The number of Gua: what it is, online calculation and application


Many probably heard about such a thing as the number of Gua, but not everyone can answer the question correctly: "What is it?". Nevertheless, we all wish to have a good health, good luck in all spheres of life, but often do not know how to achieve the desired one. If you are also tormented from this ignorance, we suggest you to pay your attention to the ancient art of Feng Shui, closely intertwined with the number of Gua.

Calculation of the number gua online

Your date of birth and gender:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 April 29, January 31, January 31, JUNE JUNE JUNE 195, 1951 1952 1953 1954 1957 1958 1959 1969 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1976 1981 1984 1984 1985 1992 1998 1999 1995 1991 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Male Female

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Numbers rule the world

What is the number of gua

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If the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui is considered, then the number of Gua helps to establish the positive and negative sides of the light in the grid of Bagua - the magic hemisphere, which personifies the world and shares our space to certain areas. If you live and work in favorable zones, your life will become more successful, you can easily get everything you wish.

How to calculate your number gua

For the work of calculations of the number of GUA, only their date appearance on the light should be used. And if the month of your birth is January, it means that the past year is taken into calculations.

Calculate the number of Gua is easy enough, just follow these items:

  1. First there are the last two numbers of your birth, and then you need to get their sum. 1994: 9 + 4 = 13 protrudes as sample of the year; 1 + 3 = 4.
  2. For representatives of strong sex, the final figure should be taken away from dozens. We get on our example: 10-4 = 6. But if a man or boyfriend was born at the twenty-first century, then the top ten replace the nine.
  3. For an excellent half of humanity, you need to add five to the digit. We get: 4 + 5 = 9. And if the girl was born in the 21st century, the top five replacing the six.
  4. If in the final calculation you received a two-digit number, then it will be necessary to fold it again, and what will happen in the result, and will become your personal number of Gua.

As a sample for a year 1990 of birth = 9 + 0 = 9, 9 + 5 = 14, 1 + 4 = 5.

And for the guy of the same year = 9 + 0 = 9, 10-9 = 2.

Eastern and Western subspecies

According to the ancient teaching of Feng Shui of all people, according to the number of Gua, can be divided into oriental or Western categories.
  • Eastern - Consists of people, the number of the gua of which is equal to one, the top three or nine.
  • Western - Those whose number of Gua is equal to the two, five, six, seven and eight.

Feng Shui teaches that the West and East act constantly by the warring parties. Therefore, people belonging to different categories are quite difficult to find a common language with each other. Also, the opposite side of the world has a negative impact.

For example, if you are a representative of the Western Group, then you should not put a bed headboard on the east side, as well as work, eat food and make other steps, turning his face to the east side. The same rule acts exactly the opposite for the second category.

You can also select positive or negative directions in the Bagua grid for each group.

So, for the "eastern" people (1.3, 4, 9) with positive directions:

  • Eastern.
  • Southeast.
  • South.
  • North.

And for the "Western" (2, 5, 6, 7, 8) representatives of positive energy possess:

  • Western direction.
  • Northwest.
  • Northeast.
  • Southwest.

More interesting information about the number GUA will tell this video:

Positive and negative directions according to the number of Gua

They are along with the directions of light are located in the Bagua grid. But they, based on the specific number of GUA, correlate with various areas of light and for this reason are there in a different way.

Any number of Gua has 4 main positive and negative areas:

  • The area of ​​wealth (money).
  • Love area (sphere of love relationship, family zone).
  • Health area (provides a high level of health).
  • Personal area (self-realization, career growth).

And from the adverse zones are distinguished by such:

  • The area of ​​misfortune is the most negative sector in your home. Staying in it for a long time, a person becomes irritable, various troubles with disappointments begin to occur with it.
  • The area of ​​the five spirits - it ensures trouble in the personal area.
  • The area of ​​six murders - is the sector of six failures, which together fall onto a person. Represented by cash losses, pathologies, loss of reputation, the death of relatives, separation from children, problems with the law.
  • The area of ​​loss is the place of the most serious misfortunes that are to death, complete bankruptcy, deadly pathologies.

You probably have already managed to get frightened, but fortunately, the situation can be perfect. If positive zones coincide with the zones of influence in the Grid of Bagua, it means that these areas have the basic influence on your life, and they will persecute success.

If the same thing happens with negative zones, it is worth appling significant efforts if you want to improve their condition. They pull you on the bottom.

The main task for you is to determine in which places of your housing these hidden enemies have been hidden and what areas of your life they control.


How is the work of the number of gua

To determine the location of these places with the number of Gua, you should draw a beautiful octagon and impose it on top of the plan of your dwelling.

At the same time, combine the directions of light in this order with their analogues in the dwelling:

  • The Higher Rebra - answers the south side.
  • Lower - North.
  • Right - Western.
  • Left - Eastern.

And in the middle of them will be located northeast and northwestern, as well as the southeast and south-west directions.

Each personal number of GUA has its own typical positive and negative areas that are located in different sectors of the geometric shape. In addition, the directions in the Bagua grid are also located in good or poor sectors for this figure.

