Why dream theft of money?


Theft, theft bring negative emotions and cause anger or despair if a person loses the last money. However, dreams often contradict real events, and negative situations can be considered in a positive key. Why dream theft of money? Sleep can have a dual interpretation. Let us turn for the advice to dreams.

Why dream theft of money? 7349_1

Affection in dream

The drain of money has a negative interpretation in all dreams, for some exceptions. Sleep decryption accuracy will depend on the following points:
  • Who stole money - the thief or the dreams himself;
  • Who has been stolen money - a dream or another person;
  • where money was stolen - in the house or another place.

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The symbol of money is associated with a well-being of a person, because they play a big role in everyone's life. If you have dreamed of theft of money, it means that the succession of the dream is in question . In reality, a person may face large obstacles in achieving a cherished goal.

What does dream mean in which The dreams acted as a thief . The plot indicates that the sake of achieving the cherished goal is a person ready for everything. The abduction of banknotes may indicate that a person spends time on unnecessary affairs, which will bring problems instead.

What does it mean if Money stole a familiar man . Interpreters believe that soon he will deliver the dream of problems and trouble.


If the money was pulled out of a dream pocket, in reality will have to face disappointment in loved ones. The abduction of the money from the pocket of a familiar person foreshadows the problem, the culprit of which will be the dreams himself.

If there is a dream of a stranger's pocket in a dream, in reality, the planned trip or the decision of personal questions will suffer a fiasco - should be postponed to better times.

A bag

If the money is taken from the bag, Sleep Sulit Enrichment - So interpret this plot some interpreters. It is possible that the appearance of a new source of income that will save the dream from the care of the bread-in-law.

Another interpretation of a dream may be a warning that unscrupulous people want to assign a dream of a dream. If the work is related to the creation of projects, be careful.


If a wallet was stolen in a dream, ruin in reality. For businessmen, this is a very bad sign. - The firm can go bankrupt.

If the dreams like to play gambling, sleep warns be careful and never bet in the near future.

Theft of the wallet It warns not to give money into debt - they simply do not return.

Why dream theft of money? 7349_2

Robbery apartment

Sleep is unequivocally foreshadow losses and losses . The more money was stolen in a dream, the notifies will be damages. Theft of a minor amount foreshadows small troubles and losses.

In some cases, the robbery of the house may foresee the acquaintance with fraudsters who are looking for a new victim. The sacrifice can be a dream, if you do not pay attention to the warning over.

If you work on a project or plan a major thing, it is better to leave an undertaking than to suffer fiasco and bankruptcy. The subconscious warns - the problem is failing.

Loss of reputation

Some dreams are confident that loss of money foreshadows reputation loss. Suddenly detect the absence of a wallet or banknotes in his pocket - soon You will suffer from woven and pier . You may have contacted bad people, and soon the public indignation will be felt.

Girls can tell a lot of unpleasant stories to your account, from which the reputation may suffer. Or a dream can warn about a stupid act, after which it will be very shameful.

If you discovered the absence of a wallet before traveling to his beloved person , Sleep warns that someone specially dismisses gossip to your account. As a result of the activities of the envious, you can spoil relationships with your loved one. Also sleep can be foreshadowed love, ridicule and humiliation.

Bad value has a dream in which Wallet stolen Gypsies . The subconsciously warns that his immodest behavior and acquaintance with the vicious people of the dreams himself spoils his reputation. Also, sleep warns of a possible conflict and parting with a beloved, which appreciates the decency above the gold.

If Wallet taken along the way to work or study Sleep foreshadows trouble. Either you will not get a place that you dream about, or large problems will arise in an educational institution. Also sleep may impose a humiliation from the bosses or from colleagues.

Why dream theft of money? 7349_3

Interpretation of dreams

Dream Miller Provides deprivation and loss. Stolen trifle promises small trouble , irritation, troubles in matters. Stolen banknotes talk about failures in business and affairs, large losses. Also Sleep can warn about serious illness , Therefore, you should consult a doctor.

If The dreams himself stole money In his life, there is not enough sharp sensations and drive. It can push to unreasonable aids and lead to trouble. Stolen the wallet in a dream? This plot foreshadows great losses, the stolen bag prophesies to trouble.

Universal dream book Warns about big trouble in life if you were robbed in a dream. Troubles can touch any sphere of life - business, work, health or family relationships. To minimize losses, take steps to prevent any losses.

The loss of little things speaks of small trouble in life, which will quickly pass. However, if conflicts arose with your loved ones, your incessant can lead to separation. Therefore, keep yourself in your hands and do not allow offensive words to an expensive person.

Modern dream book Warns to be careful and not to get involved in dubious projects and affairs. Be careful with unfamiliar people, do not trust everything in a row. If the house was robbed, you should bother about my family - someone can harm his relatives. Theft in another place foreshadows problems at work.

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