How to introduce a person in hypnosis - magical techniques


How to introduce a person in hypnosis? Deep immersion in a hypnotic condition for only an experienced hypnotherapist. But the usual person is able to work on consciousness with hypnotic techniques. We share possible ways.

How to make hypnosis

Why do you need hypnosis?

Hypnotic practices are used in two cases:

  1. Voluntary hypnosis. Used when a person himself wants to change his psychological state for the better. Hypnosis in this case is applied to free the test from negative installations, emotions, get rid of painful memories from the past.
  2. In the second case, the hypnosis is used when a person himself does not suspect that it is injected into a hypnotic state. Such hypnosis is used by fraudsters in order to benefit: to bind the consciousness of a person and "pull out" from it from it, to force in the interests of hypnotism.

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Voluntary hypnosis is used in good faith - with it, you can get a person to quit smoking, get rid of the complexes, clamps, cure from some disease.

The secret hypnosis is always harmful because it makes a person act against his will. Technique of such hypnosis is often used in sects, it is used by Gypsies. You probably heard stories about people who gave all the money to the fortuneteller on the street, or about the participants of the sect, who donated all their property to its leaders.

how to introduce a person in hypnosis

We will talk about voluntary hypnosis. He solves such problems as:

  • Phobias, fears, obsessive ideas that poison the life of a person and prevent him from realizing.
  • Harmful habits and dependencies: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, gymnia, television addiction. It is important that the subject itself will be ready to cure.
  • Insecurity, complexes, psychological clamps - everything that interferes with the relationship, career growth, human socialization.
  • Amnesia. Hypnosis can help return the memory of a person who stays in Amnesia after the catastrophe, personal tragedy and other experienced complex situations.
  • Depression and stress. Sometimes they reach a heavy stage and people are not able to cope with the problem. Hypnosis helps pull the subject from this painful state and begin to enjoy life again.

Hypnotic techniques allowing to immerse a person in trance, there is a great set. We will look at the simplest.

How to introduce a person in trance?

How to make hypnosis to guarantee the result? Most likely, from the first time you will not succeed. The hypnotist must have a power of suggestion, self-confidence. Not everyone can immerse a person in trance. But you can try, and perhaps, after a few attempts, you will succeed.

Immersion in hypnosis look

This technique is not available to everyone: to immerse in the trance with the help of one glance only for a person who has magnetic abilities from birth. Requires training. Perform the following exercises:

  • Draw on a white sheet of paper with a circulation a clear smooth circle. Periodically train to look at the center of the circle, not blinking. During the workout, you need to do not think about anything - when you learn five minutes to look at one point without a single thought, the exercise will be considered performed.
  • Similarly, you can train with a mirror. It is necessary to watch in the forehead center. Start from three minutes and gradually increase the duration of the workout.

After two or three months, you can try your hypnotic skills on acquaintances. Find the experimental and ask to help. To introduce a person in trance, closely and not blinking look into his eyes.


Immersion in trance with pendulum

Monotonous movements of the pendulum are able to sleep and immerse in trance of any person. There are several rules:
  • The person you are going to immerse in the hypnotic state must lie or be in a half-sidewal position.
  • Before the session, talk to the subject, it must be calm and relaxed.
  • Before starting the session, agree that it will be a signal after which a person will come out of the trance. For example, you slam your hands or click with your finger.
  • Then prepare the pendulum and start swinging it before the eyes of the person being introduced into the trance. The subject must continuously monitor the movements of the pendulum.

After 2-3 minutes, the immersion in hypnosis should occur. After that, you can ask questions or vote information that you need to convey to the patient. At the end - cotton and output from trance state. The maximum time that can be in a state of hypnosis is twenty minutes.

Watch the video for beginners about hypnosis:

A warning

There are prohibitions and certain rules that need to be observed if you decide to master hypnosis:

  • Do not use the skills to the detriment of anyone. Your actions should only benefit, improve human life. If you apply hypnosis for mercenary purposes, trying to inspire tested negative installations, you lose not only to him, but also its own energy.
  • Do not abuse hypnosis. It is not necessary to exceed the recommended time for staying in the trans. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite result - not to cure the psyche, but to break.
  • Do not forget to properly display a person from the trance - after a session, he should feel as comfortable and relaxed, as before immersion in hypnosis.
  • In the room where the session will pass should be quiet, calmly, the light is muffled. The words of the hypnotist are also pronounced quietly, monotonously, hemispot.

Do not wait for you to enter a person in trance on the first attempt. Such can only people from birth with a certain gift. Develop the hypnotize skill must be gradually.

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