Fortune telling on the mirror - how to find out the fate with the help of magic?


The fortune telling on the mirror is used by Slavic girls since ancient times. This kind of magical ritual helped learn destiny, to understand who will be a satellite of life, as the relationship with her husband will be educated. The smooth mirror surface was considered powerful, endowed with magical properties. Let's talk about how to properly guess on the mirror.

divination on the mirror

Divination on the mirror: Rules

Divination on the mirror - the procedure is quite dangerous. It is believed that if you break certain rules, you can stick trouble. Therefore, the girl should treat the magical ritual responsibly and follow such recommendations:
  • During divination, it is necessary to dissolve the hair, remove all the hairpins and rubber bands from the head.
  • It is also necessary to get rid of jewelry, belts and belts. Nothing should fade movements.
  • The fortune telling is performed in the dark, only candles are used for lighting. It is desirable that they are wax. Suitable time for divination - from midnight to five o'clock in the morning.
  • It is important to maintain silence, no extraneous sound must interfere with fortune. Indoors should not have other people, pets. Selling the words necessary for the ritual should be whisper.
  • You must be calm and relaxed if there is a slightest feeling of fear or anxiety, the fortune telling must be stopped.
  • When you try to see the silhouette of the future groom in the glossy surface, sit motionless. Any movement can be a hugging.
  • It is impossible to leave the mirror open after divination. It is important to complete the magic ritual correctly, and then cover the mirror with a piece of dense tissue.
  • In order not to release the otherworldly forces outside, immediately, as soon as you see a figure of a person in the mirror, stop the fortune telling and say "Chur me!"

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And remember: fortune telling on the mirror is one of the most frightening and dangerous. Girls with an unstable psyche, too emotional and impatient, it is better to refrain and not use such a way of divination.

Traditional types of fortune telling on mirrors

And now we list the existing types of magical rituals associated with the mirror. Choose a suitable fortune telling and do not forget to follow the rules that we described above.

fortune telling on the mirror on the narrowed

Mirror fortune telling

This way of divination can take advantage of girls who are interested in how many children they will be in the future. Therefore, the ritual is suitable for married women.

The mirror will need small. Preferably a new one that you have not used in everyday life. It is carried out at the full moon when the moonlight is bright enough.

Together with the mirror, the girl should approach the window to reflect the moonlight reflected. Then you need to start carefully peer into the mirror surface. After some time, the months will be displayed in the reflection - how many of them will be, so many children and will be born from gadget.


It will take a big mirror. Arrange around the candle so that their light reflects in the glossy surface. In the center, install a glass with water. Sit down near the mirror and begin to peer into the reflection through the water.

The light from the candles, refracted through the glass and reflected in the mirror, will indicate images and vision of what will happen to you in the near future. Try to carefully see everything that will be reflected.

Mirror fortune telling

You will need not one, but three more mirrors. Also prepare wax candles.

The mirrors must be positioned as follows: two - opposite each other, the third - for your back. Put the candles in front of the first two mirrors. Around yourself and mirrors draw a circle, for this you can use chalk.

Sit down in two mirrors and start peering into the reflection. Your future groom should appear in them. But in no case you can not look at the mirror, which is behind your back. Therefore, take patience and do not turn around.

Future mirror

On the eve of fortune telling, it is also desirable to eat only lenure food, refuse salty, sweet and alcohol.

The ritual mirror must be round shape. You also need a bowl with water, a bowl with salt and wax candles.

divination on the mirror for the future

For magic manipulations. Put the mirror reflecting the surface upside down. Draw thirteen crosses on the mirror, and on both sides, put burning candles.

Sit at the table and mentally say 13 times: "Tell me what is waiting for me in the future." After that, dissolve a pinch of salt in the water, make a couple of sips and begin to look closely in the reflection. You will be images that will tell you what upcoming events to expect.

Desire mirror

Such a magic ritual is carried out through sleep. Take two mirrors - large and smaller, you will also need two wax candles.

Sit down from the large mirror, burn and put candles. On a small mirror, it is necessary to schematically portray the flavor, to make your most intimate desire and pronounce a magic spell: "Damn, damn, tell me whether." Repeat my desire once again, hide the candles, cover a large mirror with a cloth.

After that, immediately stacked sleep, putting a small mirror under the pillow. You must have a response to the question: will come true or not.

Watch video about fortune telling on the mirror:

During fortune telling on the mirrors, be extremely attentive and careful. Prepare to the fact that unusual, which will begin to occur, can scare you. It happens that the girl suddenly began to see her narrowed in the mirror, frightened and flee. So you can not do, the fortune telling must be completed correctly. Therefore, if you are afraid of all the mysterious, it is better to choose more secure quenchings.

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