By comparing the principal areas on the art of Feng Shui with favorable and unfavorable - in terms of the number of Gua - you will be activated or neutralizing the impact of these zones. Make it help special talismans.

The calculation of negative directions is necessary with the goal so that in everyday life to competently navigate in space, performing those or other actions.

Features of the personal number of Gua

The final aspect that you need to understand for yourself so that your Personal Number of Gua began to act - as located areas of influence on the basis of light directions.

Interpretation of the number of Gua.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the total characteristics of all 9 numbers:

  • Hidden place. It affects a career, study, material success.
  • Longevity. It is a more favorable zone that is responsible for money and harmonious relationships.
  • Heavenly healer. Performs a very powerful zone that controls the scope of health and material goods.
  • Number of qi The most powerful of all positive zones. She contributes to success in material affairs, increases human authority.
  • Misfortune. Not too pronounced, attracts a person's failure, unhappy incidents.
  • Six Sha. It has a negative impact on the sphere of family and work.
  • Five perfumes. Provocates quarrels with thefts, fire.
  • LOSS. Causes pathology and death.

And this is the distribution of the described sectors for specific GUA numbers in ascending order (from the least pronounced to the most powerful).

Number of gua unit

  • North - is a hidden sector (represents the work zone).
  • South - stands for a zone of long-life (the same sector of glory).
  • Eastern - the highest healer (family sector).
  • Southeast - the origin of the Qi (sector of material success).
  • Western - misfortune (creative sector).
  • Northwest - six killings (the sector of those who help you).
  • Northeast - five spirits (knowledge of knowledge).
  • Southwest - Losses (Sector of Love).

Number of Gua Two

  • Southwest - is a hidden sector (relationship area).
  • Northwest - long-lived (aid sector).
  • Western - heavenly healer (creative abode).
  • Northeast - the origin of Qi (region of knowledge).
  • Eastern - misfortune (family sector).
  • Southern - six killings (sector of glory).
  • Southeast - five spirits (material well-being).
  • North - loss (career sector).

The number of Gua Troika

  • East - acts as a hidden sector (family zone).
  • Southeast - long-life (material benefits).
  • Northern - Higher Healer (Career Implementation).
  • Southern - the origin of Qi (Glory).
  • Southwest - misfortunes (the area of ​​happy relationship).
  • North-Eastern - Six Six (your assistants operate here).
  • Western - loss (creative area).

Number of Gua Four

  • Southeast - Checks the secret sector (material area).
  • Eastern - long-lived (family).
  • Southern - Healer of the sky (is equivalent to the plot of fame).
  • Northern - the origin of Qi (career sector).
  • Northwest - misfortune (your assistants are staying here).
  • Western - six Sha (creative zone).
  • Southwest - five spirits (love domain).
  • Northeast - losses (similar to the region of knowledge).

Number of gua five for women

  • Southwest - Sector of Mysfolia (Love).
  • Northwest - long-life (help).
  • Western is the highest healer (creative energy).
  • Northeast - Revival of Qi (knowledge).
  • East - misfortune (family).
  • South - six Sha (glory).
  • Southeast - Five of Spirits (money sector).
  • North - loss (career).

Number of Gua 5 for a strong floor

  • Northeast - is the mystical sector (knowledge).
  • Western - long-lived.
  • Northwest - Supreme Healer (Help).
  • Southwest - the revival of Qi (love).
  • Southern - misfortune (glory).
  • East - Six Sha (Family).
  • Northern - five spirits (career).
  • Southeast - loss (monetary plot).

Number GUa Sixter

  • Northwest - hidden place (help).
  • Southwest - long-life (love sector).
  • Northeast - the highest healer (knowledge).
  • Western - revival Qi (creative energy).
  • Southeast - misfortune (money sector).
  • North - Six Sha (Career).
  • East - five spirits (family).
  • South - loss (glory).

Number GUA Seven

  • Western - is a hidden sector (creative).
  • Northeast - long-life (knowledge of knowledge).
  • Southwest - Heavenly Healing (Love).
  • North-West - Revival Qi (Help).
  • Southern - misfortune (glory).
  • Southeast - Six Sha (Financial).
  • Northern - Five Spirits (Career).
  • Eastern - loss (family).

Number of Gua Eight

  • Northeast - mystical sector (knowledge).
  • Western - long-life (energy of creativity).
  • North-West - Heavenly Healers (Assistance Over).
  • Southwest - the origin of Qi (love).
  • Southern - misfortune (glory).
  • East - Six Sha (family).
  • North - five spirits (career sphere).
  • Southeast - loss (wealth).

Number of gua nine

  • Southern - hidden place (Slava Sector).
  • Northern - long-life (career area).
  • Southeast - Heavenly Healers (wealth).
  • Eastern is the origin of Qi (family).
  • Northeast - harm (knowledge).
  • Southwest - Six Sha (love).
  • Western - five spirits (creativity).
  • Northwest-losses (helpers).

Having studied the correct location of good and bad zones in your home, you can protect yourself from various troubles. It also appears the possibility of improving life due to the activation of its areas that are not well working, as well as neutralizing negative.

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