Divination for christmas - five popular ways


Christmas holidays - magic time and time for exciting gadas. With antiquity, the girls choose a fortune telling for Christmas and try to find out what they are waiting for who will be narrowed when they find their happiness. Do not miss the opportunity and you use a wonderful holiday for Christmas magic. And we share the options of the best fortunes.

Divination at Christmas

Getting ready for magic rituals

There are certain rules for christmas ghosts:
  • In the room where the magic sacrament will be held dark, quietly and calmly. Make sure that no one interfere with and no sound penetrates into the room. The universe does not tolerate foreign interference when you contact it with questions and / or requests.
  • Tune in to a calm and positive way. Forget about negative emotions and exciting experiences. The emotional state should be neutral.
  • Keep track of body position during divination. It is forbidden to cross the arms and legs, since such a closed pose blocks energy and information flows.

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This is all the rules. Now let's talk about the fortune telling themselves.

Christmas fortune telling at wax

You will need wax candles or spars from them. Do not use paraffin candles - artificial material does not have the necessary energy.

Prepare the water capacity - a wide bowl or a small pelvis. Water should be cold so that the melted wax instantly frozen in it.

Melt the candles and slowly pour the melted wax into the water. As a result, frozen wax figures are formed on the surface of the water. Try to see what they look like. But the values ​​of the resulting wax characters:

  • House. Young girl he foreshadows a quick marriage. Your narrowed is not far off!
  • Big round spot. Sign of close death. He foreshadows a heavy illness, or you have to visit someone's funeral.
  • Many small drops. A good sign that is to big money. Wait for profits or expensive gifts!
  • Mushroom. You will live a long life, and your health will be excellent.
  • Thin strips. To travel or long road.
  • Ring. You will meet your narrowed, with which soon get married.
  • Flower. To big new love. But be careful - a married man put on you.
  • Apple. It will occur that will help you gain wisdom.

You may see other figures - their interpretation can be expanded by using associations.

Christmas fortune telling

Fortune telling on Luke

Vegetable, from which everyone is roar, can be useful in Christmas. The bow will help to find out the name of the narrowed men of familiar men.

Prepare a few strong bulbs, write on them the names of the applicants. You can specify any familiar men. Then put vegetables into the bowl with water and say the magic words over the night before Christmas: "Dear bow, onion, tell me who is my groom?"

That bulb, which is the first to give sprouts, and will indicate the name of the best candidate for husbands.

Christmas fortune telling

The christmas ghosts on the narrowed there is a reasonable number, because it is the question "who my fate" is most worried about young girls. The most common and simple embodiments are as follows:

  • In Christmas night, go out into the street and ask the name of the first men who met on your way. What is his name, so there will be the name of your future husband. The nicely stranger, the richer and luck will be lucky.
  • Before bedtime, take a swirl in your hands and say the spell: "Dailed-rude, come to me fit!". Gently dispel your hair and remove the ridge under the pillow. You will dream of a dream in which you will see your future chosen one.
  • Another way to cause a dream is a dream with narrowed - use water. Pour fluid into four cups. In the first, add sugar, in the second - salt, in the fourth - lemon juice, in the fifth - vodka. Cover the glasses with paper. Before going to bed, say the spell: "Durable-rude, drink to me". In the morning, without thinking, take the Gaughd Glass. Sweet water will fall - family life will be sweet. Salted - waiting for tears and disappointment. Sycola - asleep family life. With vodka - the husband will be an alcoholic.
  • If you live in the village, you can pay on a field. Let's go out in Christmas night and get the first thing that has fallen. Without a bitch and zadorinka, smooth and smooth - to a good and beautiful Uhager. Rough - to workaholic, but face ugly. The encouraged and "thin" - to her husband, the poor and a loser. Impressive sizes - to a strong physically, real bogatyr. With a lot of bitch - there will be many children. Uneven form - to her old man or disabled husband.

These ways of fortune investigated girls still in ancient Russia. Who knows, maybe you "say" to yourself your destiny in this way.

how to guess for christmas

Divination for children

Most girls are interested in maternity issue. To learn about their future children will help this Christmas fortune telling. Ask a familiar wedding ring or take your if they are engaged.

Prepare a bowl with water, put a ring in it and put out on the street. Dry christmas in the morning how the water was frozen around the rings. If its surface is smooth and smooth, the replenishment in the family will not have to wait soon.

If water froze unevenly, soon get pregnant. Moreover, if the depressions are more than the tubercles, the girl will be born, the opposite is a boy.

Watch video about Christmas fortune telling for love:

Divination by book

Very easy way. Take the book - any artwork will suit. Christmas night extinguish the light and burn the candles. Mentally ask you a question that makes you up, at random open a book on any page and poke your finger into a line any. This is the answer.

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