Consciousness of a person - how does it work?


Subconscious - a very multifaceted concept. A lot of actions man performs unconsciously. And if you learn this unconscious to manage, and also influence the unconscious other people, you can qualitatively change your life for the better.

Secrets of subconscious

Let's talk about what the consciousness and subconsciousness are distinguished, as well as how to control your subconscious mind.

What is the subconscious?

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This term first used Freud. In his understanding, the subconscious is the unconscious person. These are all actions, the person's instincts, which he does not control - they are performed automatically, out of mind.

The subconscious is an unusually widespread concept that can be studied forever. Philosophers, psychologists, psychiatrists, even lawyers and art historians speak about it in his writings. It is on manipulation of the unconscious that popular pickup trainings, NLP, sales techniques and others are founded.

The subconscious of a person exhibits in four aspects:

  1. Inspiration, intuition, creative insight: all these phenomena - the result of the work of the unconscious. They cannot be provoked by the brain, but you can call, if you know how to influence your own subconscious.
  2. Instinctive behavior, model of action in frequently repetitive situations. For example, touched on a hot plate with a lacker, you will immediately reach your hand. It will happen unconsciously - you do not think before doing. If you meet a familiar person, automatically say hello - this is also due to the work of the subconscious, which you do not control.
  3. Perception and storage of information. Within life, you get a huge number of knowledge, most of which are not using, because you forget. But in fact, all information remains recorded on the cord, it can suddenly appear in the stressful situation.
  4. The motives of the behavior, which forced to act in advance to public opinion and their own principles. For example, a kind of girl grew in an incomplete family and then unconsciously repeats this model in his own relationship - the child gives birth outside of marriage, becomes a single mother.

It is important to understand the difference: Consciousness is what you can control, think about. The subconscious is beyond the control. But you can learn this control, narrow the framework of the unconscious to you, to achieve a high degree of awareness.

Consciousness and subconscious

This is nozzy work, requires a lot of time. But it is worth it - comprehending the secrets of the subconscious, you qualitatively change your life and learn how to seek you about what before and dreaming.

How is the subconscious mind?

To understand where to start working with the subconscious, you need to know from what to repel. There are many programs that are laid in your brain throughout life, forcing themselves to act in one way or another.

Your minds are laid in several ways:

  • Parents, educators, teachers. Programs that lay these people are literally cemented in the subconscious, and they are usually difficult to change. Therefore, it is difficult to get rid of complexes, clamps and installations, grafted since childhood. Only a competent psychologist should work with this part of the unconscious.
  • MASS MEDIA. We see a lot of images on TV screens, on the Internet, magazines. This very subtle forms the unconscious. The media is generally a very powerful way to imperceptibly control a large number of people, laying in them the necessary installations. If you learn how to filter information from the media, you will be incredibly surprised, start notifying important little things that did not give values ​​before.
  • Friends surrounding constantly people, the company. They also invest in a person's subconscious set settings. For example, many who in adolescence fell into the "bad company", begin to smoke, abuse alcohol, violate the law. Adult, they do it already unconsciously, thinking that they really want it.
  • Fastened skills and habits. If a certain action you repeated many times, it is programmed in the subconscious and becomes a skill brought to automatism. The easiest example is you learn to ski. First you fall, stumble, first think, and then put your feet in the right way, the brand, accelerate. At first, it is necessary to mentally repeat the necessary actions. Time passes, and through a lot of workouts, skating comes by itself - the brain is no longer involved, because the unconscious has been involved.
  • Manipulation from outside. There are many techniques that allow "to include" the unconscious other person and make it act in their own interests. This is the "Template Table", and "Cooling", and the provocation of emotions is a game of fears, complexes.

See the video in which the secrets of the human subconscious are revealed:

How to influence the subconscious of a person?

The strength of your subconsciousness is great, and its ability is almost limitless. Therefore, a person with a high degree of awareness, which is able to control its unconscious and influence the unconscious other, virtually omnipotent.

Exercises, technician, techniques and trainings aimed at work with the subconscious, great many - not enough books to tell about all. But we share a few very popular and effective.

Get rid of insurance

This is a very simple exercise. But only at first glance, because the struggle with their own fears is the most difficult thing that exists in general. After all, precisely fear is the strongest human emotion that manages everything.

What to do? Write out a list of what you are afraid, and then do it. Better several times. After a couple of repetitions, there will be no trace of repetitions from fear, and you will buy a new skill.


Important: Exercises may seem absurd, strange, wild, will not be desire to do them. This is normal - but if you want to become a better version of yourself, leave the comfort zone and start acting.

For example:

  • Afraid of height - jump with a parachute.
  • Afraid of the condemnation of others - go out into a crowded place, stand up on the shop and start loudly declaming poems.
  • You are afraid to get a refusal of a girl - go for an hour and try to get acquainted with twenty girls.

Etc. It is difficult, scary, yes. But if you drop out to do it, feel that the fear has disappeared, and the possibilities have become wider. By the same scheme, you can work with complexes and clamps.


The impact strength is extremely large. Now it is fashionable to use affirmations, send "requests to the Universe" - it really works and helps to achieve the necessary goals.

One way to get the desired - affirmation. They are a certain text in which your desire is laid. But there are several rules:

  • Do not use the "not" part: instead of "I want not to hurt" - "I want to be healthy."
  • To speak in the present time, as if the desire was already fulfilled: I don't want a red convertible, and "I have a red convertible."
  • Specify the desire so that it does not come from an unexpected source: not "I am rich" (it may be, for example, that your relative will die and leave the inheritance), but "I am rich, and everyone has benefited, everyone is happy and healthy."

Practice, try to write phrases correctly, gradually you learn how to make your request correctly. And try to believe that affirmations are working - otherwise they will be useless

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