The divination on paper will tell about the feelings and will predict the future


The fortune telling on paper is one of the easiest and harmless ways to burn. It requires a minimum of attributes - you will need only a notebook sheet into a cage and a conventional ballpoint pen.

fortune telling on paper

Foreign Parties on Paper

Most popular fortune telling on paper enjoys teenage girls and young ladies. However, it is not surprising, because they are at the most gentle age when the first sympathies and disappointment arise, the first love is born in the wounded and dreamy hearts. It is a wonderful and cute time, which in the future already matured ladies will be remembered with a smile and tight heat in the shower.

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The fortune telling on paper with the handle, it is noteworthy that it allows you to get a prediction of the future of your future, find out the answers to disturbing questions about the relationship with the guy of interest, dispel your doubts about love feelings. It bribes its simplicity and accessibility, does not require any special preparation. And with the help of such a burning, it is possible to pass time very interesting.

Of course, adult women to fortunate on paper belong to skepticism and more consider it to entertainment, do not perceive as a serious method of predicting fate. However, it can be safely argued that such a way to predict the future combines elements of numerology and classical divination, and some proportion of truth in it is still there. The main thing is to approach the ritual with seriousness and clearly follow his instructions.

Foreign on paper: the most popular ways

I will give the most popular fortune telling methods on paper. Surely among them every girl or a woman will find out to pain acquaintances, but already lost somewhere in the very depths of the memory of the methods of burns, which were often practiced at school on boring lessons, as well as simply in their free time.

Dusting on paper with handle

Prediction for a certain day

The meaning of this fortune telling on paper is reduced to the fact that you need to write your last name on paper, name and patronymic, as well as the number and month of the day you wish to get the prediction. Date to write completely letters, not numbers. The letters that are repeated should be placed in the column, under the same letter. It will look like this:

  1. For example, Sokolova Marina Yuryevna in the eighth of January goes. We first write all the necessary data.
  2. Then in the resulting columns letters you jump the same pairs.
  3. The remaining remaining letters (including those that remained without a pair) we count - we did such 8. If the letters remained more than 10, their number was taught to simple. For example, 12: 1 + 2 = 3. Must get up something like this:

Prediction on day

The final figure is the prediction. Interpretation of results:

  • 0 - the day will be given to the most common;
  • 1 - You will rejoice;
  • 2. - to chagrin and sadness;
  • 3. - Get ready for the journey;
  • 4 - Expect news;
  • 5 - someone will make you a compliment;
  • 6. - to the meeting;
  • 7. - you will smoke;
  • eight - Romantic day filled with love;
  • nine - Someone betray you.

As you can see, our Sokolov Marina Yuryevna expects a very good day on January 8.

Love fortune telling "Stop" on chopsticks

This kind of burning is a very simple fortune telling on love on paper. It allows you to learn the intentions and desires of your beloved or just a pretty guy. Instruction:

  1. Take a piece of paper and a handle, arrange more comfortably at the table. Think for a few minutes about your chosen one.
  2. Close your eyes and start drawing on paper vertical dashes into one horizontal row. At a certain point, mentally or loud, tell the word "stop" (listen to intuition) and stop drawing.
  3. Repeat step 2 for another twice. As a result, you should have 3 lines with chopsticks.
  4. Then in each line, start hugging the drops of 3 pieces. At the very end of the row, count how many sticks left, write the resulting digit at the end of the line: absolutely all the sticks in the row - we put 0, it remained 1 wand - we write 1, 2 sticks - we write 2. It should turn out something like this:

fortune telling on a sheet of paper with a handle

Look at the resulting combination of three digits (from top to bottom) and read the answer of your beloved feelings.

Interpretation of results:

  • 000 - wants to be with you together;
  • 001 - Eat meetings;
  • 010 - in love with you;
  • 011 - secretly loves you;
  • 100 - love from his part;
  • 101 - womanizer, sympathizes many girls;
  • 110 - Wishes a kiss with you;
  • 111 - hides their love feelings;
  • 002 - You are pretty;
  • 020 - You are indifferent to him;
  • 022 - Do not count on anything other than friendship;
  • 202 - You are created for each other;
  • 200 - sympathy;
  • 220 - wait for a date with him;
  • 222 - His heart belongs to another;
  • 012 - In addition to friendship, you do not wait for you anything;
  • 102 - perceives all the girls only as friends;
  • 112 - in love with you;
  • 120 - you are ideal for each other;
  • 121 - Soon will reveal his true feelings for you;
  • 122 - wait for the message from it;
  • 201 - he does not believe anyone;
  • 210 - You are in his thoughts;
  • 212 - jealous of you to others;
  • 211 - experiences sympathy for you;
  • 221 - You are just pretty.

See also on video Classic option of fortune telling on paper:

Fortune telling on a guy on the paper "Heart"

Light fortune telling on the checkered sheet of paper, with the help of which the girl can recognize the feelings of a cute guy.

  1. All you need from the performer is to draw a heart on a leaflet. But there is one nuance: if the girl is right-handed - she should draw with his left hand, if left-handers - respectively, right.
  2. Further, inside the resulting figure, all the whole cells should be circulated along the contour.
  3. The step is as follows: to smoke whole cells (or circle them, as in our case) 6 pieces. It should turn out something like this:

Dusting on a guy on paper

Count the remaining cells and watch the result.

Interpretation of results:

  • 0 cells - Your love is mutual;
  • 1 - He respects you;
  • 2. - You will be good friends with him;
  • 3. - He likes you;
  • 4 - He is jealous of you to others;
  • 5 - You dream of him.
  • 6. - He is indifferent to you.

As you can see, the result on our example - the chosen one is respectful.

Make up on paper "Schedule of Love"

This fortune telling on a piece of paper with a handle will allow you to identify whether your relationship has a hope for a joint future. Not only young young ladies can take advantage of them, but representatives of a strong half. It is advisable to take 2 handles with pasta of different colors.

Divination instruction:

  1. On the sheet of paper, write your last name and name, as well as the name and surname of the beloved. For example, the girl is the name of Romanova Anna, a guy - Mikhailov Ivan.
  2. Carefully look and cross the letters in your names and surnames: first in the names, then in the surnames. In our names - Anna, Ivan - strike out a and n. In the names - Romanova, Mikhailov - we remove the letters about, m, and, in. That in the end should turn out - see the photo given below.
  3. Next, proceed to the most important part of the divination on paper - drawing the schedule. The lines of the same point are drawn, handles of different colors (for convenience). First, we draw for myself, then - for the object of your rehabilitation, begin with the very first letter of the name and end the last letter of the name. If the letter is not crossed out - we carry out the horizontal line to the right (one cell length is 0.5 cm), if the letter is crossed out - we carry out the diagonal line up (also within the same cell). It turns out something like this:

fortune telling on paper

Assessment of the resulting results. We study the schedule and predict the fate of our relations:

  • The crossing of the lines is replaced by their discrepancy - you are not destined to pass together in life, but at some of its stages, your paths will be converged in briefly;
  • The lines go in parallel, but at the same time on a lot of each other - there is no hope for a joint future;
  • The lines connected to one and go together - a favorable sign. This person is your fate!

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