What dream of a broken tooth?


Teeth symbolize vital activity and ability to defend themselves. To the old age most people lose their teeth due to a decrease in the vital tone and the general weakening of the body. What is the dream of a broken tooth, what do dreams talk about this? Many interpreters see the illness of the disease in this image, because this condition is always associated with a decrease in the protective forces of the body and human energy.

What dream of a broken tooth? 7463_1

The image of a broken tooth in a dream

To explain the dream in detail, it is necessary to recall the cause of the injury and the circumstances associated with it. It should also be taken into account the day of the week in which this plot has dreamed.
  • If part of the tooth broke down without visible reasons, a sick person will appear in the family: with blood - a blood relative, without blood - is not a blood relative.
  • If the tooth was knocked down while fighting in a dream, the dream awaits failure.
  • If the tooth breaks due to carious lesion, the body requires rest.
  • Out to the tooth while eating - a symbol of good luck in life.
  • If the tooth crumble gradually, sleep warns about the beginning of the disease.
  • If the implant broke, look at your partner: you are not the same person who is treated by fate.
  • If a dentist removes a broken tooth in a dream, a responsible turn is in fate.

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However, if you chose an incorrect life path, a broken tooth foreshadows plans. This dream promises getting rid of unnecessary in life.

Day of the week

  • Sleep on Monday - your expectations are in vain;
  • Sleep on working days of the week promises sudden obstacles in affairs;
  • Sleeping on Saturday and Resurrection foreshadows aggression from another person: perhaps you will come across Ham.

If All teeth are stagged In the mouth, the period of material losses is approaching. Together with losses to survive a serious illness, so take care of health in advance and do not take trouble close to heart.

What dream of a broken tooth? 7463_2

Relations with relatives

Vintage dreams link the image of teeth in a dream with a family and family:

  • The upper cutters symbolize the main man of the family along the father;
  • The lower cutters are associated with the native of the maternal line;
  • Rally cutters are associated with long-range relatives.

If broken a certain tooth In a dream, remember, in which row he was. Broken tooth Warns about the disease of the relative, Fallen - About death or departure relative. Usually Fallen sophisticated tooth Warns about the care of an old man whose death was expected in the family.

Often Warning teeth warn parents about children departure In the long edges, perhaps abroad. Most likely, there will be their permanent residence. Some dreams believe Failure of dairy teeth with blood warning about the death hazard to the child.

If Teeth are staggering This is a sign of serious danger to relatives in the family. You should cancel the planned trips to avoid tragic cases. It is also necessary to observe increased security measures for acute objects and power grid.

If Called or fell back cutter , Soon awaits news of the death of a long-range relative. Or you lose what you will not regret. This interpretation is suitable if the tooth broke off and fell without blood.

If turned out and dropped all the teeth Sleep warns about the critical state of health or the danger and threat of life as a result of an accident. After this dream, it is worth canceting long-distance travel, and it is better to stay at home on this day and not appear on the street. Over the next days, be alert and careful, do not perform heavy physical work - it's better to relax.

What is denoted glazed or very soft teeth in a dream? Such a dream foreshadows the scandal between relatives, as well as a threat to health. If on the site of the crushed and dropped tooth Rose new , It promises the end of heavy times and turning fate for the better.

What dream of a broken tooth? 7463_3

What they say dreams

Dance Deniz Lynn It believes that the crumbled tooth dreams of a person loaning on infinite "chewing" of the imperfections of the neighboring. It's time to look at your shortcomings, because they are inherent in every person. Infinite condemns you are squanding your own vital energy, which can be spent on good purpose.

Noble dream book Also recommends to stop gossip about neighboring, care vitality. As for the watered tooth, the dream book considers this image as a lack of forces and confidence to take a responsible decision or to stand up for itself. Learn to speak a decisive "no", order the character and do not be mildly not to the place.

Russian dream book Warns about a conflict situation at work, if a part of the tooth broke down in a dream. Be careful in statements, do not get under the hot hand to the head. In the coming days, it is better not to defend your point of view and not prove the right thing.

Family dream book Sees in the image of the watered tooth an exorbitant load, which man took upon himself. The dream should be given more time to a full-fledged stay and sleep, otherwise the disease is not far off. Restore the estate energy, anyway, all the cases never redo.

Village dream book Tracts a dream by the number of spoiled teeth. If one tooth broke down or fell out, the dream is awaiting unpleasant news, two teeth will have to have troubles, three or more - to an unfortunate case.


For popular beliefs, the fallen or sloping tooth foreshadows bad luck, breaking plans or an unpleasant incident. The dream is recommended to keep yourself in your hands, avoid conflict situations and take care of your health. It is also not recommended to share its plans for the future and be invisible in society.

If you saw sleep with a broken tooth, do not give in to the panic mood. Dreams warn about danger, and not claim her. Everything can be corrected and change if wise approach this issue. Panic mood can increase trouble, so keep the mental balance.

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