlyweds or close relatives. For the bride choose the image of the Virgin, and for the groom - Jesus Christ.

Holy images can be given at any time, but more The icons dedicated to an important event - birth, wedding, christenings are endowed with a strong fertile effect..

You should also know where the icon should be located in the house. For this, there was a "red angle" before, that is, the most prominent place in the house.

Is it possible to give not consecrated in the churches icons made by personally? No consecrated image does not carry positive energy, so homemade icons need to be consecrated in the church.

Icons for women and men

It is believed that the Icons corresponding to the floor can be brought as a gift.

For women:

  • Kazan icon of the Mother of God - for family well-being and healing from the ailments.
  • Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God - for the well-being of children.
  • Troochitsa icon - to protect the house and liberation from depression.
  • The Iverian icon of God's Mother - to get rid of sins.
  • Bethlehem icon of the Mother of God - for those who wish to create a family.

For men:

  • Savior Neruko- for home prayers.
  • The icon of St. Nicholas - for those whose work is connected with the roads.
  • The icon of the guardian angel is to protect against trouble and temptation.
  • The image of a saint patron - for family well-being and choosing the right life path.

Is it possible to take as a gift to an icon from someone else's person? If doubts arise in the sincerity of the donor, you need to take the shrine in the temple for consecration. The ministers of the church will produce a rite of consecration, and the icon will bring well.

Taking the shrine as a gift, do not forget to thank God. After the words of Thanksgiving, attach forehead to the icon. Remember that it is impossible to burn or throw off the shrine. As a last resort, take it to church.

Signs: Is it possible to give icons as a gift? 7342_2

Icons for a wedding

To the wedding is made to give Images of Our Lady and St. that the priest consecrated a special rite. These two shrines, believing, protect a young family from contention and divorce.

You can give young Images of Fevron and Peter who are considered patrons of a married couple. A good gift from parents will be Fedorovskaya icon of the Mother of God that helps conceit and protects the mother and child from adversity and disease.

The image of the Holy Praws It will help strengthen family relationships, contributes to the extension of the genus. Do not forget to hold a special rite of consecrated icons on the eve of the wedding celebration.

Icons for christening

Christening is an important event in the life of a little man, his parents and the godfather. The main gift for christening should be an icon that will protect the baby from adversity and will help to get on the path of truth. According to the tradition of the godf give a child a measured icon which is manufactured by order and corresponds to the growth of the child. However, you can give a measuring icon purchased in the church.

A good gift for christening will be Name icon , patroness of a little man. Name icon will accompany the Orthodox all life. She is considered a defender, an intercession, his patron can be asked about the fulfillment of desires. The nominal icon is set near the bed of the child so that her face looked at the kid.

Also on christening can be given:

  • The image of Panteleimon Healer.
  • The image of Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • The image of God's Mother.
  • The image of Matrona Moscow.

Do not forget to pre-sanctify icons in the church.

Signs: Is it possible to give icons as a gift? 7342_3


The new home should have his own patron, so the icons are accepted on the housewark. Usually accepted to give icon of the Mother of the Intercession which protects the house from the troubles and damage. According to the tradition of the icon, it is given to entry into a new home, new seals must enter the room already with an icon.

Another patron of Novoselov is considered Fold . These are three images connected in one icon - the Virgin, Nikolai Miracle, and Jesus Christ. The fold can replace the iconostasis, which according to the tradition is obligatory in every Orthodox house.

What else can you give to the housewarming:

  • Icon is an unbreakable wall - for the guard from thieves and evil.
  • Icon impassable door - protects against enemies and intruders.
  • Icon is an unhapite bina - to protect against fires.
  • Image with a cross - walked from evil and attack.
  • Icon Sporizer Breads - to protect against spiritual and material poverty.

Remember that icons in the house can not hang on the wall - they are put. In the presence of Saints, it is impossible to swear, spit and behave unworthy. If a party is planned in the room, it is better to bring icons to another room. A bad idea is considered a cracked icon - this is a disease or death of a relative.

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