How to remove the evil eye at home


This article will talk about how to remove the evil eye yourself. Nowadays, many people are wondering how to remove the dangerous consequences of different energy impacts. In the first place among them is the evil eye. This, at first glance, a weak negative program can cause serious harm to health, family happiness and well-being. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible, barely you just suspected something wrong in your life.

evil eye

Schalz and its main symptoms

The evil eye belongs to the most common negative energy effects. Most often, he arises unintentionally and without malicious intent. A person who has a "bad" eye, your envious or even the closest and native person in a rustling of negative emotions can have such an impact.

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This romoc of negative energy is introduced into the man's biofield and slowly begins to select life forces, provoke diseases and harm in various spheres.

Easy unintended program will weaken with time, but it cannot leave the strong evil eye. Like leech, he will constantly pump out energy from his carrier. To free himself, special rituals will be required.

The most sensitive to the Schalma children and representatives of the weak gender. After all, it is they attracting attention and views around others, often unkind. People who have a strong fear of such influences may also become a victim of the evil eye. Men with severe energy that do not believe in magic are practically not subject to the Schalla.

Especially vulnerable to such phenomenon are breast children, because their biofield is still very weak. They have practically no energy protection, so any oblique look can have a serious impact on them. For this reason, young children always tried not to show the strangers, do not attend with them places with a large cluster of people.

Symptoms of the evil eye

The presence of a decline is easy to check with such signs:

  • Your emotional state changes. There are attacks of aggression and anger or, on the contrary, apathy and decay of forces.
  • Children are often susceptible to hysterics and crying. They refuse food and favorite toys, they are painful to all react.
  • Sudden aggravation of chronic diseases and the appearance of new ones. Doctors cannot accurately diagnose and facilitate the patient's condition.
  • Migraine, disorders of digestion, chronic fatigue and depression, depression occur.
  • Racing blood pressure and painful sensations in the heart.

If you have found these symptoms and associate them with a slogony, contact a knowledgeable person. Easy evil eye, as a rule, is easy to remove independently with the help of special rites.

Removing the evil eye with rites

Often, to remove negative impact, it is not necessary to contact the specialists in the field of magic. It is enough to hold a simple ritual.

Water ritual and matches

This is the most common and effective rite to remove the evil eye. It will not only help free from the negative impact, but also helps to determine whether the cause of trouble is indeed the evil eye. It is not recommended to conduct himself - ask for help from someone close. The action of the ritual occurs at sunset. You will need spring water and 9 matches. Act in this order:

  • Sit next to the man who remove the evil eye. Put a glass with water and nine matches on the table. Ignore the first match, holding it between you, and say the conspiracy:

Skip from Schalza

  • Continue to repeat the conspiracy until the fire match does not reach your fingers and it will be impossible to endure. Now extinguish her and throw it into the water.
  • Do the same with the rest of the matches. Consipient words need to pronounce no less than nine times.
  • If all 9 matches remain at the top, it means there is no magical impact on a person.
  • If more than five drowned, there is a strong evil eye.
  • All nine matches went to the bottom - this is already indicative of induced damage.
  • If one of the matches drowned, try to spend this rite again tomorrow.

After the end of the ritual, the sacrifice of the evil eye should have a conspiracy water with four edges of a glass. The remaining water must be poured onto the road through the left shoulder.

Removing the evil eye with salt

Since ancient times, it was known about the magical ability of salt to absorb all the negative. It is not surprising that the salt is used in many cleansing rites. Magical rituals with salt are quite simple and affordable. This makes them very popular among ordinary people who are far from magic.

Removing the evil eye of salt

To remove the evil eye from the whole family, spend such a ritual:

  • Being leaving people living in the neighboring people so much slices of salt, how many family members.
  • Mix salt and use cooking. Salt food, say:

Split words

  • Everyone must try this dish from one spoon.

If you need to remove the evil eye from one family member, carry out such a ritual:

  • Heat the salt pinch in the pan. If the man really has a evil eye, sprinkles salt, it will crack and smell a lot and unpleasantly smelling.
  • Slim conspiracy:

Conspiracy on the wind

  • Next, you need to pour salt into a bowl, which is a picture of the victim of the evil eye. You can leave a bowl at night at the head of the bed.
  • The rite needs to be held 7 days. On the eighth salt, you need to collect and burrow on the wasteland or wash in the toilet. The skillet and the remaining salt in the pack must be thrown away. Now a person is freed from any negative.

How to remove the evil eye

This method refers to the most effective in combating the slogan. For the rite, prepare a white egg white egg. It must be fertilized and very fresh, do not lie before it in the refrigerator. Before holding a ritual, wash it with key or rainwater.

Egg from Schalza

In the room where the ritual will pass, open the windows and move the curtains to make more light. Conductive rite should stand behind his back at the victim from the evil eye. Next, act in this way:

  • Light a candle and take the egg to the right hand. Start led them clockwise around a person. Make a couple of circles near the head, neck and spinal column. Then through the right shoulder, roll the egg on the chest and stomach and go down to the legs.
  • During the recession of the egg, pronounce "Our Father".
  • Watch the egg in a bowl and carefully consider it. The color and composition of the eggs should remain unchanged. If you notice some deviations, the negative impact was not completely eliminated, and the rite must be repeated.
  • Remove the evil eye to complete healing is best for only 7 days in a row.
  • After holding a rite, an egg must be poured into the toilet or bury. Getting rid of him, read a plot:

"Purpose, evil eye, illness, failure pure water in charge. Amen".

In the end, thank the highest strength and well wash your hands. Now the evil eye can no longer harm you.

We reviewed the most popular and effective ways to remove the evil eye. To complement this information will help the video:

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