Female and Male Start - Difference and Interaction


In our world, absolutely everything consists of energy - people, animals, even non-residential items have a small spark of Divine Light. At the same time, our reality is a balance of good and evil, light and darkness, right and left, female and male. Male start and feminine start - or Yin and Yang in Feng Shui philosophy - are also opposite energies that, however, are present in each of us.

male and feminine

Yin and Yan - the value of the male and female start

Each person, despite his sexuality, has both types of energies - men's (Yang) and women's (Yin). But that the personality felt harmoniously and was holistic, it is necessary to prevail the female energy among the representatives of the beautiful sex, and the male is men.

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Otherwise, you will have to face various disorders - mental, energy and physical, which, however, we often can observe today.

In astrology, the planet-guide of the female began is the moon, and the male is the sun.

By analogy, the feminine is associated with all non-leaving - darkness, twilight, abyss, mystery, mysteriousness, mysticism, deep experiences and unconscious sensations. A woman has access to the depths of the subconscious, she has a stronger connection with the highest "I", so often a fair sex representative has a well-developed intuition.

The male beginning, on the contrary, personifies all the events manifested, is the strength of mind and logic.

The feminine is equal to the principle of flexibility, personifies fluidity, due to which the girls are characterized by the harmoniously filled with female energy of girls, tenderness, they are higher than the ability to forgive and accept. Women's energy is a passive action that occurs more inside than outside.

Men's essence is activity, energetic effect, strength, martial spirit, thanks to male energy it becomes possible to implement ideas in life. Also, the male began is associated with common sense and logical thinking.

If we talk about a physical body, then the Male Energy Center is located in the left hemisphere of the brain. And the feminine hemisphere is the right, providing emotional and sensual manifestations, giving creative power.

In more detail about the male and women's start, the following lecture will tell:

Symbols of sacred female start

Of the above described above, such symbolic images of female energy, like a mirror and shadow.

Like a mirror, a beautiful sex representative reflects everything that happens in our world. And the shadow is also a reflection, but what is hidden in the depths of our soul is the unconscious.

Therefore, a woman is much easier to intuitively feel his man in the process of interaction with him. She can know much of what is invisible to the naked look.

And the more the girl or the woman is filled with the energy of Yin, the higher its ability to reflect and perceive, acceptance, because the essence of female energy is consumption. A woman from nature gets energy from the surrounding space, and a man, on the contrary, gives it.

What features men's and female energy are different

For the male began, the presence of such characteristics is characteristic:

  • ability to actively act;
  • make a choice and make decisions;
  • the ability to achieve the goals;
  • ability to manage others;
  • planning;
  • collence;
  • A man protects his woman to feel in complete safety;
  • He is reliable, you can rely on it in a difficult situation.

Gentle female energy helps weak floor representatives:

  • be more passive than a man;
  • be in a peaceful condition;
  • opens the ability to creative classes;
  • focus on what is happening;
  • have a strong faith;
  • show kindness;
  • Take care of your family, a man.

The female and male start sign is the traditional symbol of Yin and Yan, who came to us from the Feng Shui philosophy.

Symbol Yin and Yang

How should the interaction between a man and a woman

To enormous regret, today our society does not imply proper sex education in which women and men's energy could reveal as much as possible.

This is especially true - no one tells them how strong the female energy is, but, on the contrary, they begin to raise along with the boys. But it is impossible to neglect the fact that the highest forces are not in vain invented the harmonious division of people into two sexes. Each floor performs its functional responsibilities, plus in the body of men and women varies the movement of female and male energy.

Each person has seven main energy centers (differently called chakras in the east or speech from Slavs). Men's and female energy in them circulates not equally.

We suggest you to deal with what the difference between the male and female principles on the energy center is:

  1. Molandhara - 1 in a row energy center, controlling vital energy, its number and providing the ability to survive. In men, with harmonious filling, Yan, this chakra works very actively, and in women - passively. Therefore, a man must give energy, and a woman is to take it. If you transfer this description to real life, it turns out that the main task of a man is to protect a woman and offspring. And the main responsibility of a woman is to be able to take this energy and trust your man.
  2. Svadchistan - 2 Energy Center. It is sexual chakra, provides breeding, enjoyment and lust. Here the energy movement is already different - so, the representatives of the beautiful floor of Svadchistan works more actively than in men. Thanks to this, the woman fills the man with sexual energy, lust, and the man takes it. It was for this reason that such "female professions", as a concubine and a priestess of love, were popular with antiquity. In a harmonious condition, a man enjoys the energy of Svadchistan, and a woman gives him pleasure.
  3. Manipura - 3 Energy Center, ensures financial success, is responsible for communication with achievements. More active in men and passive in women. A man fills the woman with an energy of 3 chakras.
  4. Anahata - 4 Energy Center - responsible for manifestation of love and sensual sphere, intuitive abilities, secret knowledge. This is a female chakra, a representative of the weak floor fills her man.
  5. Vishudha - 5 Energy Center, ensures harmonious self-expression, the ability to work with the flow of information. More active in men, because they are more important than women, express and implement in the surrounding reality.
  6. Ajna - 6 energy center, ensures the ability to clairvoyant, works more actively with representatives of the fine sex. This means that the wife should advocate his husband, she provides him with secret information about what is not visible to the naked eye.
  7. Sakhasrara - 7 Energy Center. It functions with the same activity among the representatives of both sexes, ensures our relationship with the highest worlds. If we talk about this chakra, then it doesn't matter who we are - a man either a woman, we first spell the divine soul, and the soul is a cruel. Gender distinctions play an important role on Earth, they allow us to carry out our karmic tasks, because of which we were born in a particular body. And thanks to its sexuality, we have the opportunity to fulfill their tasks, we implement our destination.

Violations of female energy

Considering the joint activity of all energy centers, it is possible to divide the female energy for two varieties:

  1. Sexyrepresented by the energy of the lower chakras. It allows you to multiply, capable of igniting a frantic passion in a man. It is the presence of this energy in women forces men to lose their mind and calm.

If the woman is filled with sexual energy, then the following happens:

  • Men tend to get sexual relations from her;
  • A woman is hard to be friends with other women, as they consider it to be her rival who can lead a stranger husband;
  • A man cannot relax next to such a finest representative;
  • There is no respect in the family and relationships, and only sexual relations play a huge role, passion.

Women's sexy energy

Sexy energy develops with intimate gymnastics, as well as flirt and seduction. Many girls who do not have a guy are actively developing sexuality. But according to the result, it leads to the fact that many sexual partners appear, and the husband, as it was not, and not.

  1. Female Energy of Higher Chakras. Personifies cleanliness, friendly relationships, love and tenderness.

With a large amount of this energy:

  • Male want to ensure a woman care, comfort, he seeks to take responsibility for her;
  • Women's energy contributes to the creation of a serious relationship;
  • A man next to such a woman can calm down, relax and restore his strength.

This, of course, does not mean that we do not need sexual energy, but it needs to be dosed. If sexual energy is blocked, various female pathologies arise, a woman cannot conceive a child and take it out. But it is not worth it too to get involved in it - it is important to achieve harmonious interaction between sexual energy and a real female strength.

Representatives of both sexes are important to work on the number of their female or male energy. It is important to learn to develop and maintain your gender energy. This will help maximize the characteristics of its start, filled with the necessary qualities and harmoniously interact with the representatives of the opposite sex.

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