Signs of spring


Winter finally retreats, nature and people wake up, a timid hope appears on heat. Sades are preparing for the season, the townspeople - to the approach of snow and leaving the nature of the weekend. Weather cares and those and others, and Spring Signs here will be very useful, as they almost completely consist of weather.

The kidneys bloom far from immediately, as the calendar came in spring, and the grass from under the snow does not appear immediately. Therefore, in contrast to summer and autumn, the spring includes mainly observation of the state of the sky, water, the weather at the moment, and not behind plants and animals. Birds, however, flew in the spring, and some superstitions are associated with them.

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Spring season is famous for weather change, so that even read the forecast in the evening may change in the evening. There is an opinion that it is more reliable to observe the nature itself. You can even find it in the city: Sky, Birds and any green plantings at your disposal.

Signs of good weather

Does not depend on the dacha trips or just take a walk on the nature like from the weather. Choose a good spring day for signs!

  • Clouds in the sky rare - It will be clear, albeit cool.
  • Loud tweeting tits According to signs, they promise warm weather.
  • If you happened See bullfding I. hear their songs Wait for the ambulance.
  • Sparrows bathe in a puddle - The weather will be installed warm.
  • Clouds slightly painted blue - To warming, however, it is possible to rain. The sign is especially relevant in the middle of spring.
  • Until noon the sky is clean, and after suddenly clouds start to gather - To the warm, good day, although not very sunny.
  • Ravens play on the fly - Sick heat offensive. You need to look closely: the games of the birds are sometimes indistinguishable from the fight.
  • During sunset in the south, cloudy - it will be warm.
  • Quickly floating clouds high in the sky , especially in March - a faithful sign of dry and clear weather.
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  • Gathered above the water (river, for example ) Light clouds quickly disappear, it is worth the sun. - You can expect excellent, clear and warm day.

Signs of bad weather

Spring of the middle strip often "pleases" by cold, precipitation and the general disgusting of the weather. How to find out when it is better to sit at home and wait for real solar spring?
  • Little clouds in the sky in the morning or day - The signal of the approaching thunderstorm.
  • If In the evening, the clouds lie layers or gather in big cumulus, You can wait for the rain to the night.
  • One of the most famous will accept, besides well-working: cherry blooms to cooling.
  • Here is the same: Oak blooms - Expect freezes.
  • Cloudy afternoon or evening comes And it becomes better visible to the distance - to a tangible cooling, to frosts at night. The general clarification of the weather is the work of anticyclone, and from it in spring, especially early, should be waiting for cold weather.
  • At sunset from the north side, clouds were thickened - It will be cold and damp.
  • Clouds float in the sky not in the wind, but against - To the fact that the weather is spoiled. The air masses in the embroidery move differently than the earth, so the clouds actually follow the wind, just for "its own."
  • Birds swallowed - Predict heavy rain, possibly with a thunderstorm.

What to wait in perspective?

Spring is called in the morning of the year: summer and harvest is judged on it. I look more careful.

Forecast for months

What is the weather in the next seasons? This will tell about the state of nature and spring changes in it.

  • At the beginning of spring icicles are long - Summer will not come long.
  • If Snow melting began early - The way it is neither paradoxical, it will not completely come down soon, perhaps even falls several times in the spring months.
  • Generally, Early, Martov Start Spring - Not very good sign. Summer promises to be rainy.
  • In mid-March (if more precisely - 14 Number, Evdokia) Summer is determined: will be a good, clear day - And summer will give a calm. It will be overcast - Summer salvation will not be from rain.
  • If before that time managed to fly gorki - Summer will be wet.
  • In early April, a lot of windy days fell - The beginning of summer promises to be rainy.
  • Rowan predicts the weather, bypassing the season, immediately for autumn: if blooms abundantly, autumn will be raw, and if Flowers and barring a little Autumn can be waiting for dry.
  • Also Rowan Late blossom suggests that hopes for warm autumn are justified.
  • Spring cold - In the summer there will be a hail.
  • Many cobwebs flies - Snacks of hot, sunny and even dry summer.
  • Consider where Watching the nests of the bird . If on Sunny side Trees - the end of spring and summer will be cool.
  • Abundance of May Zhukov hints at drought.

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Signals for a crop

Garders are not in vain rely on charts (and even in the newspapers for gardeners they are glad to be printed): They were invented by our ancestors who lived in that they were growing up. In the spring, during the cultivation of seedlings and sees, the superstitious wisdom of previous generations is relevant especially.

  • If Birds flew in time , not earlier and no later, you can expect good shoots. The rational grain of this chance is that the cultural adapted under a certain climate will come and will be fruit, as it should be if the weather is the average expected by the norm of past years. Birds also feel this norm.
  • Ice on the lakes did not touch the flow of pouring rivers, and drowned - The year will be lattern.
  • Water rose, and the ice on the rivers has not yet melted - Also to a bad harvest.
  • Spring Sossels Hollow - Do not wait for a good harvest.
  • The first thunderstorm happened in March - You can prepare the containers under the workpiece: Vegetables and fruits are fruit perfectly.
  • And about O. First thunderstorm: If she thunders in the West , Summer will not bring such a crop as I would like.
  • Abundant spring dew Also promise a great harvest. End of gardens will pay off!
  • Cold May , though not very pleasant in itself, hints at a wonderful harvest. You just need to pull out the coolness.
  • Many mosquitoes - There will be a lot of berries in the forest , what if Moshek more - That mushrooms. Berries and mushrooms are good, but is so much to endure the hordes of insects?

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