Divination on the maps to desire - examples of card layouts


Who, tell me, would not like to know whether his cherished desire will come true? You can, of course, simply wait a bit, but there is a more interesting way - fortune telling on the maps to the desire, which will open the secrets of your future. How to fulfill it correctly, you can read about it in our material.

Card fortune telling

Methods of fortunes for desire

We bring to your attention a few proven ways using cards to find out the chances of implementing the desired.

Fortune telling "Pyramid"

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Before being taken for magical manipulation, you will need to make the following actions:

  1. Take a standard card deck presented by the thirty-six cards, remove all the six of it.
  2. Then pull four any cards in any order.
  3. The values ​​of the cards memorize and make one of them their desire.
  4. Then lay out the cards that remained according to such a scheme:
  • In the first row it should be 6 cards;
  • in the second - 5;
  • in the third - 4;
  • in the fourth - 3;
  • in fifth - 2;
  • In the sixth - 1 card.

In the event that the map you have come in is in one of these rows, the chances of execution of your intimate dream will be as follows:

  • The lower row - conceived not destined;
  • The second row is the probability of implementation, but it is too small;
  • The third is a very high chance that your dream will come into life;
  • The fourth - a desire will come true or not, the probability of this fifty at fifty;
  • Fifth - your wish, most likely, will be able to incarnate;
  • Sixth - Dream will definitely become a reality.

One card

You need to clearly present your request regarding the performance of your dreams. Then shuffle cards, while the most concentrated on the question of interest, holding it in memory all the time.

Maximize your desired

Then at random will pull out any card, which will be answered from the higher forces on your question. If such a thing happens, while you are putting a deck, one card will fall out, it means that in it there is a tip over. Do not put it back, but stop the procedure for divination.

What do cards designate:


  • Ace - your desire, unfortunately, is not destined to come true.
  • The king, lady and currencies are the chances of execution, but they are incredibly small.
  • Other maps of this suit also indicate a small chance of fulfilling your desire.


  • Ace, the king, lady, currencies - the highest strength are not sure that your desire can come into life.
  • The remaining maps are minor chances of implementing your dreams still available.


  • Ace, the king, lady, the currencies - you will definitely come true, but you will have to make a lot of effort and encounter certain troubles.
  • The remaining maps - the implementation of the desired will pass easily and carelessly.


  • Ace - predicts the mandatory fulfillment of desire.
  • The king, lady, currency - the answer, rather, "yes" than "no".
  • The remaining cards - the dream will come into practice, but you should not sit without a case - work actively on its implementation.

The following video offers other interesting options for cards to fulfill desires. Take advantage of them to find out what fate is preparing for you.

Foreign Solitaire "Drunka"

A rather interesting method with an unusual name, which will also tell you how great the chances of getting the desired one are. The divination is performed as follows:

  1. You make mentally my desire, fill it as much as possible with your energy.
  2. Take a card deck consisting of thirty-six or fifty two cards.
  3. Thoroughly pull it out, in the process in thoughts constantly think about the desired.
  4. Alternately begin to lay out cards in two rows so that the shirt was at the bottom.
  5. If you come across two cards with the same meaning, they should be postponed separately.
  6. When all the cards are run out, it is necessary to combine both columns and, without resorting to the thasovania, start uploading them again in a similar scheme.
  7. Continue the described actions needed exactly so much until you can get rid of all paired cards - it will mean that your dream will definitely become a show. And if you encounter the fact that the solitaire does not want to develop, which means that you, alas, will not be able to come true.

Maps will tell the whole truth

Fortune telling

  1. You take the usual deck, represented by thirty-six cards.
  2. Choose from the deck of aces of all the masters.
  3. Put them in one line. Choose the one that most attracts you at the moment.
  4. Major concentrate at your request.
  5. The remaining maps are well shuffled, remove the left hand towards yourself.
  6. You must lay out the remaining cards under the aces one. When spread out the whole deck, take a stack under the ace you choose and take on the interpretation of the value.

So, the implementation of your dream will indicate the fact that if you find five cards of one suit in the selected stack. At the same time, they do not necessarily need to be the same as ace. Ace is also considered.

If not, it means, no matter how sad, you need to accept and let go of my desire.

Please note that you should not resort too often for card fortune tells. Do it in cases where you are sharply needed to get the Council over and you are in a predicule. Only then the cards will tell you the whole truth, and otherwise, if you use them for fun, will drive you for the nose, providing deliberately wrong answers.

Also, we always sincerely believe in the magical actions you are doing, and you will always be accompanied by success and luck!

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