Why dream that you are having fun?


Changing the image, haircut and painting hair symbolize changes in fate. From the point of view of esoteric, hair has a direct connection with cosmic radiation and store information about man. Cutting hair tips cancels negative information about the disease or unpleasant situation. Why dream that you are having a harsh, because there is a different meaning of this action? Consider in detail.

Why dream that you are having fun? 7412_1

Oxt of hair

Everyone knows the parable of Samson, who lost its strength after sickling the hair and was destroyed by the enemy. Hair loss in a dream will break the trouble. There is a sign: if a person holds himself, she shortens his own life. In dreams, this plot also carries a negative semantic load.

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For example, if a dream Cuts your lush hair , it will suffer disappointment and waste of funds. The length of the hair is directly related to loss: the shorter the hair is trimmed, the more significant will be the loss. Cut oneself with tears in front of - To family troubles, parting with a loved one.

Stream curls in front of a mirror - pursuit of false beauty. You miss the chance to realize as a person, believing empty promises and seduced by cheap success. It is necessary to take care of spiritual beauty primarily.

If you are planning to travel, cutting hair in a dream warns about her breakdown. Everything can happen: the flight will cancel, you will get sick, an unforeseen case will occur.

If Sleep dream man So soon he will lose their profit, good luck or something important in life in his own fault. However, if the dream is dull shaggy hair on the bottom of the dream, then the haircut in a dream will only benefit: getting rid of the old and who has learned its own.

Hair on legs and other places

Haircut foreshadows female diseases. The thick hair, the more dangerous the disease. However, sleep value changes, depending on the type of hair. If you are casting beautiful curls on the legs, the dream foreshadows unkind. If the crumpled dull hair is argue, sleep promises getting rid of the boring problem, work or person.

Strut His hair in his nose - Happiness is in front of your nose, and you do not notice it. Stream hair in an intimate location - You attract the close attention of the opposite sex. It should be done more restrained so as not to bring trouble on your head.

Why dream that you are having fun? 7412_2

What will tell dream intercoms

Dream Interpretation Loffa Warns: To squeeze your own beautiful curls - to loss. Since the hair symbolizes health, attractiveness and beauty, the loss of luxury curls foreshadows concern and fear for their future. The dreams are subconsciously afraid to get sick or lose something valuable in his life, and fear is always implemented in life.

Dream Miller It believes that hair haircut symbolizes failure. If the dreams argues its own hair in front of the mirror, heavily expects severe illness and financial losses. These circumstances may be accompanied by loss of authority and respect in society. If the hair falls out with beams, to survive a major loss in life.

Dream of Freud. It is neutrally interpreted by this plot: to sink the hair to a significant change in life. What these changes will be bad or positive - indicate the circumstances in the dream and personal experiences of the dreaming.

Dream Vangu promises a major loss if the girl flashed his braid in a dream. Loss may be associated with the death of a loved one, but not necessarily. According to Wang, curl circumcision always foreshadows significant turns of fate.

Female dream book It believes that this dream is promoting only trouble to man. It does not matter - having hair hair yourself or someone else does it.

Why dream that you are having fun? 7412_3

Slavic dream book On the contrary, he sees positive changes in fate in this plot. The dream is awaiting the success and promotion of social status.

Italian dream book Warns: Strike hair to my illness. This plot symbolizes the decline of strength, reducing the energy and protective human protection. If you are closed with long beautiful hair under the root, expects breaking and bankruptcy.

Erotic dream book It believes that haircut in a dream foreshadows the loss of attractiveness and all fans. If a woman cropped her long hair, she will soon discern with her beloved man. For married women, the dream promises thoughts about treason.

Dream Interpretation of Ancient Persians Sees a positive meaning in this event - hair haircut symbolizes getting rid of problems. If the dreams argues the curls with their own hands, it means that it will get rid of heavy noche yourself. If someone else is squeezing the hair of the dream, it means that the getting rid of the other person will come with the help of another person.

Dream Stranger Sees in this plot of deprivation and loss. With that, it does not matter how the hair was crushed. Losses can affect the financial field or sphere of personal relationships.

Dream of Ancient Slavs Warns about losses in the financial sector. You should not invest money in the planned business - it will prieng, or you will be driven by partners. If the dreams cuts up short hair, the troubles will be obtained through communication - sad news through a conversation, letter. If the man is squeezing his hair itself, then the trouble creates his own hands.


Hair clippers for men and women are different. If men are a dream foreshadows changes in the financial sphere, then for women, sleep solutions lies in the plane of feelings and sensations. Waking up in the morning, do not fall into a panic after what he saw. The subconscious reports to us important lead, gives a hint and warns. Therefore, analyze the current affairs and accept the right decision.

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