Tarot for beginners - how to guess and use cards


It is no secret that many of us were interested in issues how to deal with their hard life situations with the help of various fortunes. And very often, our gaze turned to Tarot's cards, because they are powerful conductors of information deserving our trust.

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As a rule, newbies concerns the question of which way to choose for Tarot learning. In this article we will try to consider various approaches that are used by famous tarologists so that a person who is interested in a person can begin to gadania.

Taro for beginners

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Features of fortune telling tarot for beginners

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Immediately need to warn that fortune telling for beginners on tarot is not just a description of the drawings that we see on the maps. To do this, you need to possess a certain sixth sense, deeply developed intuition, which will help read information from the space. As a rule, in the process of working with maps, this feeling is exacerbated and evolves. Therefore, it is not necessary to be elected with unique abilities. Usually, quite desire and regular workouts to achieve success.

In the process of work, you will begin to understand that the cards simply help you tune in to a certain wave, and over time you can and without scenario to penetrate the information field and hear the voice of the universe. But, of course, this is a very high level. After all, not everyone is able to become a genius in this area, just as not so many outstanding people in all other spheres of life. But to become a qualified specialist in this area forces to each wishes.

In the next video on the YouTube channel, you will learn how to choose the package of tarot cards for beginners:

How to use tarot cards for beginners

So still how to start a fortune telling on Tarot maps?

There are several very simple and efficient methods.

1 Method of "Free Associations" by T. "Sherson

It is understood that before taking a textbook, where the values ​​of the cards are described, you need to independently work with the deck. At the same time, it is important which associations makes you have each image. After all, these images will subsequently appear when reading cards. Not always your associations will meet general standards and may be criticized by famous tarologists. But there are no answers to the right or wrong. This is your intuitive vision.

Acquaintance from the deck of cards usually passes as follows: Beginner in turn pulls out cards and consider them in detail. The following details are important: who is depicted on the map, symbolism, colors, emotional atmosphere. It is necessary to celebrate any thoughts that come to mind, emotions, words. All information must be written to the notebook.

After the first stage, there is a turn to familiarize himself with the classic interpretation of the values ​​of the Tarot textbooks for beginners. Read and remember the generally accepted interpretations as long as you can not say enough information from the book about each card, plus your intuitive images that she caused you. From now on, you are ready to start making lips. Now the more practice, the richer your experience.

2. The method "How to pass today"

Waking up in the morning, think about how this day will pass, and make the map alignment. Analyze the dropped cards and try to make a forecast. And in the evening you have the opportunity to know how guess you guess with the forecast. First, make align on any event that should happen to you. At first, ask questions about Da-No. Later, complicate your task as a question "how this event will be held." In no case are not afraid that you are not guess. Among the tarologists is that there are enough 60% of the coincided responds to be considered a specialist in this field.

Find out what the future prepares you

Remember, extremely undesirable to give cards into the hands of another person. This is not mystic. Just every deck is configured to vibrate your master. If it touches outsiders, thin energy settings are knocked down.

In the process of work, it may be that some kind of deck did not come up. This sometimes happens, because the cards are a very personal thing with which you need to enter a certain resonance. Do not be discouraged if you do not feel harmony, it is better to acquire yourself another deck. And old or sell, or give someone. In any case, Tarot needs to rely on their intuition.

How to shift tarot cards

There are many ways: you can drag as playing cards, turning a deck several times. There is another option: decompose all the cards on a flat surface and mix your hands. In any case, the choice is yours.

Touch the deck of cards correctly

Difficulties arising from tarot

Frequently beginners face certain difficulties. In the first place lack of information, the complexity in the correct formulation of the issue, an objective interpretation of the result. All of these knowledge is purchased in the process of experience and careful analysis of information. And uncertainty in their abilities is necessarily compensated for by positive results. Usually beginners are inspired if their predictions are accurate. But sometimes there is a feeling that you do not feel the cards. If such a situation arose, it is better not to use the cards during this period. After all, it is very often that the emotional state of gadgetting determines the accuracy of the forecast. In any case, do not be discouraged, because you will definitely work out.

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