Active self-hypnosis to self-confidence


Self-hypnosis - what is it? How often do we use his power in their daily lives? Who lays in our negative attitudes to failure, and is there any way to get rid of them? On this, as well as many other things you can learn from this material.

self-hypnosis - a great power

What is self-hypnosis

In fact, people are using the power of self-hypnosis every day. And quite often it happens quite unconsciously. Thus, people in their or someone else's will adjust to illness, poverty, negative, losses, and then wonder - how in their lives so much bad things?

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You can deny the existence of self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis active, write him at excessive optimism, pessimism, fudge psychiatrists or obsessive mania. This is absolutely not change anything in your life, because for a long time scientists proved the existence of this powerful force that has to have a huge impact.

Represents Autosuggestion the work of the human mind, which is aimed at himself and is supported at the expense of visual images. Thanks to this work is the formation of certain subconscious installations. In this case, one of the areas of the cerebral cortex is dominant, and the other parts are in the locked state.

To perform self-hypnosis, there is no need to fall into a trance. Would be enough to secure a tranquil, secluded setting, fully focus on a specific goal, achieving relaxation or, on the contrary, having a strong emotional shock.

When you many times to say your installation, your brain "Program" on it, and your idea will become a reality soon.

Not to be confused with self-hypnosis will power. Willpower is a conscious effort, which is intended to perform an action. For any characteristic of the efforts to meet with the opposition of our psyche.

Work is carried out by self-hypnosis feelings, emotions, imagination, and the installation penetrate deep into our consciousness and on a physical level can be expressed in the form of certain abilities, feelings or actions.

For what purpose you can use

Self-hypnosis has huge possibilities. When the right direction, these features allow you to perform miracles, changing the identity of the physical person and the potential for the better, improving his emotional state will achieve your goals. But self-hypnosis can be both positive and negative. Used unconsciously in our lives, it could have a bad effect on us.

Since the mechanism of self-hypnosis are often embedded in your mind the words of others. Of course, it is impossible to write off their failures and misses completely on others, as long as we are not internally approve of others plant, they can not be translated into reality.

But just in case it is necessary to stay away from people who inspire you, that you have nothing of itself does not represent, will not be able to achieve something or learn something. They cover you for the execution of the desired channel and program your identity on the solid film.

Using self-hypnosis to self-confidence, success, you will save yourself from aggressive external influences and get full control of your life. Do not forget that your life - it is a miracle, you are a unique and unrepeatable person. You need to convince yourself that, allow yourself to become happy, loved, rich, successful - to select the desired from this list. A pre-programmed on the success of the body can cope with the task within the capabilities it possesses.

faith in their own strength

Eliminate from your subconscious mind any doubts, performing self-hypnosis. After all, the sincere faith plays an important role in this process. Formulating desired, we're not talking about reality, but only about the desired result, but it is done in real time. Our minds can not understand concepts such as "yesterday" or "tomorrow", it only works on the principle of "here and now".

More information about self-hypnosis you will learn from the following video:

Conscious and unconscious self-suggestion

Most people apply a negative self-hypnosis, without giving a report on this. After reading about some unpleasant facts or terrible events, they tend to unconsciously attract them into your life.

A very good example - a man reading medical reference book, which describes some terrible disease. He starts to look at the same symptoms that are listed in the book, and found, in fact, very soon become ill. The power of auto-suggestion is so strong that a person can convince himself that he was suffering from incurable pathologies, and it ends in death.

There is another name for conscious programming itself to failures and trouble - pessimism. If in your life is not the best of times, inspire that it is very soon all the bad goes, and only good events await you ahead, all dreams and desires are easily embodied in life. For your subconscious, this installation will be a straw for a drowning, it will gladly pick it up, and the forces will suddenly appear that will help to cope with stress and trouble.

Self-alignment technique

There is a huge amount of self-alignment techniques. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular of them.

  • Affirmation - is a method of self-consuming, which consists in repetition of certain formulas to itself or loud. Examples of such formulas: "I am happy", "I am healthy", "I have a good job," "I have a great caring and loving husband" and so on. Come up with affirmations based on your needs, and regularly repeat them yourself. Then over time, all negative installations of your subconscious will be replaced positive.
  • Visualization - It lies in a mental presentation and experiences of the events that you imagine. The main meaning of this technique - you will mostly imagine the situation and start living in it. The effect of this method is due to the fact that our mind is not able to distinguish real events from imaginary. When you visualize anything, your mind believes that it happens in reality.
  • Self-pressure E. Kue. You will need to take a comfortable position (lying or sedent), cover your eyes, relax and whisper several times to say a certain self-compliance formula. It is important that it was simple, consisted of a couple of words, for example, "I am happy." Repeat the sessions of this method to three or four minutes several times a day for several weeks.

Who introduces negative installations to our consciousness

No one from birth has negative attitudes and thinking, so where do they come from? Why do people start thinking that they are losers?

The main sources of negative suggestion are several:

  1. Parents. Many parents spoil the psyche to their children, and not wanting. The main mistake committed by mom and dad is a comparison of his child with the peers not in his favor. There are also constant reproaches for "wrong" actions, the child often splashes their own disappointment.

All this is postponed in the subconscious and causes a person to feel flawed, doubting its own forces and opportunities. Negative installations from childhood are transformed into an adult life, a person becomes difficult to make decisions and take responsibility for his actions.

Negative Parental Installations

  1. Negative experience of the past . Bad experience gained in the past also contributes to the formation of a negative attitude to what it has been connected with. In the subconscious, the image is enshrined that, if the first time nothing came out, it means that all subsequent will also be unsuccessful.

For example, in relationships you encountered treason, because of which they received severe psychological trauma. After all, you moved away from the experience and entered into new relationships. But at the subconscious level, you now all our new boyfriends try to catch in treasures. Trying to doubt, even if they are not boring, arrange the scenes of jealousy, are waiting all the time that life will throw another catch.

How to get rid of self-sufficiency

You have already understood that self-suggestion can very much to poison our lives, it increases our susceptibility to those surrounding and makes us more vulnerable. A positive moment - this problem can be solved. The surrounding people are not to blame for your troubles, their key is in you.

  1. You need to take your problems. Find a true source of all your misstain. To do this, you need to enter the state of the changed consciousness, although sometimes the problem is when scrolling past events. Lay out the starting point when a negative image has been fixed in your head, forcing you to doubt your own forces.
  2. Change your memories. When the starting point provoked a negative memory is found, it is necessary to submit the situation, but only so. So that it turns into a positive. Think, how would it change if you or other people would act otherwise. Fill with these positive sensations, believe in a new role so that in your subconscious one new, modified, positive situation.

So you need to work on all negative memories until you replace them with all positive emotions.

But if in the past the situation caused you strong pain and disappointment with which you are not able to cope on your own, it is better to seek help to a professional. The self-conformity effect is a very serious thing that can change your life strongly. Therefore, do not be afraid to trust a specialist who, with the help of effective techniques, will help you achieve a comfortable and harmonious state.

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