What dreams of a goldfish dream?


Goldfish in most people brought up in Russian children's fairy tales associated with something magical, with the execution of desires. But why dream goldfish? Do not rush to make up three cherished desires - read the predictions set out in dream books.

What dreams Goldfish

We collected all sorts of interpretations, choose the right one from the list. Only first try to remember your dream in the smallest details. Great, if you record the plot of dreams right away, as soon as you wake up - it will help not miss any detail.

Goldfish in the dream of Miller

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Let's start with the interpretations set forth in the popular dream book Miller:

  • Did the goldfish, which you keep in your hands? Great sign! In the nearest intended affairs, you will be accompanied by luck, and everything will end the most favorable manner for you.
  • If the Golden Fish dreamed of a young unmarried girl, then soon she would like to meet a pleasant man with whom she would have a relationship. Selected is a very worthy party, he is rich, influential, handsome.
  • If a woman dreams semi-arguing or a dead goldfish, this is an unfavorable sign. Such a dream promises many troubles in the near future. Get ready to solve problems and copy power - they will need you.
  • If the Golden Fish behaves inactive, looks bad and dream of a man, the dream promises failure in matters. Try not to conclude any transactions and do not give promises.
  • If you dream of a goldfish, thrown ashore, and then you save it, excellent! Like a fairy tale, your innermost wishes will begin to be executed. But do not overdo it, otherwise you can stay at the broken trough.

Didn't find suitable interpretation? Then try to remember what you did in a dream.

gold fish

Interpretation depending on actions in a dream

Try to remember where you were in a dream, what they did and how they reacted to what was happening around the event:

  1. If in a dream goldfish freely floats in a clean and beautiful lake, wait for the fulfillment of cherished desires. Your dreams will begin to come true, as if by magic, and life will be filled with bright colors.
  2. If the unmarried girl in a dream sees a goldfish, which cuts the water in the aquarium fins, it means that it is worth waiting for proposals for hands and hearts. You will call a marriage worthy man, marriage with whom will be long, happy and prosperous.
  3. Please note what water in the aquarium. In this case, he symbolizes homemade hearth. Therefore, if the driver is muddy, dirty, the fish is practically not visible, the neurdes will begin in the family. And the crystal clear, transparent driver means that your family boat never breaks about life, everything will be fine.
  4. Have you seen a dead gold fish in aquarium? Get ready for trouble. They will be so ambitious that they will drastically change your life for the worse.

It is also worth remembering how the heroine of sleep was behaved - a goldfish.

Goldfish dream book

Fish behavior in a dream

Goldfish is a symbol of success, happiness, well-being and fulfillment of desires. Therefore, the interpretation of sleep largely depends on the behavior of its main character:
  1. Golden fish slowly swims in clean water. So your real life will flow measuringly and calmly, there will be no excuses of events.
  2. If the fish floats extremely quickly and fussily, then you are in real life, we also behave like a lot of fuss and make extractions from which you are tired. Stop - learn to enjoy every moment, and not spend time on meaningless actions.
  3. Some authors believe that a fussy and restless fish will dream of those who attach many empty efforts not in the case. You build ambitious plans, try to implement them, but nothing happens, because you initially chose the wrong direction. It's time to reconsider my goals.
  4. If you dream of a dying goldfish, which is literally on the last bulk, is an unfavorable sign. Such a dream foreshadows parting with a loved one. Release it and do not worry - this is fate. You need to stop the place next to you for a more worthy chosen one.

See in the video, which can still dream fish:

And some more interpretations

And finally, we give a list of less well-known, but nevertheless truthful predictions:

  • In a dream, you did not do anything, but simply fascinatedly watched the beautiful fish? This is an excellent sign - expect in the real life of the fulfillment of the most intimate desire. But the dream will not be just like that - you need to attach at least a little effort.
  • But if in a dream you hunted a goldfish, trying to catch her, your plans will end with a collapse. You are acting in the wrong direction, so your actions do not help realize conceived goals.
  • It dreams that the Gold Fish is Magic and is preparing to fulfill your desires? Remember that you came to her. This is what happens in your near future. But it matters whether dreams have been in a dream. If the magic fish refused to fulfill them, then it is not worth waiting for the real life of fantasies.

Exchange the dream in which you saw a beautiful goldfish, very simple. Remember that she is the personification of happiness, success, the fulfillment of desires, love and luck. Therefore, use associations to understand sleep value.

But do not give much importance to the interpretation of dreams - they do not always come true. But may indicate the right direction in which you need to move. Listen to the subconscious and use the signals that it serves you.

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