The first signs of pregnancy before the delay - folk signs


Pregnancy is a responsible and important stage in the life of any woman. The representatives of the weak gender, passionately wanting the origin of a tiny life, listens with trepidation to their body, trying to recognize the symptoms of the coming conception. However, even the most modern medical methods for determining pregnancy in the earliest time can show a negative result. In such cases, you can remember the experience of our great-grandmothers - the first signs of pregnancy will help to delay the folk signs.

The first signs of pregnancy before the delay - folk signs

First classic signs of pregnancy before delay

Particularly sensitive women can notice the first signs of pregnancy even before the alleged latency of menstruation. Symptoms tend to develop against the background of beginning hormonal rearrangements in the body associated with successful fertilization. Such changes are a consequence of impact on the female body of progesterone hormones and estrogen - they begin to stand out in reinforced quantity.

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The following symptoms are the classic signs of "interesting position" to delay:

  • Feeling fatigue and apathy, decay of forces and drowsiness - the culprit of such a broken state acts progesterone;
  • Scarce bleeding due to implantation of fertilized egg in the uterine cavity - not all women are observed;
  • nausea - it does not always arise before the delay, more often - after it;
  • Templeness of the mammary glands, increase their sensitivity - a consequence of the influence of the hormone of oxytocin;
  • discomfort in the field of abdominal - tingling, pain drawing, spasms;
  • Strengthening smell - develops under the influence of estrogen. A woman can start to break from many familiar and strong smells;
  • headache - associated with the strengthening of blood circulation in the pregnant organism;
  • Changing taste addies - Favorite food can be nasty, new preferences appear in food, sometimes quite strange;
  • Problems with stool - more often manifest itself in the form of constipation (again under the influence of progesterone);
  • Mood swings - sudden and frequent;
  • Increased basal temperature and total body temperature - to subfebrisy indicators (up to 37.5 - 38 degrees).

If it remains for several days before the start of menstruation, and the woman already observes the overwhelming part of the symptoms above, then it is possible to say almost with confidence that the conception occurred and a small life began to develop in the womb. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that such signs may indicate some of the pathological processes in the body. Therefore, for the safety and elimination of the threat to their health, you certainly need to contact the gynecologist in the near future.

The first signs of pregnancy before the delay - folk signs

In the old days, when the level of medicine and at the notes did not fit modern, our grandmothers revealed the first signs of pregnancy before the delay with the help of people will accept. We can use the women in our time: first, the signs will help calm down, secondly, keep from buying countless pregnancy tests.

According to folk signs, a woman with an almost 100 percent probability of pregnant, if:

  • At night, it became often waking up from sneezing and nasal congestion. Such a state is observed and during colds. The pregnancy is judged if the nasal congestion and the runny nose manifest itself only at night or in the morning, and there are no them during the day;

The first signs of pregnancy - night sneezing

  • He began to snore very much at night. The accuracy of the sign can be judged if the lady did not suffer from the night snoring and at the moment is not sharpened (as the snoring during sleep may appear and due to the nasal congestion);
  • Shoulders and chest were covered with sparse veins - Mesh of thin blood vessels, close to the skin surface. Their appearance is explained by the strengthening of the function of the circulatory system;
  • Slyunodelnation became abundant, the taste of the metal began to be felt in the oral cavity;
  • In the abdomen area there was a sense of cutting, he became bloated due to gases and constipation.

Folk signs about the occurrence of pregnancy listed above are associated with changes that begin to occur in the body of the future mummy. From the signs that are not directly related to the female body, quite interesting is the belief of the austa. If over the house where the lady dreaming about motherhood flies, sits on the roof or even decide to poison your stork nest, This is favorable in every sense sign that foreshadows that Woman will soon nurse her child.

Folk tests for the definition of pregnancy

Modern medicine has a huge variety of tests that help determine the offensive of pregnancy. The most sought-after of them are those that are conducted using urine of pregnant. Of course, not all of them are able to tell about pregnancy before the menstruation delay, but this does not affect their popularity. They bribe women with their availability and ease of analysis.

Watering to confirm the "interesting position" was used in folk signs. There were several ways to determine the first signs of pregnancy before the delay based on the use of Urin.

Test with urine during pregnancy

Test with urine and iodine

In suspected pregnancy, prepare a portion a small portion of fresh urine (better than the morning) and an ordinary iodine tincture from the pharmacy. With the use of this simple set, you can do several tests:
  • Method first. In the container with urinous drop of a drop of iodine and look at the substance reaction: if the drop remains on the surface of the urine, you can congratulate yourself with pregnancy; If iodine dissolved, there is no pregnancy.
  • The method of the second. Mock in Urin a small flap of white cotton fabric and drip iodine on a stain. The stain became purple - probably you are pregnant, painted in blue color - no pregnancy.

Piping urine

This test with urine is suitable for those women who are calmly tolerated, say, not very pleasant smells. Its essence is that it is necessary to bring in pure metal dishes to a boil a little fresh urine (it is not diluted with it), and then fill it into the transparent glass dishes. It is believed that if a woman is pregnant, then in Urin, white flakes should be formed in a while. If they are not, urine has not changed its condition, pregnancy, respectively, either.

Urin and Red Wine Reaction

Fresh urine you need to mix with homemade red wine and look at the result. If the mixture is transparent, the woman is pregnant, if the mixture is cloudy, pregnancy is excluded.

See the video of a few more people's maternity definition methods:

Fortune telling on Luke

To folk signs, helping to determine the first signs of pregnancy before delay, it is possible to attribute a simple fortune telling on Luka. With the credibility of this method, you can, of course, argue, but he also had no time popular among women dreaming about the child.

Everything that will be needed is to prepare 2 bulbs and put them in water tanks or to the ground (potential pregnant should do it own). Immediately, it is necessary to determine the purpose of each bulb: one must symbolize the pregnancy, the other is the absence (it is better to make them somehow, so that they are not confused and not to forget who are who).

Next you need to watch which of the bulbs will give green arrows. It is believed that pregnancy is if the feathers were the first to appear at Luka responsible for a positive result.

Leather dreams as a way to confirm pregnancy

Fish in a dream - a sign of pregnancy

Anticipate a quick conception or tell about the already competing pregnancy can be the prophetic dreams. They often dream of future mothers. The first signs of pregnancy before the delay in such dreams often perform various symbolic images.

The most common symbol of the upcoming "interesting position" is Live or Fresh Fish:

  • Pregnant can see how the fish swims in a pure reservoir;
  • It often dreams that the fish woman catches with her own hands. In this case, you still need to try to remember and the type of fish - it will help to know who it is born in the family. Pike foreshadows the birth of her daughter, crucian or carp Silent Son;
  • A dream in which a woman herself or her spouse can also be evidenced about the upcoming replenishment in the family.

Sometimes someone from the deceased relatives may appear in a dream and give a secret signal about the early birth of a child. People who are sincerely believed in God and visit regularly the temple, maybe even someone from the saints (Virgin, Angel) and tell the joyful news about conception and pregnancy.

And the prophetic dreams, and other folk methods for determining the first signs of pregnancy before delay are capable of, of course, give a woman some hint, dispel or confirm her guesses and doubts, but should not fully rely on them only. The last word should still remain for official medicine and laboratory research.

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