What dreams broken leg?


In the dream dreams symbolize the path chosen by man. Any items or things associated with legs are associated with an expensive or traveled path. This applies to shoes, clothing and other accessories. What dreams broken leg? Dreaming is a dual interpretation - positive and negative. How do you consider this question dreams?

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Crucial moment

Broken finite prevents movement, and in a dream broken leg too Indicates difficulties in life path . This may concern the health, financial well-being or moving along the career ladder.

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Damaged limb - Symbol of the turning point in life . However, the turning point can be positive and negative. Tip in the dream will be understood by the person himself, because everyone's life situations are different. For one person, a turning point can bring a victory or get rid of difficulties, and another subconscious mind indicates the wrong direction of the path.

Sometimes the subconsciousness is trying to indicate a person for a mistake - uncompromising behavior can break his friendship, as a result of which the dreams will lose good and kind friends. Do I need to defend your principles to the detriment of good relationships with others?

Place of fracture

The accuracy of the interpretation will depend on the place of damage to the bone of the foot:

  • knee-joint;
  • feet, thigh, fingers;
  • Right / left leg.

Fracture of the knee According to Miller, reflects the fears of the dream. The dream can dreamed of a responsible event in a person's life - the adoption of a fateful decision or a public speech. Also sleep can warn about the beginning of a new life stage.

Hip damage May predict temporary termination of activities. During this period, the person will need help close: both moral and material. Fracture of foot foot It can predict a decrease in wages or a downgrade.

Interestingly, the meaning of sleep interpretation may vary depending on which foot was damaged. Injury right leg It warns to be careful and not to take responsibility for others, also sleep does not advise to impose responsibility for all things immediately. Fracture of the left foot I advises to listen to your own intuition - it will indicate the right way.

Broken fingers on the legs indicate the following:

  • Dream Interpretation of the 21st century - a dream is awaiting troubles, tears due to an error committed in the past.
  • Ivanova's dream book prevents a negative impact of a bad man.
  • Winter's dream book warns to refrain from the Soviets when they are not asked about them.
  • Miller's dream book promises trouble and material need.
  • Dream Longo offers to relax from things, wait for a black life strip.

Damaged Nail to feet Warns to be careful in financial matters not to lose your money.

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Other interpretations

If a man sees slim female legs, it foreshadows the performance of a cherished dream. If the legs are instantly deteriorated, break or explode - the dream is not destined to come true.

Sleep about an accident With the participation of the dream is proper. If in the plot of a person had a feet for the guilt of a dream, driving a vehicle, then for drivers - this is a dream warning.

See a dream with an accident On the eve of the signing of the contract - Warning of danger. Carefully reread documents before putting your signature. Dream On the eve of the trip advises to cancel it. If the accident was dreamed of the fault of another person, the dreams will suffer due to someone's stupid mistakes.

Support a person with broken legs - In reality, it will be possible to get out unsaturable from the complex life situation due to resourcefulness and the mind. Blood bold during assistance - reputation will be fan. Wash the blood from yourself - it will be possible to restore the good name.

Fall from the stairs in a dream on the eve of an important case - To failure. It is better to postpone the transaction until the best times, the moment is unfavorable to start any project. See how friends come to resolve after falling, - in real life you can count on support from their part.

If No one came to the rescue After falling, and unfamiliar people are braveled and looking at the dream with condemnation, in real life you are surrounded by ill-wishers who wish you harm.

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Fracture Interpreters

Dream Miller It believes that the dreams goes wrong. The subconsciousness warns of an incorrectly selected direction that will lead to a dead end. Perhaps the dream need to change the place of work or the generation of the activity.

A married man Sleep is a major unpleasant conversation with the second half. Sometimes a dream can warn about trouble on the far path. If the dream dreamed on the eve of the journey, you should bother about your own security. However, this does not apply to business trips - the trip will be completed successfully and make a profit.

Modern dream book It believes that the injured limb from another person warns of serious disagreements with people who can spoil reputation or negatively affect family well-being. Be careful and do not trust everyone in a row.

Fracture in a loved one also promises trouble: a dream will try to pull into the scaper, which will end with a big scandal. To avoid trouble, you should refuse a dubious offer. See your own foot in the gypsum - to the disease.

English Dream It believes that the dream is awaiting trouble if he saw his own leg in the cast. This may concern the financial sphere, business projects or personal life. If the leg breaks a close friend, soon the relationship with it will be tested for strength. If friendship is durable, no negative events will be able to break it.

Break your foot colleague in a dream - To competitive struggle. The dream will have to defend its position by any available methods.

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