See in a dream a familiar pregnant woman - what does it mean?


Pregnancy carries a symbol of the birth of new, waiting and joy. On the other hand, this image carries the burden, inevitability and rock. See in a dream a familiar pregnant woman - what does it mean? To answer the question, you need to contact well-known dreams.

See in a dream a familiar pregnant woman - what does it mean? 7409_1

Pregnancy in sleep

Most dream books converge in a single opinion: pregnancy is a symbol of positive change. Often the dream foreshadows an increase in position, an increase in salary or a successful start of a new project.

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Also Sleep can be a harbinger of obtaining a large amount of money, payments for premium or return of old debt . Sometimes a dream warns of a real pregnancy of a woman seen in a dream.

If you saw a good acquaintance in an interesting position, soon it can be done by a tempting business offer, from which it is impossible to refuse - the case will be profitable.

To see a girlfriend with the tummy - sleep promises the implementation of joint projects. This may concern the business sphere, a joint holiday or fitness classes.

However, if in a dream you saw her friend in ugly appearance Such a plot carries a negative meaning. Either you should not begin new projects, or should not invest in a new business.

If the dream appeared Two or three pregnant girlfriends / Familiar, sleep is considered very good. The dream awaits luck in all matters. See in an interesting position an elderly familiar woman - to great success in life. The most incredible dreams and plans are being implemented.

Men's dreams

If a man saw in a dream a former girlfriend in an interesting position, sleep reminds of unfinished affairs. Also, the dream may say that Past relations can still be restored - Feelings did not fade to the end.

If a married man saw a former girlfriend or a beloved in a dream, this plot foreshadows His wife's disease.

To see a loved one in an interesting position - dream of a child from her. This dream speaks of deep feelings to his chosen.

See in a dream a familiar pregnant woman - what does it mean? 7409_2

Women's dreams

For young girl A similar plot may impose a deception: do not trust your beloved. Often, sleep can warn about the treason of lover and the secrets that he carefully hides. For an adult woman Sleep promises the fulfillment of desires in reality.

If a good friend in a dream reported his pregnancy, the interpretation will depend on its emotional state. Joy on the face of the girlfriend - the dream is expecting favorable changes in fate; Tears on the face of girlfriend - Get ready for trouble in your personal life.

Bad omen is a dream in which pregnant Girlfriend announces the solution to abortion the fruit . Snovidice needs to be prepared for testing, it may be awaiting a breaking of relationships with a loved one or his betrayal.

Pregnant relative

What does this dream mean? The closer the degree of kinship of a woman, the more significant changes in fate . In the life of the dream, a new stage comes - new relationships, a change of work, moving to a new home, etc. However, these changes are favorable, it is difficult to name - you will have to overcome significant obstacles.

If The pregnancy of relatives caused bewilderment or condemnation in a dream In reality, the condemnation of the surrounding people will have to survive. You will have to hear gossip and conspira, fictional stories and slander about yourself. In the near future, hold the language and do not make a reason to envious for woven.

See in a dream a familiar pregnant woman - what does it mean? 7409_3

Interpretation of dreams

Dream Miller Pregnancy pregnancy for married woman. If the dream sees an unmarried woman, she is awaiting an unsuccessful marriage and misfortune. If the dream sees an unmarried girl, her ahead of her shame and a deception of a beloved man awaits.

Dream Stranger Warns rich men about major financial problems. To avoid ruin, you should refrain from any financial manipulations in the near future.

Psychological dream book It believes that a dream-man dreams of his own child from his beloved woman. The dream of pregnancy girlfriend dreams of those women who are currently unable to conceive a child.

Modern dream book Prevents men of change in a family text: if a friend is pleasant a dream, changes will be positive; If a familiar is unpleasant, you should expect scandals and troubles in the family.

If the unmarried girl sees a scandal with a pregnant familiar, a major conflict with parents awaits her. Elderly woman This dream promises financial revenues, health or successful marriage of grandchildren.

Other interpretations

  • If a pregnant familiar girl is expensing parents from home, in reality a dream awaits a reprimand.
  • If a pregnant girlfriend condemns relatives, the dream will have to make maximum effort to achieve the goal.
  • A dream in which a friend is going to the hospital, promises the receipt of pleasant Westa.
  • If the girlfriend is pregnant from your beloved, the dream foreshadows gossip and peres.
  • To see a pregnant girlfriend pregnant in a dream - her childbirth will be successful, the child will be born healthy.
  • To see an unmarried girl of a pregnant woman - in reality will have to overcome big obstacles.


To decipher the night vision, you need to remember your emotional state during sleep. If the dream left unpleasant impressions, ahead awaits difficult and ungrateful work. The untidy appearance of a woman speaks of losses, obstacles and failures in affairs. However, failures will be temporary.

If the dream left pleasant impressions, in reality, the dream is awaiting luck and well-being in everything. You can count on the help and support of loved ones and acquaintances, a favorable set of circumstances.

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