Fortune telling on playing cards for love - who is your narrowed?


Each girl is interested to know what the representative of the strong sex is thinking about her. Therefore, many are treated for magical help to fortune tellers, speakers, buy Tarot cards and so on. However, there is a much simpler and less cost way to find out the true state of affairs - fortune telling on playing cards for love. Playing cards just answer your questions, the main thing, learn how to use them correctly.

Online divination

Thoughts are loved


Thoughts of his beloved man

What is done by the heart of a loved one

That your loved one expects in the near future

Dreams and desires of your loved one

Fears and reluctance of a loved one

Love and relationship of your loved one

divination on playing cards for love

How to prepare for fortune

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For fortune telling, get a completely new playing deck, represented by thirty-six cards. Then choose the appropriate time to predict the future. Tuesday and Friday are considered the most successful days on the growing moon.

Before performing the alignment, set the connection with the cards, in order to find out whether you will achieve the truth today. To this end, you carefully drag all the cards and decompose them with a pile of 3 jokes. Perform this action until the card appears, which means your identity. If she manifested itself in the form of real events, which accomplished recently - it means that today fortune telling on the playing cards on a beloved will be true.

How to distribute your personal card values:

  1. Unmarried young ladies under the twenty-five years of age corresponds to the Map Bubnovaya Lady.
  2. Married women From twenty-five to fifty years are associated with the worm lady.
  3. And widows and women Whose age exceeds fifty years, can use a trephy lady.

When decided on the lady, select a map for a person who will ask:

  1. Junior Up to twenty-five years - the tambourine is suitable.
  2. Men Twenty-five-fifty years - the worm king.
  3. Man Whose age exceeds fifty years - suits the trephy or peak king.

Divination "New Meeting"

When you only meet a new guy who are experiencing sympathy, you just want to quickly look at him in the soul, learning what he thinks about you. You can do this with the help of the next card divination.

What does he think about you?

Take a deck of thirty-six cards and divide it in half. The first part should be represented by all senior cards (shafts, ladies, kings, aces), and the second is all remaining.

Then you should make the name of the person you are interested in and to count the number of letters in it. For the sample, we take the name Oleg. In it, four letters, it means that the first part of the deck should be divided into 4 stacks. It is important that cards in each of them are equally.

After that, the remaining part of a deck containing younger cards is taken, and is similarly distributed to 4 parts. You take the stack on which the last map turned out to be and lay out on other stacks. Repeat this manipulation until ultimately do not get two stacks containing eighteen cards. The one in which the last map will be, put on the second and you will receive a standard deck.

Maps begin to be distributed by a column of 2 pieces. Pay special attention to the cards with the same dignity. Maps with high dignity (represented by the aces, kings, valves and ladies) - they will tell you that the MCH feels for you, and with low dignity - will tell you if you communicate in the future.

We now turn to the interpretation of the scenario:

  • Loss of two currencies Any suit indicates an indefinite attitude towards you a pleasant guy.
  • Two ladies - Not a very good sign. So, the guy is communicating with a girl or a woman who is also interested in it - she can stand on your way.
  • The appearance of two kings - Love is tested for you, but the guy does not know how to tell about your feelings. Help him in this.
  • Two aces - You are considered only as a sexual object.
  • Loss of two dozen - Soon you will be invited to date, a person is clearly interested in you.
  • The appearance of two nine - indicate a strong feeling, the main thing is that one of them is not peak.
  • Loss of two eights - Serious conflict comes.
  • Two seven - Let's point to an ambulance with a given personality.
  • Two six - symbolize the marriage relationships and a happy future.

This video offers another interesting alignment on the playing cards "Loves - does not like"

Fortune telling on love

You need to pursue a good deck, to withdraw from it any 6 cards (from different sections of the deck). Then decompose them in a row in the direction of the left - to the right.

Trucks the values ​​of the cards like this:

First Card. - Thoughts of your object;

Second - What is his heart;

Third - near future;

Fourth - His or her dreams, desire;

Fifth - fears, from which seeks to escape;

Six - How to develop relationships with you, possible obstacles.

Important moment - take the fortune telling, being alone and after the sun goes. Disconnect any technique and concentrate as much as possible at your request.

Interpretation of scenario


  • 6 - friendly communication;
  • 7 - a person performs your faithful friend;
  • 8 - There will be an interesting communication, see your old friends;
  • 9 - love relationships;
  • 10 - a lot of common interests, promises a strong family;
  • Valts - need reconciliation with relatives;
  • Lady - indicates a solid family woman in years;
  • King is a solid married man in the age;
  • Ace - a strong friendship.


  • 6 - Business meeting;
  • 7 - you envy or use for your own purposes;
  • 8 - indicates a favorable relationship based on monetary interest;
  • 9 - the emergence of love relationships;
  • 10 - a person does not have serious intentions, feelings replaces the presents;
  • Valts - the relationship is uncertain;
  • Lady - indicates young person;
  • King - young man;
  • Ace - financial benefit, communication on the calculation.

Bubnic maps


  • 6 - a person does not want to see you and maintain communication;
  • 7 - a lot of tears, spiritual shocks and resentment;
  • 8 - You do not fit each other in nature, because of this a lot of quarrels;
  • 9 - no feelings, man egoist;
  • 10 - a quick completion of relationships;
  • Valnet - a man will disappoint you greatly, wants to change you;
  • Lady - promises a rival that will fall on your way;
  • The king - indicates an opponent or an obstacle in relations;
  • Ace - depressive states, treason, parting.


  • 6 - Soon you will have a romantic date;
  • 7 - the person will be concluded;
  • 8 - you will communicate well, can confess in love;
  • 9 - promises good luck on the love front;
  • 10 - the desire to be near the beloved;
  • Valts - fantasies on the love topic;
  • Lady - indicates a woman from twenty-five to thirty years;
  • King is a man of similar age;
  • Ace - foreshadows marriage.

After work, be sure to thank the cards for the help provided to you and never disturb them in trifles. Only then will they tell you the truth and tell about the true attitude of the person's riddled.

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