What symptoms have the evil eye in adults


The evil eye is a phenomenon with which every person can face, it can provoke the emergence of various problems with physical and psychological health. It is important to know the basic symptoms of the evil eye in adults and children in order to recognize the presence of alien negative energy on time and take measures to eliminate it.

evil eye

What is evil eye

The evil eye advocates the promise of poor energy from one person to another or from several people to a person.

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According to its symptoms, the evil eye is very similar to the damage, but its main difference is that the evil eye is, as a rule, an indispensable effect.

Literally the evil eye is a thicker of negative energy, which was sent to the man and attached to its energy field.

It's sad to realize, but the evil eye is able to linger on a man's aura for a long time. He is very similar to a pathoral virus or leech, which takes all life energy from a person.

The strongest of the evil eye suffer:

  • children;
  • French representatives;
  • People whose profession makes them constantly be in sight;
  • Young, attractive and successful people;
  • creative personality;
  • Those who have a psyche broken.

Variety of Schalza

Negative impact may be provoked by someone else's envy, angrily, greed or egoism.

Conflict in a pare

Such basic types of evil eye are also known:

  1. Stake. It is provoked by envious words. Due to the tissue of the victim, a solid black strip begins in life. A person cannot at any area to achieve success, but everything for which he is neither takes on failure.
  2. Lake. This kind of evil eye is caused by the crosses, as well as bad thoughts and a bad look. Lakes also leads to global failures.
  3. Envious evil eye. Its occurrence is due to the appearance of negative energy in one person relative other, as well as a feeling of envy. Often the collective negative energy leads to the envious slohal. For example, when one of the workers receive an increase, its colleagues instead of a sense of joy for him are discontent and are actively discussing this news behind his back.
  4. Slam baby. Children are the most defenseless creatures before the evil eye. If someone will express his admiration for your baby, actively praise him, but in the depths of the soul it is experiencing envy and malice, the evil eye will necessarily affect the health status of your child. The aura of children is not strong enough and cannot act selectively - it absorbs all negative information entirely.
  5. Decoration of newborns. It is especially to beware of people who are not possible for a long time to conceive their own child. They pose a serious threat to your newborn. Therefore, manifest accuracy, remember the weak kid biopol and take care of it from the evil eye of others.
  6. Sloggy for loneliness. If you have a happy marriage, you should not brag about your personal life, exhibiting provocative photos on social networks or telling anyone about it. If you are diagnosed, then you will face frequent quarrels and conflict situations in your pair.
  7. Sloalth on health. As a rule, sick people who cause the envy of other people will produce it.


strong>Imprint Schalza The damage and the evil eye have very similar signs, but in the event of damage, all the symptoms are much stronger.

The first thing from negative suffers from human health: weakens the immune system, chronic diseases are moving to the acute phase, new pathologies appear.

In addition, the sphere suffers from the influence of envy.

The main symptoms on which the evil eye can be diagnosed are determined:

  1. A person cannot look into the eyes of his own reflection in the mirror.
  2. Suddenly holds to hotly beloved before classes.
  3. Feeling incomprehensible changes for the worse, a person relates hostile to the environment, suffers from constant internal tension.
  4. Conflict situations regularly arise in different areas of life.
  5. Lose life interests are lost, a constant lack of energy is felt.
  6. Perhaps unexpected "satisfaction" on the disastrous habits: drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking.
  7. In the chest area (solar plexus) often arises burning and sharp tingling.
  8. There is a constant severity in the body, the feeling of weakness and general ailment.
  9. The appearance of frequent headaches, dizziness, periodic sharp changes in blood pressure in one or the other side are characteristic. From the nose or ears can go blood, a person often suffers from colds.
  10. Long do not heal various damage.
  11. Disorders of appetite are observed: it is either completely absent, or, on the contrary, there is an increment.
  12. Sleep disorders appear: from insomnia to high drowsiness.
  13. The mood is spoiled, a person seems to be the surrounding configured against him. Characterized by the constant state of increased irritability, nervousness, conflict.
  14. Also typical depressive states.
  15. Sexual desire is noticeably reduced.
  16. Can start trembling certain parts of the body. There is a feeling of chill, the skin color changes.
  17. A person lacks air, he feels pain in his chest, complains of breath.
  18. Changes to the worse condition of the skin: there are acne, acne and other rashes.
  19. An attacks of anonymous alarm, fear, panic states may appear.
  20. It is characterized by severe fatigue, it is difficult for a person to restore the power even after a long rest.
  21. Slow reaction.
  22. Man often yawns.
  23. There is an increased tearing.
  24. Without any signs, the body temperature rises.

How science explains the evil eye

Scientists who study various subtle energies and the process of their interaction with human energy are called eniologists. They have long established that our thoughts and even feelings have energy nature. This phenomenon explains the realization of thoughts in life.

Aura man

Thought is an energy wave that is transmitted and applies to the world around the world.

But today, a very small number of people have the ability to consciously control their thoughts. Often this process is unconscious.

At the same time, thoughts can be, both positive and negative, which threaten the actual damage of human energy, as they form holes in it. As already mentioned above, the evil eye is just such violations in the energy field through which energy flows.

It turns out that initially the evil eye provoke precisely thoughts (in the form of mental energy). Each person has a biopol (aura or energy shell) has its own characteristics, has different strength, elasticity, integrity and color. All these indicators are the most directly affecting how much person will be subject to negative impacts.

It is possible to summarize that to protect yourself from the evil eye should be smaller to share with the surrounding joys and successes, as well as never to tell about the future events and especially protect their babies.

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