Pigeons - signs and superstitions about birds


A huge number of different folk will take on natural phenomena, and a separate niche occupy signs of animal representatives. In this list, the pigeons of the birds of the world, which many undeservically disliked the fact that they often spoil the cars and buildings with their litters often. In reality, pigeons never make anyone anything wrong, they predict happy, successful events in life, improving financial well-being. The theme of this article is superstition and challenges about pigeons.

Signs of pigeons

What will be predicted to you pigeons

Probably, many will be surprised when they recognize how much in reality there will be a message about these feathered. All of them differ greatly between themselves and can sometimes have contradictory values. Then we introduce you to the case and consider examples of the most popular folk beliefs about pigeons.

Our rapids were confident that the pigeons play the role of messengers from heaven, and not just ordinary birds. Therefore, it does not surprise the fact that all the challenges and beliefs about the pigeons will indicate the beginning of serious life changes.

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Immediately remembers the story from the Bible when the pigeon during the World Flood brought to people a good news. Since then, the position of things has almost changed, the pigeons still bring important leaders that it is important to understand and decipher correctly.

  1. G Olube "marks" clothes or car . Of course, it is unlikely to have you like it, but try to perceive the situation in a positive context. So, in a short time, according to ancient reference, you can wait for an increase in the financial condition.
  2. The pigeon flew to the balcony and settled there . Thus, the bird protects your home from negative energy and does not allow its penetration into housing.
  3. Dove sits on the windowsill . Bird brought news on their wings and will predict the vital changes. If you watch an unexpected guest behind your window glass, and if it is still knocking on the beak in your window, do not believe in bad rumors and beliefs. Some sources occur in the opposite interpretation of signs - allegedly dove, squeezing on the windowsill, is a harbinger of bad events and indicates almost death. Do not trust this - Is such a bright bird capable of bringing you a bad news?
    Dove on the window
  4. The pigeon flew and sits on the window with something in the keyboard - branch, blades or other objects. So, very soon in your life will come great happiness, the dark life of life will be changed by light, favorable changes will be broken. In no case can not be driven by a guest with a window!
  5. Bird flew inside the dwelling - Soon the guests will come to the house and brought with them interesting news. If the pigeon is white, meet good guests with positive news.

    And if the pigeon is distinguished by black color, the nature of the news will not be very joyful, maybe even be tragic.

  1. The pigeon flies out the window and hits the glass . This is not a very good option. Especially if after that the bird falls to the earth after this, - in this case, it will indicate various misfortunes and troubles or may indicate the beginning of an unfavorable period in life. But if after hitting he rises and continues his flight, you will succeed successfully cope with difficulties, they will be held very quickly.

    In most cases, the beliefs are valid when the bird flies inside the dwelling. And the meeting on the street is not taken into account. A dead dove somewhere outside of your housing does not predict anything bad for you.

  1. Bird flies into the kitchen - Scribes will indicate a happy family life, light life and well-being.
  2. When the pigeon settles on the balcony of your dwelling and logs there a nest, This is a very good sign! And if the bird also asked the eggs, very soon you will get a significant financial profit, as well as survive many joyful moments in life.

But it is impossible to touch these eggs or interfere with birds - just watch the gradual appearance of the chick from the egg. Be sure that the sign promises you with great happiness.

Nest of pigeons on the balcony

Negative sign - when the pigeon did not sit the eggs, but suddenly left your home. This testifies to the difficulties and disappointments, the crash of your hopes.

This is not the entire list will take about pigeons.

Other signs

If the bird sat on your head or body (which happens very rarely), you will soon get rich and get pleasant surprises from destiny. You did not accidentally become a chosen one of this bird - this is a sign that the highest forces are satisfied with your behavior and want to reward you for him.

No wonder the people never killed the pigeons and did not harm them. These are bright birds that please us with their behavior, and even if they exhibit annoying, you need to be tolerable to them. Cheer the feathers left on the table with crumbs, do not drive them from the balcony and do not hurt. You can not doubt that fate will not have anything in your debt and will very soon reward you for this by a storm.

If you believe in the signs and constantly pay your attention to everything that happens in your life, you can open a lot of new and interesting, learn that you foreshadow one or other events in life. You will be mentally prepared in advance for troubles, which, unfortunately, are inevitable. At the same time, only you decide what you believe, but what is not, and how to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

We also offer you to view a short video in which other examples are also provided for pigeons:

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