Simple fortune telling on matches for love


The fortune telling on matches is an easy way to find out the future, determine how the beloved person belongs to you, and get answers to other exciting questions. Let's talk about how to guess on matches correctly.

fortune telling on matches

What is the meaning of fortune telling on matches?

The fortune telling on the matches seems very simple, so it is not clear why it can give answers to many questions. But the fact is that the fire is a very powerful element. There is a lot of energy, passion, strength and power. The fire is able to clean, fill the energy, destroy or revive a person. Therefore, it is so attractive for use in magical rituals.

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This is a very popular fortune telling among girls who wish to find out how their chosen one belongs to them.

For fortune telling you will need boxes of matches. At random will get two - they will symbolize you and your beloved.

Secure the match so that they stood vertically. To do this, it is convenient to use plasticine or any other viscous material. Choose which match you will, and what a man. Then set fire to them at the same time.

fortune telling on matches

Watch the matches burn. Divination values ​​such:

  1. If "match-guy" quickly burned down, remaining straight and smooth, then the chosen one does not have any romantic feelings for you. Leave attempts to fall in love with yourself and pay attention to the more decent cavalier.
  2. If matches, throat, bowed to each other, this is a favorable sign. It indicates that there is a strong voltage between you. But keep in mind that it can be both love and just a strong sexy traction. Your task is to determine what it is.
  3. If the match of the man deviated in the opposite girl's opposite match, it means that he experiences feelings for another. You have a rival, and he does not feel feelings. On the contrary, there is strong rejection - he would not want to see you in his surrounding even as a friend.

If the result of divination was disappointing, do not be discouraged. Do not dream about a man who does not love you. Pay attention to those who are interested in, your "prince" is waiting for when you reciprocate him.

Love triangle

This division method helps to choose from two chosen one who is suitable for you. You can also find out, to whom of two girls the guy is stretched more - to you or rival.

You must get three matches from the box. One will symbolize you, the other remaining - other people from the prevailing "triangle".

Matches must be installed vertically so that they stand very close to each other. In the center there is a match of a person choosing - yours if you are moving between two ukhazhras, or a guy who cannot decide between you and your rival.

Google the central match and wait until she is fruit. Which way bends, on that choice and stop. If she remained smooth, then choosing will remain alone - he does not feel feelings to anyone, but only plays.

If the match also leaned into opposite from the rest of the way, there is another person in a situation with whom the couple will turn out.

Square fortune telling with matches

This is a more complex option of divination for which, besides matches, you will have to prepare wax candles and capacitance with clean water.

With the help of an acute subject (needles, toothpicks, knives) on the same candle, scratch your name, on the other - the one is the name of the chosen.

Fit the candles with two different matches, which then need to be thrown into the water capacity. Wait a few seconds until the flame breaks. Then bow the candles above the water and start dripping with wax onto its surface.

fortune telling on matches meaning

Pay attention to the outlines of wax figures formed on the surface of the water:

  • Have you seen one big wax blossom? This is a favorable sign that says that you are with the chosen one - one of the whole and perfectly approach each other. You are either very similar or, on the contrary, are opposed to, and it attracts you to each other. There are all the chances of creating a strong and harmonious union.
  • If a heart saw, a strong emotional shake will occur in your relationship in your relationship. It can have both positive and negative character. The outcome of events depends on you - whether it will be a bright romantic date or a stormy scandal with beating dishes.
  • If the single figure did not work, wax drops float on the surface of the water, this is an unfavorable sign. You do not fit completely with the chosen one to each other, so the relationship will end soon - there is no reason to continue them.

Watch the video on how to guess on matches:

Effective fortune telling on matches and cigarette

If you smoke, you can apply this method. You will need two matches from the new box and cigarette.

Install matches vertically. One of them will symbolize you, the other is a guy who is guessing. Google both matches and cure from them. Make a few tightening, wait until the flame is walked. Look, in which direction the matches bent:

  • If they "turned away" from each other, your relationship with the chosen one will go to the decline. You are aware that the feelings passed, and peacefully parted, but will remain good friends.
  • If the matches bent each other, everything is fine. There is a strong emotional attachment between you. There are all chances to create healthy and harmonious relationships.
  • If one match dismissed from another, then the one whom she symbolizes is indifferent to the partner or will soon fade away.

Important: Do not use this method of divination too often, otherwise the truthful interpretation will not work. It is best to guess during the full moon, at night. Only new matches purchased specifically for the magic ritual should also be used.

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