Signs to the rain will tell about the upcoming bad weather


In the modern age of developed technologies and science, most people consider various folk signs about the weather as prejudices and remnants of the past. Representatives of the older generation still use them to compile their weather constraint for the coming days. And these predictions really work - you can convince this, for example, considering some challenges to the rain.

Signals to the rain

From the history of people will accept

Our ancestors lived in close proximity to nature, millennia and centuries were observed for her. Note some patterns, they learned to predict the nearest natural processes and phenomena. The experience of their observations, they passed their surroundings and descendants - so the various signs were formed.

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The most popular, of course, are the signs for which you can predict the weather. And if residents of modern megacols prefer to trust the weather forecast made by meteorological services, then people living in remote villages and villages still rely on the popular wisdom of our ancestors and listen to various signs about weather events. Signals to the rain, for example, are particularly relevant in the summer season, since life in rural areas in this period largely depends on weather popsicles.

Folk signs for the rain and their varieties

It will take about the rain there is a huge set. In the older season, there were them much more, but, alas, not all of them came to the present day, getting lost somewhere in the depths of time. But those charges to the rain that people enjoy now are already a rich storehouse, the result of the experience that has been copied by the people over several centuries.

All existing rates for rain can be distributed over several main categories:

  • Signs about the rain based on natural phenomena;
  • Signals to the rain according to representatives of flora (plants);
  • challenges about the rain determined by representatives of fauna (animals);
  • Signals to the rain based on the human surrounding items.

Signals to the rain in the phenomena of nature

Signals to the rain in the phenomena of nature

Want to know whether to wait for rain and bad weather in the near future? Look more carefully to what is happening around natural processes.

  • In the morning there was a good and big dew - the day will be clear, but if the grass at dawn was dry, it is expected to rain.
  • In the morning there was a rainbow in the sky - to the rain.
  • The sun hid behind the clouds in the morning - the rain approaches.
  • Raised at dawn Sun is surrounded by crimson clouds - to be rain.
  • At dawn it is very stuffy - to the rain.
  • The sun on a summer day blends badly - rain is expected.
  • The wind blows from the East or West - the likelihood of rain is great.
  • There was a quiet weather, but suddenly the wind intensified - wait for the rain.
  • If the moon in the full phase of the launder and muddy - to the rain.
  • The lunar disc acquired a reddish tint - be rain.

Rain will be predicted by plants

Signals to the rain on plants

Wonderful weather forecasters can be representatives of the world of plants. Attentively, looking at their appearance and behavior, a person can predict the rapid precipitation.

  • Many plants before the upcoming bad weather begin to exhibit more pronounced than usual, the fragrance is, for example, the donon. Wildflowers begin to smell stronger before approaching the shower.
  • Other representatives of the flora before the rain are folded, go down, hide their flowers - it is clover, bindweed, white water lily, and stepmother. His fluffy yellow hat closes the dandelion.

Some trees and shrubs are also prepared for the rain approach:

  • Yellow acacia, jasmine, honeysuckle enhance the aroma of their colors. And if at the same time there are many insect pollinators on them, the rain is not far off.
  • The maple feels the approach of precipitation in another 3-4 days and starts to "cry": on the bases of its leaves, drops of juice are distinguished.
  • Willowing before the rain in the wind turns his leaves with the back side.

Spines will tell and spines on the cones of the reurenik - before the rain they are spread.

Signals to the rain on animal behavior

Representatives of the fauna (in the world of animals) have a higher, compared to a person, a little and are able to feel the sediment still prior to their start. The behavior of some birds and animals can predict the approach of rain is not worse than the most accurate meteorological forecast.

Observe birds. If you notice that:

  • Sparrows decided to swim in dust - wait for the rain. The enhancement of their chirping will also tell me about bad weather. If birds are also sitting, having raged, rain is not far off;
  • Grachics in the grass graze - to be rain;
  • Tank and crows cried loudly - to the rain. Galka gathered in the flock - the sediments are near;
  • If at dawn in the sky, the lark is not heard, it will rain;
  • Shake on the shore of the seagull reservoir - the weather will be rainy;
  • Rooster grinding for no reason, and flounders in the sand - be rain.
  • Swallows and haircuts fly low, literally over the earth itself - also wait for the rain.

Swallows fly low - to the rain

According to the behavior of domestic animals, the rain signs are as follows:

  • The dog begins to dig an earth or roll on the back - rain is expected or bad weather.
  • Cat sleeps, curled up, or often winds his head - to the rain.
  • Cattle sniffs the air, dies the muzzle upstairs - it will rain.
  • The horse snocks and snorts, raises her head up and shakes her - to rainy weather.

There are a lot of rare related to the representatives of the world of animals living in the wild, but in closeness with a person:

  • Before the rain, many insects are hiding, but mosquitoes and midges are just stronger than begin to show their activity and annoy people.
  • Rated frogs during the day - rain is nearing.
  • Earthy worms crawl into the surface of the Earth - to the rain.
  • Spiders hide into the corner of their web - wait for the rain.
  • Bees hurry returned to their hives - the rain will start from minute to minute.
  • Ants before the start of the rain rush to their anthill.

Some subjects will tell about the rain approaching

Human surround all sorts of objects created by his own hands. Surprisingly, some of them can report precipitation approach.

There was now plastic windows and double-glazed windows now. If this fashion has not yet touched your home and you have traditional wooden frames with windows made of glass, observe them. Such windows before the rain are usually started to "cry" - condensate drops appear on the glasses.

In general, many of the natural woods that are in contact with outdoor, in front of the rain, begin to conduct surprisingly: Wooden frames and doors can swell, heavier to open.

If there are water tanks in the open air, the air bubbles appear in the liquid before the rain.

Another interesting sign - in front of the bad weather, the kettle with water, delivered on the stove, starts whistling and noise louder than usual.

How else to predict the approach of bad weather? We recommend watching a video about the signs to the rain:

Signs telling about the nature and duration of the rain

Based on folk observations, the signs that reveal the nature, strength and duration of this natural phenomenon arose.

So, for example, the start of the rain at the dawn means its rapid cessation. But the rain that went at noon will end at best only at the end of the day. If there was heavy rain and the sky immediately became clear, expect the resumption of precipitation soon.

It will be useful to watch the rain first at its very beginning, then in full swing. If the sediments began with large droplets, then the rain will be short-lived. And vice versa, the less droplets, the longer it will be rainy weather. I will delay bad weather and in the case when grommets are heard in its process. If during the rain the rainbow appears, the precipitation will quickly cease. But if bubbles appear on the puddles, the rain will be long.

Bubbles on the puddles during the rain

Of course, modern people were lucky: we live at such a time when you know the weather for the coming days there is no difficulty - just look at the weather engineering made up by weather forecasters. Nevertheless, do not forget about the world around us: if you are familiar with the signs for the rain, creatures inhabiting this world can help you not worse meteorologists. And even if the rain, it would seem, overshadowed your day, remember the simple truth that the nature of bad weather does not happen.

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