Sacred Muslim Dua from damage and evil eye


What is a DUA? How to use DUA from damage and evil eye so that no negative impact can harm you, we will tell about it in this material.

Reading Dua from the evil eye

What is Dua

The concept of "DUA" came to us from Islam, where it acts as direct appeal to Allah. In essence, this is an ordinary prayer, but not familiar to us, Christian, but supporters of another religious flow. But there are certain differences between the Orthodox prayers and the DUA, which are as follows:

  1. The DUA cannot be used by infrares or sinners who do not adhere to the norms of the Quran.
  2. Each sura (that is, DUA) has its own value, it is used for a particular case. For example, you will not be able to apply the DUA from damage to regain the lost health.
  3. The pronunciation of Islamic prayer can be carried out exclusively in Arabic, while words are always memorized. It is permissible to repeat the sacred text not loud, but mentally.
  4. You can not use suras for fun - you must first believe that the prayer is really necessary for you.

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Whatever Dua you choose, initially the initial Sura Krano Al-Fatiha is always pronounced. Its name can be translated as "opening a book."

Her text is as follows:

1 Sura Quran

This Sura simultaneously expresses gratitude to the Most High for his help and generosity, and also manifests a plenty of man to instruct him true. In addition, the first DUA helps to adjust with the flow of divine energy for the execution of your desires.

After reading the opening sura, you can be taken for the pronunciation of SUR designed to solve various problems. Further, we will give examples of sacred texts with which it becomes possible to eliminate any negative impact from the human energy plan.

Dua from damage and from the evil

Quran is the sacred Scripture of legitimate Muslims. Each self-respecting believer in Islam is obliged to know him from beginning to end. The Quran itself provides very powerful protection against evil in the global sense of the word. For this reason, many people professing Islam believe that there is no need to pronounce any auxiliary prayers from the evil eye for a person, with the sincerity of the prayer and strictly adhered by all commandments marked in the Quran.


But despite this, the pronunciation of the Quran does not protrude 100% guarantee of the inability to face a negative energy promise and suffer from destructive impact.

For example, if we appeal to Sura Al-Falac, we will find a story about how Allah teaches the Prophet Muhammad to save people from damage, which Jew Labid brought to him, taking advantage of eleven knots, which closed to the forehead .

Allah advised the Prophet to read the Dua Al-Falak and "An-U us", and Mohammed watches that in the process of reading the sacred text there is a disconnection of all the nodes and it becomes much easier.

And the Sura called "Yusuf" tells already about how Mohammed was engaged in teaching the adherents of Islam (Aisha and Yakub's spouses), he told them about the existence of the evil eye and advised to pronounce (poems recorded in the Quran), as well as apply protective amulets.

If you found signs of a negative impact on yourself either on your baby, and your guesses were confirmed by clairvoyants (the main thing is that they are real and not called specific amounts for the assistant), it is worth reading the special DUA from damage and evil eye.

Sacred texts from damage and evil eye in Islam

By studying the Koran, each believer learns that there are only 3 fundamental protective prayers from the evil caused by the enemies, namely:

  • Sura "al-ialyas";
  • Al-Falac;
  • "An-us."

They are pronounced comprehensively, one after another. We give examples of sacred texts.

Sura "Al-Mialyas" (they ask for sincerity). Her text is:

Sura al-Mialyas

Turning to this Dua, praying asks the Most High to protect himself, as well as its relatives and loved ones from any negative, from various temptations, unclean strength, jinn and enemies.

Sura "Al-Falak" is represented by such words:

Sura al-Falac

And the sura "en-us" is pronounced so:


If you believe that written in the Quran, Mohammed regularly uttered the Doua described above daily before the departure to sleep. After that, he rubbed all his torso from his head to stop. It is thanks to this rite that the prophet retained inviolability and inaccessibility to the action of unclean power before the morning.

Islamic mosque

Prayer from the evil eye for kids

In very frequent situations, Islamic women utter her hundreds of children over the cribs of the Koran's Suru, wearing al-adiyat. Traditionally, it allows you to protect the child from bad energy.

Sura is represented by eleven ayata. If we will transfer the text to it, then you will get such an analogy in Russian:

Sura al-Atiyat

How to use Dua from the evil eye

To ensure the high essentiality of SUR from the devastating energy, some recommendations for reading them should be adhered to.

  • First of all, you need to be 100% sure that you really have a evil eye. Do not take into account minor troubles, they probably sent over to handle your spirit. But if you regularly encounter solid failures in all spheres of life that do not end, it indicates the presence of damage.
  • Contact the highest forces for help should not be in the morning (as is customary in Orthodox religion), and in the night, when the sun hits behind the horizon. Reading prayer should be completed before sunrise. This is due to the fact that the Most High can hear the appeals to it during the day, and therefore does not have his help to help.
  • You need to read the DUA from damage or the evil eye to the person who has a negative impact. If the patient is so existed that it is not able to fulfill it, the mission can be entrusted to the eldest person in your family. Upon completion of the prayer, he should be picked in the face of the patient.
  • It is best to pronounce sura in the desert. But at the moment, not many Muslims can afford it. Therefore, it is permissible to pronounce the suras in their home, but must be completely longer. Ensure complete isolation from the sounds of the surrounding world.
  • Sacred texts are not transferred. They are read solely in the original (you can use Russian transcription for convenience).
  • When you appeal for a request to the Almighty, hold the Quran in your hands.
  • During healing from the damage under the ban is the use of alcoholic beverages and smoking of tobacco.
  • It is important to get rid of lustful and depraved thoughts.
  • The most successful day for Sur pronunciation is Friday.
  • In no case do not change the sequence of Sur from damage and the evil eye. Start the damage from the first sury of the Quran, and complete this process one hundred fourteenth. In the middle is allowed to insert thirty-sixth surs, but only for those cases when a very strong negative impact takes place.
  • One day (or, more precisely, the night) is not enough to eliminate damage or evil eye, a rite should be repeated for seven days.
  • If you have such a possibility, connect to reading the Dua of all people who want to you.

To feel more confident, pronouncing the texts of Islamic prayers, we advise you to view the next video. In it, believers utter sacred suras, you can learn from them by the technique of reading Dua. May Allah be with you!

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