Divination on chopsticks - simple fortune telling on paper


Distribution on sticks - A simple way to burn, tried, probably, every girl-teenage or young girl. The popularity of this method is deserved ease and affordable, because in the process, only an ordinary ballpoint pen and a piece of paper will be needed.

fortune telling on paper

Goals and feasures of fortune telling on sticks

What cares a schoolgirl girl or a young student most? Many will answer that study and academic performance, and it is not even discussed. However, the first sympathy for the opposite sex is the other important feature of this age, first love.

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Of course, I want to know how one or another cute boy, what feelings and emotions she causes him, whether she has hope for some kind of future with him. Find out it helps fortune telling on dashes.

Girl goes on paper

The principle of divination on sticks is reduced to the fact that the handle (felt-tip pen, pencil, etc.) on paper is drawn in a number of an arbitrary number of vertical dashes and at some point drawing is suspended by the word "stop". Such rows can be somewhat - depending on the conditions prescribed in the instructions of the vorozhba. When the required number of rows reached, in each of them the sticks are drawn up 2 or 3 pieces. Then the number of remaining drops are considered and a certain result is obtained - some outcome number.

The fortune telling on sticks by the fact that according to the above interpretation decrypt the value of the final number and get prediction to the nearest future or response to the question in the beginning.

Fortune telling on chopsticks: the most famous varieties

Fortune telling on dash "yes-no" (fortune telling at desire)

A very simple kind of divination that allows you to get an answer to the question of the events of the emerge of your future. One condition: the question is necessary to put it so that it can be answered either only affirmatively - "Yes", or only negatively - "No". In addition, the fortune telling helps to learn whether one or another is destined to be fulfilled.

  1. Preparation. Prepare a pen and sheet of paper. Word a question, if you want to know about something specifically, or make your desire.
  2. The process of divination. Take the handle, close your eyes and on the leaves. Start drawing vertical dashs. When it seems to you that they are already enough (listen to the sixth feeling), say "Stop". Next, strike out in the resulting row of 2 sticks and see how many sticks turned out to be in the rest.
  3. Interpretation of the result. If not crossed drops does not remain, i.e. You drew an even number of them, the answer to your question or the fate of your desire - no, will not come true. If one wand remained at the very end, and their total quantity turned out to be odd, your result is yes, it will come true.
  4. Visual example . It should turn out something like this (see photo):

Distribution on sticks

Stoor on chopsticks - for the future

The purpose of this fortune telling on sticks is to get a forecast for the nearest of your future.

  1. Preparation. Prepare a sheet of paper with a handle.
  2. The process of divination. Take a handle, start drawing on paper sticks in arbitrary quantities. At some point, tell me "Stop". Then go to the next row of the drops and do the same manipulations. You will need to draw 6 lines with chopsticks. When the rows are ready, start in all of them to cross the dash, but here it is necessary to do it 3 units, and not 2, as in the above this fortune. At the end of each line, write how many sticks are left - 0, 1 or 2. In the end, you will turn out 6 digits - they need to be folded and calculated the total amount. For example: 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 8. If the total amount exceeds 9 and constitute a two-digit number, bring it to the number simple, folding the components, for example: 11: 1 + 1 = 2.
  3. Interpretation of the result. The total amount of numbers is your prediction. The value of each number:
  • 0 - The closest life will be calm and measured, no change is expected;
  • 1 - get ready for negative change;
  • 2. - Your problems are waiting for the source of which your partner will be (on relationships, business, etc.) - be at the ready;
  • 3. - In your life there will be unexpected joy;
  • 4 - You will be forced to cross through some rule;
  • 5 - Perhaps you will move or change the job;
  • 6. - The road is waiting for you (travel, business trip, trip);
  • 7. - Soon there will be some significant meeting, which will fully change your life;
  • eight - you are expected to be important news;
  • nine - Love will capture your life.

Visual example. In the process of all manipulations, it should come out about the following:

fortune telling on the future

Fortune for love on chopsticks

In demand, vorozhba vojet is a fortune telling for love. It helps a fortunelist to find out about the feelings of his beloved or guy, to which there is a sympathy from her part. Also, this kind can tell about the nearest events in their relationship, dispel or confirm doubts about the common with the young man of the future.

The method of this divination is similar to the way that it was above.

  1. Preparation. Take paper with a handle, imagine the image of your reeble object, think about your relationship with him, about some joint moments.
  2. The process of divination. Draw dashes in arbitrary quantities in 4 rows. Also use the word "stop" if you are guessing alone. If a friend next to you is to stop you. Disture in all the lines of sticks of 3 pieces, write at the end how many free drops remained in the end - 0, 1 or two. In all actions, you will have a specific digital code (see the example in the picture) - this is the answer about the guy's feelings and your relationship with him.
  3. Fortune for love on chopsticks
    Interpretation of the resulting results See the video below:

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