What dreams of a native brother?


Dreams about relatives often attend the dreams, sometimes died dear relatives and warn of significant events. What dreams of a native brother? For popular beliefs, brother in a dream comes to scandals and quarrels in their relatives. Let's see the answer in famous dreams.

What dreams of a native brother? 7371_1

Dreamed Brother

Interpretation of a dream ambiguous and depends on many reasons:

  • who dreamed brother - a woman / man;
  • As a brother behaved in a dream;
  • Did a dead brother dreamed;
  • The age of brother in reality is a senior / junior;
  • where the brother was in a dream - at home or elsewhere;
  • How the dreams behaved and what felt.

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If the dream came Happy and healthy native brother In your overall fate there will be positive changes. If brother in a dream looked sick or begging , Changes will be unfavorable.

Older brother Explain good events in life, financial stability and prosperity. However, sometimes sleep can talk about the desire to gain protection, especially if the dream sees a girl.

If the dream comes younger brother , expect unforeseen troubles and additional duties in the family or at work. Also, the dream tells about the lack of heat and mental communication - the dreams need it.

If you sleep quarrel with brother In real life, expect quarrels and conflicts in the family. An ordinary conversation with a brother in a dream foreshadows many cases, hard work and restoration of forces.

See deceased brother in a dream - not good. Some dreams interpret such a vision to diseases, others - to trouble. Bad, if in a dream you played with the dead in gambling. Such a plot says that the dream life literally hangs on the balance.

However, there are other interpretations. If the brother looked cheerful, the dream foreshadows. If he looked sad and concerned - misfortune.

See brother drunk - Soon hear about his frivolous actions, the consequence of which will become big trouble. Strong alcohol intoxication foreshadows severe brother's disease.

If you Saw native brother in blood (Hands, face, clothing), soon come serious financial times for both. If the brother in a dream is scared, expect family troubles. If the brother is crying, sleep foreshadows joy.

See a native person in dirt - feeling of gravity and guilt. Try to find out what the brother is disturbing than you can help. Bad, if the brother is lying in the mud: such a dream will prophesate trouble and deprivation for his native person.

See a sinking brother - You will have to disturb the tangle of the problems he created.

What dreams of a native brother? 7371_2

Other plots

Birth of a little brother In a dream, he foreshadows news. If the message delivered joy in a dream, the news will be pleasant. The feeling of bewilderment or anger on the birth of brother predicts the receipt of shocking news.

Hug brother In a dream - to conflicts and quarrels in the family, clarifying relationships. Kisses with brother Tense relations are promoted, in contrast to hugs and kisses with other relatives.

Fight with brother It is considered a positive symbol. This plot foreshadows either soon enrichment or good support for other people. Moreover, support will become a hollow surprise for a dream.

Murder Brother In a dream - to sadness and grief. Or this dream advises rather get rid of the old family problem. Worse, if the role of the murderer acted himself. This plot foreshadows a very bad life situation, shame and disgrace.

Death Brother In a dream, promises well-being to everyone - and the deceased itself, and the dream. Another interpretation of the plot is a message that in the help of the dream will need. The funeral of the live in the reality of the brother is promising well-being and health.

Wedding of idle in reality brother I assume big changes in the life of family members. Wedding married brother foreshadows the birth of a child. Not necessarily he himself, just hear the news from relatives or friends.

If a woman dreamed Wedding with your own brother , sleep foreshadows good. The dreamy is very tied to the family. Sex with a native brother speaks of intimate problems: a woman is looked at his intimate life.


What dreams of cousins? Sleep has a similar interpretation with his native brother. If the cousin looked happy and healthy, expect favorable change. A quarrel or conflict with cousin carry negative symbolism.

Non-existent brother

How to understand the dream in which you see a non-existent brother in reality? Such Dreams tell about the feeling of abandonment and loneliness . The man is so closed that other people cannot reach his heart.

If a non-existent younger brother came to sleep, the plot tells about the feeling of jealousy or rivalry in the dream of a dream.

A non-existent consolidated brother will tell that in the close circle of communication there is no mutual understanding between the parties.

What dreams of a native brother? 7371_3

View of Sonnikov

French dream book It believes that the sleeping will have to face meanness or betrayal if he saw a brother in a dream. Also sleep foreshadows family conflicts and distribution. To see the death of a brother in a dream - to joy and arrived.

Large dream book foreshadows receipt of the news if the sleeper saw such a plot. The fight promises strong related ties and a sense of appreciation.

  • Modern dream book foreshadows false news or false hearing.
  • The newest dream book: see a fun brother - to a prosperous long life, a patient - to a quick recovery.
  • Azara's dream book prevents a long life.
  • Medeya's dream book promises difficulties in life.
  • Dream-Horoscope believes that soon the dreams will find a faithful friend.

Dream Khasse Considers the plot from the positive side. Negative sense carries a dream with a fight or quarrel.

Dream 2012. . Elder brother dreams of protection, advice and support. The younger dream of the need to take care of commens.

Dream Zadae He believes that in a dream of a live brother who deceased in a dream - to well-being and longevity, to see in water - to get rid of troubles, see the patient - to recovery.

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