Why dream of painting lips?


Makeup in antiquity wore sacral meaning and had a meaningful value different from simple decoration. In the modern world, the painted face is perceived by a granted phenomenon and, except for a hint of a festive mood or preparation for a romantic date, no sense has no meaning. What dreams to paint lips - to a feast or a date? Consider the value by different dreams.

Why dream of painting lips? 7358_1

Symbols of lips in dreams

Lips symbolize sensuality, sincerity or falsehood, desire. Drawn lips talk about the intention of women to achieve certain goals or hide disadvantages. To properly understand the images of a dream, you need to remember the color of the lipstick. It is he who carries the main semantic load with interpretation.

Red color

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Shades of red color have the meaning of passion and passion. In the dream, the red tone of lipstick warns about the threat of the appearance of the rival. However, it should be remembered how lipstick was applied on the lips.

If the movements were nervous, and the makeup lay unevenly or inaccurated, the danger of breaking with his beloved because of another woman is quite justified.

If you gladly applied makeup on the face, we used the contour pencil and carefully made the lips, the dream speaks of strong relationships with her beloved. Be afraid for the appearance on the horizon there is no other part.

Pink color

This shade is most common when applying makeup - he emphasizes the contour of the lips and does not look defiantly. Sleep says about achieving the target, if you follow the field of heart. It is important to hear the inner voice of the subconscious, which gives the right tips.

If lipstick looked strangely on the face and caused an unpleasant surprise, it means that something would not be charged in life. Plans are not implemented, obstacles and mental disorders will arise.

Why dream of painting lips? 7358_2

Black color

This shade indicates a violation of internal harmony, the desire to find support from others. Black lipstick is a symbol of underestimated self-esteem, insecurity in their forces and desire to become a noticeable and notable. This behavior is characteristic of teenagers who create their own image or in search of themselves.

Orange color

This shade speaks about good moral, haul and unspoiciness of man. All you have planned will end safely. The union with his beloved will be strong, lonely women will find the soul mate. Sleep is favorable for career.

Colorless lipstick

The absence of color is the symbol of emptiness and loneliness, the lack of bright impressions and joy. To change the dull course of life, bring paints. Fill life with new content, hope for the best, strive to upgrade. You can start with the replenishment of the wardrobe with new things, changes in hairstyles and behavior style.

Lip gloss

Apply shine on the lips - the desire to attract the attention of the opposite sex, the symbol of the seduction. Such behavior is characteristic of young specimens who seek to assert due to the increased attention of young people. Tip - Raise self-esteem within yourself, and not through the reaction of others.

Unusual shades

This dream indicates the originality of man and his approach to life. Sometimes sleep may indicate the desire to achieve recognition, become famous. Tip - Title dreams with reality, do not dream about unattainable.

The method of applying lipstick

Remember what you were engaged in a dream:

  • painted lips in front of the mirror;
  • often tinted lips lipstick;
  • Going on a date.

Make a makeup in front of a mirror - Sign of self-confidence and blooming egoism. Men's dreams with a similar plot talk about the manifestation of narcissism in the character of man. If the movements of the hand were accurate and confident, a person is looked at himself. Untustible movements of the hand and uneven lines of makeup talk about the desire to disguise their own flaws, not necessarily external.

Frequent tinting lips Speaks about discontent with himself and his appearance. The inner state of such a person depends on the assessment of others - she likes or not. The Council - love yourself and your body, aware of the uniqueness and uniqueness of the face and contours of the figure. Take yourself as it is.

Make a make-up - Partner's feelings are deep and sincere. The amount of lipstick layers applied to the lips of the lipstick will tell about the depth of the senses. Spoiled makeup talks about the frivolousness of the intentions of a young man - he is not ready for deep relations, wishes only entertainment.

Why dream of painting lips? 7358_3

Dream of flowers . Too bright lips talk about the evant moral man, quarrels and scandals with a close person right up to breaking relationships. The clear contour of the lips is the reciprocity of feelings with her beloved.

Dream Stranger Considers bright lipstick as a symbol of nature of character, a tendency to hysterics and whims. Too pale lips will notice ailments, thin - to envy and blending, beautiful - to harmony in relationships.

Esoteric dream book It believes that the lips will take off to the lack of an opposite sex. Dreamed bright makeup - pay attention to your image, make more time to care for yourself.

Dream Miller It believes that the lips of bright tone made in a dream warn about falsehood in relations with her beloved. If the tone of lipstick does not like the dream, it is unhappy with his appearance. Use someone else's lipstick in a dream - the desire to seduce a small man. Black tone lipstick - throwing a challenge to fate, become more confident and bolder.

Vanga. It believes that the plot with the makeup of the lips is talking about the desire to start an incinement with a pleasant young man.

Freud. Gives another interpretation of a dream: Your partner is dissatisfied with relations.

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